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Translation - Apple is riffing off consumerism. Make a nice product, put in it a VERY shiny package with bow on top and Americans eat it up. Don't hate the playa - hate the game!

you forgot the the average person is an idiot and can not think for themselves.
I have run into way WAY to many people on the street who think Apple is the end all and really only spout off Apple marketing BS as fact yet have no understanding of it and do not understand that marketing BS is just well BS no matter where it comes from.

Does Apple make good products yes but those products are nothing compared how skilled they are in marketing and able to cover up faults with marketing. If the iPhone was released by ANY other company other than Apple I can promise things like Antennata gate would not of been just able to be brushed off.
you forgot the the average person is an idiot and can not think for themselves.
I have run into way WAY to many people on the street who think Apple is the end all and really only spout off Apple marketing BS as fact yet have no understanding of it and do not understand that marketing BS is just well BS no matter where it comes from.

Does Apple make good products yes but those products are nothing compared how skilled they are in marketing and able to cover up faults with marketing. If the iPhone was released by ANY other company other than Apple I can promise things like Antennata gate would not of been just able to be brushed off.

While everything you said is true, it doesn't change the fact that the industrial design for the latest generation of :apple: products is genius. Jonathan Ive is truly special in that he finds a way to make a product functional and beautiful.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_3 like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8J2 Safari/6533.18.5)

Rodimus Prime said:
Translation - Apple is riffing off consumerism. Make a nice product, put in it a VERY shiny package with bow on top and Americans eat it up. Don't hate the playa - hate the game!

you forgot the the average person is an idiot and can not think for themselves.
I have run into way WAY to many people on the street who think Apple is the end all and really only spout off Apple marketing BS as fact yet have no understanding of it and do not understand that marketing BS is just well BS no matter where it comes from.

Does Apple make good products yes but those products are nothing compared how skilled they are in marketing and able to cover up faults with marketing. If the iPhone was released by ANY other company other than Apple I can promise things like Antennata gate would not of been just able to be brushed off.

Apple's got the market's number. They've figured out how consumers want to relate to, use, and live with tech as a lifestyle choice. Apple's figured out the game.

And it's got you pissed. Day in, day out.

I can only imagine how you'll feel Tuesday. It's the 19th.
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Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_3 like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8J2 Safari/6533.18.5)

Apple's got the market's number. They've figured out how consumers want to relate to, use, and live with tech as a lifestyle choice. Apple's figured out the game.

And it's got you pissed. Day in, day out.

I can only imagine how you'll feel tomorrow. It's the 19th.

More I see threw the marketing BS unlike some people who buy it hook line and sinker and are a prime example of the group I was taking about.
More I see threw the marketing BS unlike some people who buy it hook line and sinker and are a prime example of the group I was taking about.

The product is still the product, marketing or not.

The tablet market is a perfect example. Look at the iPad, and over a year later, look at where everyone else is. Left and right all you see is fail. And fail from some big names such as RIM.

That isn't marketing. That's the result of knowing exactly what you're doing. Apple has a suite of some exceptionally strong products, and they are able to maintain this over the long term. In fact, in some segments of the market the Apple product or service in that space happens to be the only viable choice.
The product is still the product, marketing or not.

The tablet market is a perfect example. Look at the iPad, and over a year later, look at where everyone else is. Left and right all you see is fail. And fail from some big names such as RIM.

That isn't marketing. That's the result of knowing exactly what you're doing. Apple has a suite of some exceptionally strong products, and they are able to maintain this over the long term. In fact, in some segments of the market the Apple product or service in that space happens to be the only viable choice.

why are they fails? because they do not sale as well which can be because the marketing is not as good.
Playbook is great if you have a blackberry. HP tablet is really good. Galaxy Tab is really good but again marketing is not there.
Apple gets forgiven for everything while others a minor mistake the media eats them alive
But then excuse me from accepting the opinion of someone who I can quote agreeing with "If it has an Apple Label is good. Not an apple label it sucks" you do not give a fair shake to anything but Apple and on Apple you are very forgiving.
Why not, it worked so well for Microsoft. 90% marketshare, profits through the roof. Why not emulate a process that worked so well.

Except that Microsoft doesn't give away Windows and rely on advertising revenues. That's how Google makes money. Also, in hands of the end user, Windows on an HP machine is the exact same as Windows on a Dell machine. That's not true for Android. Android on a Samsung phone is different than Android on an HTC phone.
you forgot the the average person is an idiot and can not think for themselves.
I have run into way WAY to many people on the street who think Apple is the end all and really only spout off Apple marketing BS as fact yet have no understanding of it and do not understand that marketing BS is just well BS no matter where it comes from.

Does Apple make good products yes but those products are nothing compared how skilled they are in marketing and able to cover up faults with marketing. If the iPhone was released by ANY other company other than Apple I can promise things like Antennata gate would not of been just able to be brushed off.

Guess what, pal. Marketing is a part of putting out a good product. Poor execution can destroy an otherwise good product. Take the Google Nexus One, for example. It was a nice product but Google failed in its execution. Hence, it was not as successful as it could have been.

As an Apple shareholder, I applaud Apple for paying attention to all aspects of putting out a successful products. Marketing is one of them. And also, did Apple lie to consumers about? There's a big difference between lying and puffing.
Guess what, pal. Marketing is a part of putting out a good product. Poor execution can destroy an otherwise good product. Take the Google Nexus One, for example. It was a nice product but Google failed in its execution. Hence, it was not as successful as it could have been.

As an Apple shareholder, I applaud Apple for paying attention to all aspects of putting out a successful products. Marketing is one of them. And also, did Apple lie to consumers about? There's a big difference between lying and puffing.

The reason why the Nexus One failed was Google is not a hardware company. Every company does best what it started out as. Apple is a mostly a hardware company, MSFT is a software company and Google is a search company.
500,000 a day is very impressive. Nearly every smart phone I see is running Android. I've just got back from Spain and Android has swamped the Spanish market. Google must be very pleased with these numbers...
why are they fails? because they do not sale as well which can be because the marketing is not as good.
Playbook is great if you have a blackberry. HP tablet is really good. Galaxy Tab is really good but again marketing is not there.
Apple gets forgiven for everything while others a minor mistake the media eats them alive
But then excuse me from accepting the opinion of someone who I can quote agreeing with "If it has an Apple Label is good. Not an apple label it sucks" you do not give a fair shake to anything but Apple and on Apple you are very forgiving.

I'm sorry but the part in bold is completely false and you can scour the internet if you don't believe me. If Apple makes ANY mistake the media and all the trolls are all over it yet no one seems to care when Dell sells servers with knowingly bad parts, or Motorola Xooms release with an unfinished version of Honeycomb, and people simply joke about MS's Red Ring of Death on the XBox even though it was one of the worst blunders of any tech as of late.

The truth is its trendy to hate Apple so people do, and if someone likes Apple suddenly, according to the stupid people in the world, they are "drinking the kool-aid" or are "sheeple in the herd" or "fanboys" or some other stupid comment.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.4; en-gb; Nexus S Build/GRJ22) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)

*LTD* said:
why are they fails?

Because they suck (and in some cases, catastrophically.)

Is this so difficult to understand?

Can you provide examples of these catastrophes?
You've probably never even used the devices you spend all day trashing on internet message boards. Grow up.

ANY non-iOS device that gets panned critically and is dismissed as a non-competitor does not deserve my attention.

My using it will just verify what I've already read.

XOOM, Playbook (especially this POS), TouchPad etc. these things are not serious competitors to the iPad. They're trial runs - betaware - in a market where Apple's already done the testing and has a released a complete product.

If you have any of these, then enjoy it. No one's telling you not to.

However there is a reason that, after well over a year, the competition still can't come up with a solid, competitive product that is fully usable, fully-featured, and fully stable right out of the gate.
ANY non-iOS device that gets panned critically and is dismissed as a non-competitor does not deserve my attention.

My using it will just verify what I've already read.

XOOM, Playbook (especially this POS), TouchPad etc. these things are not serious competitors to the iPad. They're trial runs - betaware - in a market where Apple's already done the testing and has a released a complete product.

If you have any of these, then enjoy it. No one's telling you not to.

However there is a reason that, after well over a year, the competition still can't come up with a solid, competitive product that is fully usable, fully-featured, and fully stable right out of the gate.

key lines in bold. You would never give any non-Apple device a fair shot. All you would do is do a quick look for things that you think are crap and refuse to look for the good.
By those grounds I could easily rip in to iOS and call it crap. (no widgets, wanna be multi tasking, iOS 5 notifications still half baked improved but still poor ect).

You failed to even answer the question and instead gave your standard "Apple label = good. Non Apple label= crap." answer.
It's sad that you live your life based on what "professional" critics say. Most critics would agree that the movies and TV shows I watch and enjoy are complete crap. But I enjoy them and don't give a flying **** about what the critics say. The music I listen to? None of those artists are going to be chart toppers, or anywhere close, but it's still what I enjoy. Not everyone always agrees with the critics, and it's the same with technology. Why don't you try forming your own opinions for once instead of basing your life on what someone else says?
It's sad that you live your life based on what "professional" critics say. Most critics would agree that the movies and TV shows I watch and enjoy are complete crap. But I enjoy them and don't give a flying **** about what the critics say. The music I listen to? None of those artists are going to be chart toppers, or anywhere close, but it's still what I enjoy. Not everyone always agrees with the critics, and it's the same with technology. Why don't you try forming your own opinions for once instead of basing your life on what someone else says?

Yeah, but if *LTD* likes it (whatever it may be), it must be the best thing in the industry (whatever that industry may be) and every 'average consumer' already has it and loves it. :rolleyes:
key lines in bold. You would never give any non-Apple device a fair shot.

With so many of them being DOA to the market? I'll wait until I see some that are actually competitive before I'll spend time (and in some cases money) on a longshot.
ANY non-iOS device that gets panned critically and is dismissed as a non-competitor does not deserve my attention.

What about iOS devices that get a "Not Recommended" rating from technical reviewers such as Consumer Reports?

(No matter what you think of CR's opinions, at least they actually use a cell site simulator and test room, not just walk around their own backyard looking at screen bars like most blogger tech sites.)

Apparently reviews don't always equate to actual usability or sales.
why are they fails? because they do not sale as well which can be because the marketing is not as good.
Playbook is great if you have a blackberry. HP tablet is really good. Galaxy Tab is really good but again marketing is not there.
Apple gets forgiven for everything while others a minor mistake the media eats them aliveBut then excuse me from accepting the opinion of someone who I can quote agreeing with "If it has an Apple Label is good. Not an apple label it sucks" you do not give a fair shake to anything but Apple and on Apple you are very forgiving.

What planet are you from seriously. Apple gets a free ticket!?!? Yeah maybe you have heard of antennagate or mobile me or... you know when they switched from 9 to X and dropped support for 9. Yaeh they never get eaten alive in the media at all. Dude give me a freaking break. You are just as bad.
I think we all know how to take the CR review in retrospect. No point in even bringing it up.

yep they give a not recommend to the iPhone and now CR is considered crap and worthless. Or that is at least how people like you act.
What planet are you from seriously. Apple gets a free ticket!?!? Yeah maybe you have heard of antennagate or mobile me or... you know when they switched from 9 to X and dropped support for 9. Yaeh they never get eaten alive in the media at all. Dude give me a freaking break. You are just as bad.

And yet in the end they are forgiven and it is not held over their head after a few months down the road.
Antennagate blew up because of Apple's attempted cover up then trying to drag everyone else under the bus when it was just Apple that had the design flaw. If they had owned up to it and not tried to drag everyone else down it would of been fine.
The simple bumper give away and boom forgiven. Find me someone else that can get away with that crap.
yep they give a not recommend to the iPhone and now CR is considered crap and worthless. Or that is at least how people like you act.

And yet in the end they are forgiven and it is not held over their head after a few months down the road.
Antennagate blew up because of Apple's attempted cover up then trying to drag everyone else under the bus when it was just Apple that had the design flaw. If they had owned up to it and not tried to drag everyone else down it would of been fine.
The simple bumper give away and boom forgiven. Find me someone else that can get away with that crap.

Please, they are still getting panned for that one. Lets also not forget consumer affairs nice little article that was blasted all over the internet and even made the prime time news.

That is right, when do you hear about the lawsuits and deaths caused by the toyota fisasco. Oh wait that is right you don't.

Give me a break. You are just as bad as others, only difference is you are on the other side of the fence.

We don't hear to much about the nice little hole google dug themselves into regarding snagging the wifi names do we? Nope.... Hmmmm. Guess they too should be media darlings like Apple. :rolleyes:
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