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This sums it up perfectly! they still need a product to fill that big question mark don't they!?

the second revision will probably offer a little more, but for my needs I think it will be just fine.
It is much more than a netbook, at almost the same price.
i like the criticisms that students need to be able to highlight books.

two years into university, all my books are like new, I can use a piece of paper to do my work or take notes. much better than having to re-read the book.

so excited, I might have to skip a bit of class to line up and buy this :p
I'll be getting the cheap one knowing a better one is around the bend. When it comes out I'll give this one away and get the next one. It's what I've always done and if it weren't for people like me this economy would be in worst shape than it is now. :D
I'm trying to scrounge around $500 for the launch. :p I think it is really cool. Watching videos on it will be really cool. I don't care if it doesn't have a disc drive for DVDs because I can simply download the movies I own. :D Problem solved.
Three of my key reasons for buying is so when I'm on the couch I don't have to sit my MBP on three cushions to

1) avoid craning my neck downwards for a long time
2) get red hot thighs!
3) Battery lasts about 90 mins at best ( £100 for replacement still won't do 10 hours!)

Can't wait!
I love this thread :p

I'm planning on getting a iPad the day it's released, or better yet, pro-order it from the online store. But the thing is. it'll be more expansive here in Canada, and i'm not sure if 16 GB will be enough for music, photo's, videos, iWork and more...and I don't know if I can afford a 32 GB...:rolleyes:
Getting 64GB with WiFi. Sure hoping it tethers with my iPhone's via Bluetooth.
First thing I'm going to do with it: I'm transferring over 30GBs of technical videos/tutorials including WWDC videos sessions. Then copy over 120 PDFs I collected, most of them are technical programming references. I get aches and butt cramps from sitting too long fixated at my monitor, but with this I can lie on the couch or on the bed, while commuting to work, etc. Though I have a netbook, this iPad feels more natural.

Anyways...I have a very positive thoughts about this device. I've been commenting on countless of forums, to be trampled on. There is so much ignorance and dismay. They argue about the things it doesn't have and not just accept it what it is. Like Flash support. Little they know that Adobe CS5 is working on a next-gen format, an open standard that works with HTML5 to replace their own proprietary flash player. In other terms, flash is not dead but will be reincarnated as FXG which doesn't require any player at all. Sigh...I tell them but all are so short-sighted.

Here's a post I commented from a site about what I have envisioned to be several months from now:

A lot of people are still not 'getting it'. It's not meant to replace a much more powerful laptop or the iPhone. It's a new category of casual computing. If you watched the keynote, for the first time on stage, Steve Jobs demonstrates while his sitting on an armchair with a coffee table. What does that tell you?
Just imagine, waking up in the morning with a fresh copy of Metro News beside your bed, you check the weather, stocks, maybe last nights scores. You check Mail and see that you have an attachment from your coworker. It's an updated version of your keynote presentation for your meeting today. You also have the street address where your meeting will take place. Since its also in your iPhone, you leave the iPad on the kitchen table, get in your car and hook up your iPhone on dashboard and pullup your mail and set the GPS to your meeting's destination.

Your kid comes home from school, goes to the kitchen and makes a light snack. She notices the iPad on the counter. She goes on with her usual stuff like Facebook. Pulls up iTunes, retrieves her songs from her laptop wirelessly via Home Sharing. While she listens to the music, she also needs a quick research for her bio asmt. She makes draft notes on Pages as she grabs information on the web.

Mom comes home. No idea what to cook for dinner.
"Hey honey, can I borrow that? I need to check some recipes".
"Sure Mom."
She forwards her draft notes to her mail, goes to her bedroom and work on her laptop.

Meanwhile your son comes home from baseball. Mom's not using it so he takes the iPad to the living room to play the newest multitouch real-time strategy game online.

You come home from work. Dinner's ready. It's also movie night. You rent a movie on your AppleTV. During the movie, Mom wants to know who that actress is. Gets the iPad on the coffee table, checks IMDB.

You’re in your bedroom. You check out iTunes Movie Extras that came with your rental is streaming off AppleTV and watch the deleted scenes on the iPad. Now using iBooks, and read the 3rd chapter.

You’re sleepy. You noticed the battery has 7 more hours to go. You place it on the charging dock anyway.


This is just one example of how it should be used. Now compare this with a laptop. I can imagine people buying this more than once.
What I am happy for:
Wireless N
LED backlit
3.2 feature: File sharing and Document support
And my #1 feature: 10Hour Battery

What I was hoping for:
Stylus -> I really really needed this for sketching and note taking. After I saw amazing things on what you can do with the Brushes app, I suddenly don't need it anymore. (I know 3rd party will make a capacitive based pen so thats good to know)
Camera -> It looks like a nice idea, but I lost the appeal since I don't Vlog nor conference. (I have bought long time ago a sony ericsson with a front-face camera, I thought it was cool, but I didn't even use it at all)
Thank goodness for this thread - there are too many negative people out there!

I plan on getting an iPad, but will probably wait to see what features OS 4.0 bring with it (and also let Apple run thru many of the Rev A issues...). My reasons? As stated above: Wifi N, LED Backlight, iWork, file sharing, and a 10 hour battery.... but then there's the logic behind it that works for me as well.

I work in an industry where there is a lot of paperwork sent to me on a daily basis: I have stacks of files and folders on my desk. The iPad will change that for me - instead of having to print up a file every time I need to speak with someone on the phone about it, I can just send it to my iPad. I literally can have thousands of documents stored on the iPad, easily accessible and editable via search and iWork...

Then there's Evernote. In all honesty, it was what Evernote announced after the keynote that pretty much sold me on an iPad: they will be re-writing their iPhone app for the iPad, and also include handwriting recognition. THIS IS HUGE FOR ME. I won't need a note pad to scribble down notes anymore - I can just write them in Evernote on my iPad, and have Evernote take care of the Syncing and organizing for me.

The practicality behind traveling with the iPad is second to none. I won't have to lug my laptop home every night from now on, plus, I'll have a great note taking tool for when I go on client visits. Let's not forget the whole iWork suite, including Keynote for any presentations I need to do.

Oh, and the iBook store? Genius. Not to mention the fact the iPad will revolutionize the newspaper and magazine industry - I cannot wait to see completely re-vamped Time, NYT, Wired, and other iPhone apps.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg - Movies, TV shows, internet, email... everything looks amazing!
Great thread, thanks for starting it. When I first started reading about this I made some comment on another thread to the effect "i'll keep my iMac"; I'm relatively new to Apple, bought my 20" iMac in Dec of 2007 and am still in love with it. It's capable of more than I know what to do with. I have visions of using Geek Tool and various iWork features but I'm basically just a home user, an average working guy not in any kind of tech environment.

I've been mulling over buying a MacbookPro for some time and thought I'd wait until this next, imminent revision to purchase. But when I'm completely honest about my needs, all I really want it for is to have access to a portable computer when I might go on trips and, more frequently, to take to the coffee shops on weekends for an hour or so to email / browse / shop online, etc when I don't bring a book to read; and THIS is where I see the iPad being just about perfect for someone like me. I don't have an iPhone but have been wanting one for the convenience and features it offers, but switching would cost me more than my current Sprint cel plan and I don't really use the phone all that much. The size, design and overall concept of the iPad and IT'S features are growing more and more appealing to me.

I can see myself downloading e-books to read, listening to music as I browse the web when I'm not at home, watching movies, and any number of things I probably can't think of yet. The MacbookPro appeals to me a lot, but I'm having a hard time justifying the cost for something I don't NEED to do tasks that I can do at home. I'm seriously considering the iPad instead. Though part of me wants to wait until the first revision, I don't know if I'll be able to not jump in on this one. I can see a lot of potential. It may not be "perfect" for many yet, myself included, but there is nothing about it now that's a deal-breaker for me. I look forward to seeing it in stores.
I'm looking forward to the iPad. I think it's a great way to allow people to get portable computers. A lot of people I know were holding off for this, and are not contemplating purchasing it.

I think that the only way from here is up. It can only get better and will get better, and hopefully, will run full OS X in a few years. I'm looking forward to seeing it soon.

I think the reason people are so negative was because they wanted a lot: full blown OS X, USB ports, but I think that the iPad is good where it is right now. I am going to buy one in June when I have the money.
Well for me, the great selloff is about to commence! I'm selling my netbook, several other unused electronic devices, a few PS3 games, etc..... raising money for this jewel when it hits.

At least we have 2 to 3 months of savings opportunity before it arrives I guess.

Also I wanted this thread back on top. I've had my fill of 'OMG IT SUX' threads.
I am so fed up with all the people who think this has to do absolutely everything a laptop can do when it clearly is not meant for that. And then there are the childish name comments. I can't cope with this any more. I feel like the whole world is idiotic.

But everyone in this thread is pretty much awesome for understanding what this device is.

For all those people who want a tablet that runs a full OS, why not consider getting a ModBook or ModBook Pro. And then perhaps they will realise that the price for this thing is pretty good.
I am so fed up with all the people who think this has to do absolutely everything a laptop can do when it clearly is not meant for that. And then there are the childish name comments. I can't cope with this any more. I feel like the whole world is idiotic.

But everyone in this thread is pretty much awesome for understanding what this device is.

For all those people who want a tablet that runs a full OS, why not consider getting a ModBook or ModBook Pro. And then perhaps they will realise that the price for this thing is pretty good.

Case in point -- I briefly waivered when I saw the Alienware announcement of their 11 inch netbook that could play high def games smoothly. I then reminded myself what I want this device for....

I can play hardcore games on my Windows 7 based desktop. I want this device to be a portable way for me to watch movies, surf the internet, view and share my pictures with people, and do casual stuff.

This thing fits my bill 100%. In fact... it's a way for me to surf the net at work while getting around our restrictive firewall.
What I was hoping for:
Stylus -> I really really needed this for sketching and note taking. After I saw amazing things on what you can do with the Brushes app, I suddenly don't need it anymore. (I know 3rd party will make a capacitive based pen so thats good to know)

You haven't seen this then i take it?

The Pogo is great - i'm just crappy at drawing/painting! LOL!!

Then the Brushes App artist page....

I can't wait to see what they can do with a big screen!!! :cool:
I will be buying a 16 or 32GB wifi on launch day in the UK,
My fiance was looking at importing a Kindle for xmas last year but decided against it, iBooks will really come into its own after Jobs releases it worldwide.
I want one so i can play all the amazing games that will come out for this soon, (im thinking RTS games, CnC etc - even a paid for version of farmville will probably appear to keep her indoors happy!)
Great screen and battery life are a plus, lack of flash is annoying as i would like to view video on the BBC website but hey ho, havent done it in two years on my iPhone so i wont lose sleep over it!
My big internal debate now is as follows:

Which one to get?

1. 16GB + Wifi -- Cheapest of the models and still cool. Arrives sooner.
2. 32GB + Wifi -- A little more room for pictures/movies. Still arrives sooner.
3. 64GB + Wifi -- I would likely be able to store all my songs, pictures, and a few movies on the go on this one. no 3g means I would get it sooner

Then comes the 3g argument:

Same storage arguments as above, but with an extra month's wait and an extra $130. However -- I'm afraid of NOT getting the 3G option in case I am on a road trip and want to get online. Of course AT&T 3G isn't available a LOT of places, especially along the open road. So this is the one that I'm most struggling with. Once I get to my destination, it usually has WIFI available in some capacity.... be it hotel or whoever I'm staying with. There are some hotel hold outs that only have hard wired access though -- what to do about those?

So it looks like either the 64GB WIFI or the 64GB WIFI + 3G for me. Just trying to decide on the 3G option.
For the 1st Gen I'm only getting the WiFi version ... Because this device will be my "around the houes" and "on the train reading" device.

At home I can use the WiFi for web stuff... and on the train I can read offline book.

This device is perfect for me.
Well I'm grappling with the Wi-Fi vs. 3G issue also. My initial choice was to go just 32GB Wi-Fi. But the more I've thought about it, 3G would certainly come in handy in many places I frequent. I hate to buy Wi-Fi only just because it is being issue a month earlier, but that is my prime reason for wanting Wi-Fi only. If they were being released at the same time, it would be no question 3G. One other thing and this is superficial only - I think that black band at the top of the 3G version is pretty ugly. So right now, I'd have to say I'm straddling the fence.

We are going on a big trip in April and it sure would be nice to have the iPad for this trip. This may really cause me to go Wi-Fi only. I will probably just get the 32GB Wi-Fi and then in a year when they come out with the next version, I'll get the 3G version of it and give my original iPad to my daughter, whom I'm sure would love to have it. She is a school teacher and the iPad would be fantastic for her to use in her classroom.
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