Good morning, everyone and good whatever in the heck your timezone might be
Fun to wake up and see a billion new (exaggeration) pages added to this thread so I apologize for asking a question which might have been asked already.
Order was not placed till 5:20 AM due to site issues and then my requested store pick up continually going away.
I ended up in a Sept 28 - Oct 3 delivery window.
Besides the 16th, does anyone have or has anyone seen a delivery window for the iPhone between Sept 16 and Sept 28th? Edit! HA! Post above me is in a 9/23 group and moved up. Yay!!
Just curious. Edit: I am now educated
BMW PGA Championship is on TV so even though I am nowhere near shipping I will plead guilty to clicking a few times, maybe more while I watch Sunday golf
And then I apologize for being this person, but, a reminder that myself and over 70 more people around me had our iPhones stolen at UPS last year in the course of one week. Of course that percentage is quite small compared to those that got their phones but make sure if this happens to you or someone you know and you have AppleCare or any loans, etc. that those items are moved to your replacement iPhone. It has been an absolute pain trying to clean all of this up. I just want you to hopefully never run into this but if you do remember there was someone mentioning it in this thread. Also, you can also keep this in mind if you need to have your device simply replaced somewhere down the line. Make sure your AppleCare, Loans, etc. get moved to the new device. My current iPhone that is in the Apple Loan Program is still listed as not enrolled.