I also have full specs 16 inch intel from 2019 and honestly I don't think there is a rational reason to want to switch to M1 from 16 inch Intel today. Many apps and professional programs are not optimised for M1 chip yet: Nuke, AfterEffects, Autodesk etc. The only reason I am pissed off, is because of the gpu issue while connecting to external monitors, otherwise I am completely fine with 16inch Intel. Monterey with low power mode is kinda "fix", and It is much better than before (at least on LPM). I am running on 2 external displays and 1 internal display at the same time with 6-8 GPU wattage, which is really great in comparison with what we have walked through last 2 years (18W with 1 SINGLE monitor), but limiting the CPU at the same time is not ideal. In case Apple will FINALLY fix this issue with multiple displays setup and keep the CPU power at full performance, I am completely fine with 16 inch Intel Mac. (It also runs Windows natively for occasional gaming, which is nice bonus).