Of course not but they could play it safe and give the packages to DHL and UPS earlier. It makes no sense you can go to local stores without pre-order and sometimes get it several days earlier. I wish they would at least control that more so I don't feel screwed over as someone who preordered from their in-house store. DHL is obviously much more to blame, especially because the car must have broken down at least several hours ago because of their current location and of course the status update just came in time so I could NOT reschedule or call customer support (they close 8pm).
I totally understand your frustration, I would be seriously frustrated too. That said, it would be non-maintainable for suppliers and shipping companies to give everyone later-than-expected shipping dates on the off chance a mechanical failure prevents something from getting there when everyone would otherwise expect it to arrive.
For example, if the UPS truck carrying my iPP today broke down somewhere, I wouldn't get it today. I wouldn't consider that a planning failure on anyone's part (unless it was due to lack of maintenance on the vehicle). I would be highly frustrated (as you are).
So, I get the upset, I really do. I just don't think this is something that can be laid at the feet of Apple. DHL maybe, if they were not timely in sending out the update or if the break-down is something that could've been avoided.