Thank you!This is what i use for my 780m. I think this is more on the safe side, so its not as quiet.
Thank you!This is what i use for my 780m. I think this is more on the safe side, so its not as quiet.
I have GTX 770m in hands.have you tried this rom?
it can be opened by Kepler bios tweaker, not sure how the MXM card will work with it.
btw, today i have installed dell 770m 3gb in my friend's iMac 2011 and it works! no bootmenu though and no Bootcamp support(black screen), will try that one with Clevo vbios soon as that one is more compatible on any other system. tried 780m dell and 680m dell with uefi vbios with no luck. 780m does boot, but no picture, 680m just failed to start at all.
but how come 770m driver installed in OSX? there were no mac released with it, right?
have you tried this rom?
it can be opened by Kepler bios tweaker, not sure how the MXM card will work with it.
btw, today i have installed dell 770m 3gb in my friend's iMac 2011 and it works! no bootmenu though and no Bootcamp support(black screen), will try that one with Clevo vbios soon as that one is more compatible on any other system. tried 780m dell and 680m dell with uefi vbios with no luck. 780m does boot, but no picture, 680m just failed to start at all.
but how come 770m driver installed in OSX? there were no mac released with it, right?
have you tried this rom?
it can be opened by Kepler bios tweaker, not sure how the MXM card will work with it.
btw, today i have installed dell 770m 3gb in my friend's iMac 2011 and it works! no bootmenu though and no Bootcamp support(black screen), will try that one with Clevo vbios soon as that one is more compatible on any other system. tried 780m dell and 680m dell with uefi vbios with no luck. 780m does boot, but no picture, 680m just failed to start at all.
but how come 770m driver installed in OSX? there were no mac released with it, right?
have you tried this rom?
it can be opened by Kepler bios tweaker, not sure how the MXM card will work with it.
btw, today i have installed dell 770m 3gb in my friend's iMac 2011 and it works! no bootmenu though and no Bootcamp support(black screen), will try that one with Clevo vbios soon as that one is more compatible on any other system. tried 780m dell and 680m dell with uefi vbios with no luck. 780m does boot, but no picture, 680m just failed to start at all.
but how come 770m driver installed in OSX? there were no mac released with it, right?
Sounds like a dead gpu, or you just have a short somewhere. The mounting bracket, or something is touching the heatsink? Try removing the heatsink and mounting bracket and just hold the card in place with your fingers to see if it boots up. It should boot without a battery and screen attached too(listen to the boot sound)
Hello everyone! After reading about all the successful iMac 2011 27" GPU mods, I decided to buy an old iMac 27" Mid 2011 with a defective GPU. After I received the iMac, I turned it on and all I saw was a white screen and after a minute the flashing folder icon appeared (received the iMac without a HDD). I then proceeded to take the iMac apart and install an empty SSD and bake the broken GPU. After I put the iMac back together, it wouldn't start anymore so I removed the LCD unit and when pressing the power button only the first LED would blink once. When I tried starting the iMac without the baked GPU, the first two LEDs would light up, so I guess I broke the GPU while baking it (200 Degrees Celsius, 8 Minutes).
Now I am in need of a new GPU - I was thinking about the GTX 770M. I know there are plenty of posts about the 770M in this thread but I will ask the question anyway, just to have a calm mind when ordering it: Is the GTX 770M still a good option or should I go with an AMD card where the backlight controls are working?
And does the 770M support Metal in Mojave? I thought Apple dropped Nvidia GPU support with the release of Mojave?
One last question: Since I have no working GPU with an flashed Apple UEFI, can I still install Mojave? I am aware that I could probably clone an image with a working Mojave install onto the SSD but no one provided one so far. I also own a Mac mini from 2009 that is compatible with the Mojave Patcher but I don't know if this solution is working with the iMac, since the GPU in the Mac mini is pretty old.
Run 100%, plug and play?
I have GTX 770MXM.
My Mac: iMac Mid 2011, 27"- i7 - 3.4Ghz.
Hi, I tried to read this forum to decide what GPU is best upgrade for my iMac 21,5 2011. It is little bit chaotic here. So any recommendation ?
Hi, I tried to read this forum to decide what GPU is best upgrade for my iMac 21,5 2011. It is little bit chaotic here. So any recommendation ?
logic board issue potentially.Hey guys,
I've replaced my baked card with a gtx 780m from a Dell/Alienware laptop. Before i did that, the computer was running but now I got nothing.
At first, the diagnostic led #1 would be on, but when i pressed the power button it would turn off until unplugged the machine from the wall.
Then I removed the CMOS battery to see if reinserting it would have any effect.
But, I think i made the problem worse.
Now, when I plug the iMac to the power diagnostic led #1 turns on, but it turns OFF in a second.
Tomorrow I will replace the CMOS battery with a new one, and remove the new gpu and see if I can get it to run again with the old gpu.
I would appreciate any help!
logic board issue potentially.
logic board issue potentially.
Looks like a psu problem to me btw..
Thanks for your help guys!
I finally got the gtx 780m working on my mid-2011 27" iMac
It turns out passatgt was correct. I had short. I believed the problem was the nvidia x-bracket. So, I took apart the iMac and wrapped the x-bracket with tape and voila... I got in Mojave.
It's running perfectly right now. But, does anyone know if there is a way to use CUDA in Mojave ?
Good that it woeks now !
Cuda support for mojave still a no go, i doubt there will be any nvidia drivers will to be released for mojave..
Maybe with catalina we will get more lucky this time..
since the new mac pro will support normal gpus, i hope there will be nvidia drivers released too
Yeah could very well be that catalina will get nvidia drivers & cuda support as well.
I think nvidia will get a green light for catalina from apple this time.
At least let’s hope so..
Mojave was not a good release for nvidia users out there.
Kepler cards do work, but still no cuda support at all.
Sad for all professionals out there who need cuds on their macs...
Catalina should btw run great again with the latest dosdude1 patcher.
Dosdude1 made it more friendly this time for us iMac users with upgraded graphic cards.
The legacy video patcher is not selected by default anymore running the catalina patcher.
So a very good looking future for Catalina , id you ask me !
Only sad catalina does not support 32bit apps, if you ask me...
Yeah, I'm already noticing how many games are no longer supported in Steam.
How easy is it to apply the latest Catalina updates? Is it simply a matter of installing them as usual, or does the patcher need to be run each time?
Also, I know this seems to be a no-go, but is there any way of getting Windows 7 or 10 in Boot Camp installed with an Nvidia replacement GPU?
Just do the heatsink mod, and make sure you have a compatible Dell/Alienware card.
Also I recommend you run macos high sierra.
Then should indeed be plug and play !
Some link with the procedure to be done? Step-by-step?
I have iMac 2010 21.5" and want to upgrade to Nvidia Quadro 1000M.
But I am not sure 1000M will work because it is not Kepler arch.
will it work ??
or is it okay to use any Kepler GPUs with MXM 3.0 Type A?
plus, if I change CPU to Xeon L3426 ( it takes only 45W TDP ), I think more power consuming gpu can be installed to my iMac ... ,, is it possible?
sorry for multiple questions in row
hi, i have a question, now if i don't have boot image how can i install a new operating system?