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I created a new "easy to install package" as per many requested (based on the official OpenCore). [The attached package updated to 0.8.0]

For those who only need HWAccel, post #594 has everything you need. This new package mainly offer HWAccel + boot screen. Also, this package should work in Catalina and newer macOS for dual processor cMP.

I don't mind you guys discuss anything about this package, but I have no plan to provide any explanation about OpenCore at here. If you want to know more, please join cdf's OpenCore thread. For new joiners, please make sure read through the FAQ in post #1 before you ask anything.

The attached packaged included Clover Configurator and a complete preconfigured OpenCore. All credits goes to the developer teams. If you want to show your support, please give them donation (declaration of interest: I am NOT in any of their developer teams)

For Clover Configurator and OpenCore developers teams, please let me know if you want me to remove the associated software inside my attachment in this post.

This is a "one package fit all" solution. So, it's designed to fit as much setup as possible, which may not be optimized for your setup (e.g. I haven't provide HiDPI boot screen, for those who are running 4K screen, the Apple logo may be quite small during boot). You have to do the optimization by yourself (details in the OpenCore manual, some info also available in cdf's OpenCore thread).

Anyway, for those who have RX 460 or newer AMD GPU, this package should gives you:
  1. Boot screen (via GOP for unflashed card, including some Nvidia card)
  2. Firmware protection (to run Windows in EFI mode without risking the cMP bootROM)
  3. HWAccel (H264 / HEVC hardware decode + encode in Mojave and newer macOS)
  4. ability to watch DRM streaming content (Mojave and newer macOS)
  5. Boot picker (only support EFI systems, tested with Apple wired keyboard, Magic Mouse, and Magic Keyboard, 10s timeout. If you can't see this. Just don't touch the keyboard, and your cMP should continue to boot to desktop)
  6. NVMe and SATA drives on PCIe card show up as internal
  7. Support for Apple USB SuperDrive
  8. TRIM (regardless trimforce status)
  9. Ability to run non-GUI 32bit software in Catalina
  10. Ability to reset NVRAM in boot picker (disabled at this moment to align with the native Apple boot manager)
  11. Ability to run any natively supported ancient OSX with modern graphic card e.g. Radeon VII in 10.6.8 (only can display, no acceleration) [Update 5th May 2020: Sierra and High Sierra may not fully supported yet. Thanks for pierrox's report]
  12. Ability to boot Catalina / Big Sur / Monterey and the associated Recovery Partition [SurPlus (credit to Syncretic) is included and enabled by default to fix the racing condition in macOS 11.3 or later][MonteRand is also included. another credit to Syncretic][ASPP-Override is included for macOS 12.3, credit to dortania]
  13. Sleep should work (tested on my cMP, but I can't guarantee it also work with your hardware)
  14. Possible to run 8x32GB RAM in macOS (user need to mod the config.plist manually. Replace the false below CustomMemory to true)
  15. Enable HDMI Audio for some graphic cards
  16. Ability to monitor modern AMD GPU's temperature (by using the attached RadeonGadget. Credit to Aluveitie)
It's impossible for me (and other voluntary helpers) to test every single function in all situations. So, as usual, use at your own risk. But you are welcome to report back if there is any problem / error.

  • Recommend to backup your BootROM between step 1 and 2 (e.g. by using ROMTool, credit to Dosdude, password "rom")
  • If you want to test OpenCore, you can install this package onto a bootable USB thumb drive.
  • Quite a few users reported that can't boot OpenCore from NVMe, analysis shows that depends on hard drives config. It's hard to explain which exact scenario may hit this bug. So, please avoid to install this package on NVMe. You can install this package on ANY SATA drive with virtually no performance lost, not necessary your boot drive.
  • If you want to remove OpenCore, please mount the EFI partition by using Clover Configurator, then remove BOOT and OC folders inside the EFI folder on EFI partition.
  • If your cMP stuck at boot. After shutdown, please pull out the hard drive that contain OpenCore, then perform NVRAM reset. If still doesn't work, then please install your emergency graphic card that has boot screen. Hold Option to boot, then select your backup boot drive. This should disable OpenCore.
  • For those who want to report issue / error. Please provide details (e.g. which graphic card, OpenCore installed on NVMe / SATA drive, the issue's details, etc) otherwise it will be extremely hard (or even impossible) for me to work out what's wrong.
  • If you installed Lilu for whatever reason (e.g. because of innie), or applied my previous non-OpenCore HWAccel mod, please remove them or revert them. For Lilu + WEG, that means delete Lilu.kext in /Library/Extensions/ and reboot (caution: these kexts may be installed in System/Library/Extensions/ as well). For hex edit method, that means delete AppleGVA.framework in /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ and rename AppleGVA.framework.bak to AppleGVA.framework. Warning: My packages already have Lilu and WEG included, "double installation" of these kexts will cause macOS boot failure.
  • For PULSE RX580, users reported that only can see boot screen when boot from gaming mode. There may be no UEFI GOP in the compute mode's ROM.
I tried to make the installation as simple as possible. However, I still demand you to learn some very basic skills. Those skills are very useful in the recovery process if something goes wrong. Anyway, here is what you need to do
  1. [Optional] 3x NVRAM reset to avoid some unknown issues.
  2. Disable SIP (must do, especially if you performed step 1)
  3. Download the attachment in this post (Some users reported 0.6.1 package has compatibility issue. You may download the 0.5.9 package if you prefer that, same installation procedures.)
  4. Follow the steps in this video (please turn on and read the subtitle)
  5. For Big Sur and Monterey, if some ports on your graphic card are disabled, please follow the steps in this video to re-enable them.
  6. Reboot

For existing OpenCore users, you may follow the step in this video to update OpenCore [For those who installed OC onto the Windows drive, please make sure you only replace the OC files, but not the whole EFI folder]

Additional option 1: If you have 4K screen, and you want to have "Retina" boot screen. You may do this. [Depreciated in 0.7.6, which Retina should be enabled automatically on 4K monitor]

Additional option 2: If you have a flashed Thunderbolt 3 card, you can install that in slot 4, then enable Thunderbolt 3 support by doing this.

Additional option 3: If you want to enable the ability to install / update Catalina, Big Sur and Monterey, please follow the steps in this video. [N.B. you should revert the changes after macOS installation completed. This special setting is not designed for daily use]

Additional option 4: If you have legacy wifi card, you may try the follow steps to re-activate the old wifi card in Big Sur (only avail in my 0.6.4 package or above)

Additional option 5: To enable legacy BT support in the latest unsupported OS, you may turn on both BlueToolFixUp and BlueTooth-Spoof kext.

Additional option 6: Since 0.6.3, I allow OC to take over SIP control. There are various reasons, but anyway, that's defaulted to be disabled. If you want to re-enable SIP, please follow the steps in this video. (please turn on the English subtitle when you watch this video, some useful info at there)

For FCP(X) users, if you want to export HEVC video by using HWAccel, you will need Compressor.
[N.B. The setting MUST identical to the one that I show in the video. Otherwise, HEVC hardware encoding may not work]

If you want to completely uninstall my OpenCore package, please follow the steps in this video.

N.B. Unflashed graphic card means "the ROM is never modified". For those who bought used card, and can't see the boot screen, most likely the last user flashed the card with modified ROM (e.g. downvolt for mining). In this case, you can go to TechPowerUp to find a ROM that fit your own card, and flash it.

P.S. If you want to support my work, please donate via the following link. Million thanks in advance!

[Last update:298 Apr 2022, OpenCore 0.8.0, Lilu 1.6.0, WhateverGreen 1.5.8, RadeonSensor 0.3.1, AppleALC 1.6.9, FeatureUnlock 1.0.6, SurPlus, MonteRand, ASPP-Override]
Hi, I just used this configuration, but there is a problem. I use MacPro 5,1. The built-in sound in 10.14.6 is normal, but after booting with OpenCORE and upgrading to 10.15.7, the machine has no sound, and the built-in output prompt has no volume control. What is the reason?thanks.
I want to report a possible problem that comes using OC 0.8.0
I have upgrade the system using Legacy Patcher 0.4.5 because with OC 0.8.0 is not possible to update using system software update everything went well i reinstalled the Nvdia drivers that I'm back to OC 0.8.0.
Firmware audio Motu was no more able to work even i have reinstalled and allow the drivers in Security & Privacy. But no way to see my motu... i was thinking to reinstall Monterey 12.3 or 13.2.1 (this was the best system for me)

I was able to install Motu firewire drivers only by using again Open Core Legacy Patcher... nut there is a problem;
when i try to change the sample rate to 88 or 96khz there is no audio from my motu.

so i can only use 44.1khz as sample rate... 48 and higher samples rate just break the audio out!
(i have tested with Mojave and all samples rates works fine.

My question is: there is a possible solution for this behaviour by chang the confit file of OC 0.8.0?
(seems that all legacy drivers won't work without the Legacy patcher)
Hi, I've been outdate. I would like to ask. Does opencore 0.8.0 support latest version of OS X 12.4 downloads from here? Thanks
I'm on 12.4 using OC 0.8.0 no issues so far. I did a clean install since I got a new SSD

Serious issue encountered.

I just installed OSX 12.4 on my Mac Pro 5,1. The installation was successful. However, both bluetooth and wifi icon are disabled and all mouse and keyboard are disabled too. Anyone knows how to load up the driver in config.plist? I'm now just using wired keyboard and mouse to type this message...

Does the latest 12.4 have drivers for Geforce 680? I have read that macOS 12 no longer has support for this card. Does your Opencore package have drivers for this card, or is there another solution to keep using the 680 in macOS 12?
Use the OC Legacy Patcher in a USB stick and select the OCLP at mac start up do not use OC 0.8 during system update if you are using Nvidia GPU.. because this setup requires LEGACY DRIVERS.
OCLP 0.4.5 works great and allow you to upgrade monterey using system software update (you don't need fresh install every time a new system version is released)
IMPORTANT: do not MIX OCLP 0.4.5 and OC.0.8 in the upgrade phase... this means that you have to stay focused that every time your Mac auto restart YOU MUST SELECT THE OCLP 0.4.5 BOOTER!

Also is the most easy way to install legacy drivers including Nvidia drivers by click in the "post-install" button and also all firewire device.. bluetooth... and wifi if you have... all legacy devices will works including USB android tethering...

After everything is installed in your 12.4 you can back to use the OC 0.8

the only reason I use OC 0.8 is bc i use Titan Ridge 2 with full feature supported. (like UAD apollo and other TB3 devices

if you are using Nvidia GPU and you don't need TB3 you can use only OPLC for your Classic Mac Pro...

OC 0.8 is focused on Hardware acceleration... but there is no HW-Acceleration support for Nvidia cards.

I'm on 12.4 and everything works except some issue with my firewire device that stop working if i want use a different samples rate from the system audio samples-rate (this was the same with 12.3.1)(if system audio samples rate is at 44.1khz my Motu works only at 44.1,,, if i try to change samples rate in logic pro the system freeze for minutes than no audio out in Logic Pro (I have also old logic version... no way to use a sample rate that differs from the system)


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May be it will be useful for Martin
If You use AVAST security (i read some posts about issues) and Martin's OpenCore with hardware acceleration, with mac os 12.4 - this combination can cause kernel panic.
I am forced to remove AVAST and continue to test - I had no panic and reboots before 12.4
a few days ago thunderbolt AlpineRidge with SSDT enabled in Mac Os 12.4 caused panic (my post in testing TB3 forum).
Now avast cause panic.
I hope there are no more surprises


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Does the latest 12.4 have drivers for Geforce 680? I have read that macOS 12 no longer has support for this card. Does your Opencore package have drivers for this card, or is there another solution to keep using the 680 in macOS 12?
Please check the readme file in my package, the link for "how to enable Kepler support in Monterey" is there.
Wifi and bluetooth are not working on Monterey. My Mac Pro 5,1 can't detect them anymore on Monterey while they were working on Big Surf with corresponding kexts loaded. I think the patch 0.8.0 is not ready for use.
Yes, I’m using the iMac 2015 internal wifi upgrade, bt works too. Try doing nvram reset
2010 is far different to 2015... :confused::rolleyes:

And I'm pretty sure that the hacking package offered by this thread is no longer valid on Monterey for enabling bluetooth and wifi features on Monterey. Now, I am moving to Opencore Legacy Patcher. It seems that it's more promising due to in its website. It states that the wifi and bluetooth issues have been fixed. So I am installing it now. And abandoning this thread hereafter.
Wifi and bluetooth are not working on Monterey. My Mac Pro 5,1 can't detect them anymore on Monterey while they were working on Big Surf with corresponding kexts loaded. I think the patch 0.8.0 is not ready for use.
Which BT and Wifi are you using? Stock cMP 5,1 hardware, or upgraded? For me, everything works well with Martin's 0.8.0 (and earlier versions as well), with upgraded hardware, on a cMP 4,1->5,1.
Which BT and Wifi are you using? Stock cMP 5,1 hardware, or upgraded? For me, everything works well with Martin's 0.8.0 (and earlier versions as well), with upgraded hardware, on a cMP 4,1->5,1.

Stock Mac Pro 5.1. Both BT, Wifi not work. These have been working in Catalina and Bugsurf using his build (0.7.x). But not working anymore on Monterery (tried both 0.7.x and 0.8.x). Tried his video procedure too. Not working as well.

There is the profile of my wifi (on Big Surf):

Software Versions:
CoreWLAN: 16.0 (1657)
CoreWLANKit: 16.0 (1657)
Menu Extra: 17.0 (1728)
System Information: 15.0 (1502)
IO80211 Family: 12.0 (1200.12.2b1)
Diagnostics: 11.0 (1163)
AirPort Utility: 6.3.9 (639.15)
Card Type: AirPort Extreme (0x14E4, 0x8E)
Firmware Version: Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
MAC Address: 00:26:08:ff:7c:89
Locale: FCC
Country Code: HK
Supported PHY Modes: 802.11 a/b/g/n
Supported Channels: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165
Wake On Wireless: Supported
Status: Connected

This is the profile of my Bluetooth (on Big Surf):

Apple Bluetooth Software Version: 8.0.5d7
Hardware, Features and Settings:
Name: mp34ghz
Address: 40-A6-D9-F5-0B-A8
Bluetooth Low Energy Supported: No
Handoff Supported: No
Instant Hot Spot Supported: No
Manufacturer: Broadcom
Transport: USB
Chipset: 2046
Firmware Version: v208 c518
Bluetooth Power: On
Discoverable: Off
Connectable: Yes
Auto Seek Pointing: On
Remote wake: On
Vendor ID: 0x05AC
Product ID: 0x8215
Bluetooth Core Spec: 2.1 (0x4)
HCI Revision: 0x206
LMP Version: 2.1 (0x4)
LMP Subversion: 0x21D0
Device Type (Major): Computer
Device Type (Complete): Mac Desktop
Composite Class Of Device: 0x380104
Device Class (Major): 0x01
Device Class (Minor): 0x01
Service Class: 0x1C0
Auto Seek Keyboard: On
I am on an MP5,1 with OC 0.7.9 (Martin Lo's package). Just updated to Big Sur 11.6.6. No issues so far. One note: I did have to try the update twice; for some reason it didn't take the first time.
As always, awesome work but in using the new 8.0 package I noticed when applying the fix mentioned in the video for multi monitor support on Big Sur, that the relevant Board-ID (7BA5B2D9E42DDD94) is listed twice twice in the config and Im not sure which needs to be replaced or both instances? I believe in the older packages it was only one. Thanks. for the good work as always.
As always, awesome work but in using the new 8.0 package I noticed when applying the fix mentioned in the video for multi monitor support on Big Sur, that the relevant Board-ID (7BA5B2D9E42DDD94) is listed twice twice in the config and Im not sure which needs to be replaced or both instances? I believe in the older packages it was only one. Thanks. for the good work as always.
Thanks for pointing this out, please replace all of them
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After updating to Big Sur 11.6.6 w/OC 0.7.9, all my on-board USB ports no longer hot swap and require a warm reboot to recognize any attached USB peripherals. Restart into Mojave and all is working normally, so it is defiantly an issue with Big Sur 11.6.6 and is not hardware related. I have reset the nvram but there is no change. Anyone having a similar issue or can advise on a fix?
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After updating to Big Sur 11.6.6 w/OC 0.7.9, all my on-board USB ports no longer hot swap and require a warm reboot to recognize any attached USB peripherals. Restart into Mojave and all is working normally, so it is defiantly an issue with Big Sur 11.6.6 and is not hardware related. I have reset the nvram but there is no change. Anyone having a similar issue or can advise on a fix?
That's a known macOS issue, not HWAccel related.

Anyway, you can connect all those USB 1.1 HID via a USB 2.0 / 3.0 hub as work around.
Does anybody know if there is a way to install AVX depending software like Maxon Cinema 4D R25/S26 ?

It looks like there are alreayd people working on several solutions to tackle problems that arise with macOS's very own avx needs.
Just couldn't find anything regarding apps like the above where already the installer claims that "This software requires a CPU that supports the AVX instruction set".
Does anybody know if there is a way to install AVX depending software like Maxon Cinema 4D R25/S26 ?

It looks like there are alreayd people working on several solutions to tackle problems that arise with macOS's very own avx needs.
Just couldn't find anything regarding apps like the above where already the installer claims that "This software requires a CPU that supports the AVX instruction set".
Please read this discussion
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