GREEN NVIDIA Reference BOARD Layout 100% 128K Chip!
of course there are Green PCB´s on the market, Just Look at the Fotos from MRCANDY page 4 ..
you could make a Foto of your card and post it here.
In which case your answer to erteclas is wrong, you told him that if he gets a green one "yes" , whereas the answer is "Maybe"
For ref my PCB layout is identical to mrcandy's even down to the writing on the board as far as I can see, however some of the components are slightly different, obviously.
All this means is that the PCB colour was not changed at the same time as the chips.
Ironically if you look at the image in your inquirer link then mine is more similar to it than mrcandys. If you look at the largish chip labeled "1RO" on
this image, (lower edge right hand side) and compare it to the inquirers ref board, mrcandys is different, mine is as the inquirers ref board and I think this may be the ROM chip.
So if the inqs is a ref board mrcandy's is not as they are different, or more likely there is more than one ref board, same pcb layout but with slightly different chips, one of which is the ROM.
EDIT: the inq notes that virtually all boards are made by foxconn or flextronics, so this could be the difference.Get a foxcon one 128k get aflextronics one 64k?