if I'm paying ungodly sums of money for a college education, I should be able to write my notes on a 70 inch flatscreen tv if that's what I preferred. The tools I use to learn shouldn't be able to be dictated by some professor who still thinks writing on stone is the way to go. As long as I'm doing work pertaining to the lecture, it's not a distraction for others anymore than the girl with the flower pen and purple hair, or the guy who constantly clicks his ink pen throughout the lecture.
Handwriting notes on a tablet, or typing them on a laptop shouldn't matter to the professor. It's all about control, and trying to cling to a simpler time in life.
As for the recording...You really can't control who records you. I always recorded my professors lectures. It's not about being lazy. I learned by playing the lecture over and over again while studying my notes. It was the best method for me, and no professor was going to change that. Ban recording? No problem. I'll have a recorder in my backpack pocket and sit in the front.
$10,000 plus a semester, damn right I'm taking digital notes and recording everything.