Nearly 5pm in England and still waiting for UPS to deliver iPad Pro . Anyone else in the same boat?
Me too!! (Yay!!)
But I must admit I'm concerned with this yellow tint screen thing I saw in the other thread. You?
How are you able to track the truck?
7:30pm local and still not here. Are you kidding me? Good that I took the day off...
12 hours with courier.
Got the same thing, but strangely my iPad originated in Oakland, California and flew to Louisville, Kentucky even though I'm in Arizona?Sounded completely unnecessary to me.
I order an iPad Pro 10.5” Space Gray wifi on June 8th. My iPad is slated to be delivered on June 16th and it is stuck in “processing”. My Smart Keyboard was ordered at the same time and has already been delivered.
I keep watching the truck on their beta 'Follow My Delivery' page.
Unfortunately, since I live way out in the mountains, there's almost no signal between towns out here, so I only see updates to his movements every 20 minutes or so, haha.
UPS is usually here before noon. I just checked my door, and there was a note on it. Evidently, they attempted delivery a short time ago.I was on a conference call using noise canceling headphones. Had counted on my corgi (who ALWAYS goes wild when someone's at the door) to alert me. Darn!