Maybe the thermal paste is newer but in the long run it will dry out, and if you starte from idle temps the system is still cool. The shim mod will show a difference in consecutive runs and in lower temperatures. What are the reported scores of an I5 pre mod? 2800?
I received my Thermal Pad this morning and i couldn't wait for the shim to arrive.
So i installed it, cutting exactly the right shape of the heatsink.
And as i thought, not munch an improvement in terms of performance.
Pre Mod :
- Cinebench : 1124
- Geekbench :
- Single-Core Score: 1183 / Multi-Core Score: 3480
- OpenCL Score: 8415
- Metal Score: 10064
HeatPad Mod :
- Cinebench : 1155
- Geekbench :
- Single-Core Score: 1176 / Multi-Core Score: 3860
- OpenCL Score: 8429
- Metal Score: 10144
But the bottom case had around a +3° to 5° Celcius rise.
And as long as my differents tests have gone, no fans noise at all and a max of 2800 rpm when i was playing some games.
The temperature was max 80° celcius for about 3 seconds and most of the time during demanding applications likes games or cinebench i was at a low 70° and max 75° Celcius. So i guess we have an agreement with my MBA. I wont open it's heart if things continues to go that way.
As far as i'm concerned the max heat at the bottom case is bearable and i'm not doing that much of hard things with the MBA.
Thank you All
I really hope that apple or their contract manufacturer have fixed the Issue.I am curious since recent i5 owners have their premod scores on par with my shim-modded scores.
Does Apple fix some issues in the assembly process or actually changed some parts?
I'd be interested in a set of screws myself (used or new) for the 2020 MBA heat sink, as I wore mine out considerably. If anyone happens to find any offers online, I'd be very thankful if you could hit me up. Cheers 😊I've also ordered a set of used screws from MBA 2018 but they do not fit.
This is not my first Mac, in the past I have found very high quality replacement screws made of steel instead of aluminium on ebay. But I think 2020 MBA is just too new.
I got my MBA i5/16/512 yesterday, let it update, and index last night.
Nice machine, its quiet, solid feeling, love the keyboard.
Ran a couple benchmarks just now.
Idle Temp 42-43C (70F office space)
Cinebench 1025 (max temp 95C, Max Fan 6000)
Geekbench 1184 / 3109 (max temp 62C, Fan - 0) - so I don't know what to think of this one. I did not hear the fan. It seems to be throttling before even trying hard.
Still waiting for my shim from Looq. I will probably use the machine stock for a week or 2 and then do the shim. I am feeling pretty good about the machine as stock. I need to play with some videoconferencing still though.
I started the idea by dismantling my MBA 2019 when nobody had done it here.For anybody who found this atrocity of a thread late, the good stuff is here; copper shim mod
New Mac OS user here; my new 2020 i3 Macbook Air arrived yesterday. First thing i did was grab a couple of thermal monitoring apps and both ended up being trash. One was 'iStats X: something' and it just seemed to throw random numbers in a range of 40-50c as cpu temp. The other was 'System Monitor' which appeared to be probing a case sensor as cpu? Regardless, if you are a nub like me that doesn't know any better, get 'Intel Power Gadget'
First thing i did after setup of the Macbook Air was playing some 1080p 60fps videos on YT via safari... and the MBA lifted off... Fortunately, i had found this thread before its arrival AND already happened to have the exact copper shims from another project (Asus AC86U). After that simple YT 1080p60 video test, i immediately tore open the MBA.
I used the same OdiyServ..something 15x15x0.3mm copper shims and Arctic MX-2 thermalpaste. I applied the paste directly to the headsink, spreading it with a smudger thing, and sort of glued the coppershims to it. then i applied the paste in the same manner directly to the dies and smooshed them together. Now, i can watch 1080p60 YT videos all day long and never hear the fan.
It all started with me on page 23, look forward to all the tests.Hello, I'm new here and would like to attach the thermal pad to the heat sink.
That really doesn't seem to be difficult.
Do you have to pay attention to something else when opening the base plate or just loosen the screws?
Is the base plate still hooked or locked somewhere or can you simply lift it vertically.
I don't want to break anything.
I'm grateful for help
can I ask what’s your model?I wouldn’t say that you get into a “fan and temp problem” with Dev work, especially web development work that doesn’t compile anything locally.
The people saying “chrome runs hot” are referring to it playing 4K video. Safari can’t play 4K so it runs cooler. You can use Chrome’s developer tools without worry.
You can have tons of tabs open without any heat issue:
View attachment 906057
Oh@TechieGeek is using AIR i7/16gb model.
All that battery space wasted on haptic trackpad. Laptop has one job, last a solid day on battery, if I have to carry a charger then they've failed (many of us carry a charger and a load of dongles to replace missing ports so it was never thinner or lighter)
macbook air battery does last, and i dont understand why people choose to carry load of dongles while one 5in1 or 7in1 usb-c hubs adapter will do the job.
When moving around, cables of any kind (dongle or native) usually are a PITA.Hubs are fine on tables, if you're moving it around they strain the connector/pull out
Hello, I'm new here and would like to attach the thermal pad to the heat sink.
That really doesn't seem to be difficult.
Do you have to pay attention to something else when opening the base plate or just loosen the screws?
Is the base plate still hooked or locked somewhere or can you simply lift it vertically.
I don't want to break anything.
I'm grateful for help
All that battery space wasted on haptic trackpad. Laptop has one job, last a solid day on battery, if I have to carry a charger then they've failed (many of us carry a charger and a load of dongles to replace missing ports so it was never thinner or lighter)
Well, here my path ends with this forum ... I was missing a speaker and playing a flexicable made me spark and my 2019 MBA is dead. R.I.P
It doesn't start in any way ...
It was to be expected as an idiot and daring.
Thanks friends.
I don't know what to do ... I have a Pro 2015 without a screen and it costs me € 500 ... or buy a Windows and forget about MacOs ...[QUOTE = "kazune_karin, publicación: 28557455, miembro: 1216360"]
Es realmente triste escuchar eso. Su trabajo pionero nos inspiró a todos aquí.
Y solo una sugerencia. ¿Quizás valga la pena volver a armar y llamar a Apple para solicitar una reparación?
Aquí en Japón, pueden recoger su Mac y cotizar cuánto reparar incluso sin garantía. ¿Quizás reemplazar la placa lógica sigue siendo más barato que comprar una nueva?