I'm not sure to fully agree... The Apple-hate largely predates Apple's successful years.
What do you think the origins are? Does it have to do with Apple's choice of (non)licensing model?
I'm not sure to fully agree... The Apple-hate largely predates Apple's successful years.
What do you think the origins are? Does it have to do with Apple's choice of (non)licensing model?
Ok, let it be known I classify myself as a geek. Big Bang theory makes me laugh because I actually get the jokes. I like discussion fictional video game wars with friends, like empire and stoarmcloaks, and doing geeky things.
However I have a love affair with apple. I love all of their products.
I don't understand why people hate mac computers. Besides people who want the best graphics possible for their video games (seriously I'm 20 years old..the most video gaming I do is on an iPhone or my 3DS) who else would hate macs, they are virtually better to Windows machines in every way,
I know that may sound fan boyish but seriously, besides VIDEO GAMEZ thing what are other peoples problems with macs?
Serious question - why do you care whether anyone "hates" Apple products? Why does it make any difference to you?
You like them - fine. Others don't - also fine.![]()
That is something I have wondered myself.
Probably the same reason that turn some peope into rabid sport fans.
I just don't function that way.
Perhaps I have a disfunctional brain.![]()
It's part of the marketing experience. These products are designed and marketed so we identify with them. We grow attached to them, we value them more highly than we might value other brands.
Who's this we you're referring to ? That sure doesn't describe me.
I think all the "hate" is mostly perception. People that get "attached" to these inanimate objects tend to see criticism, no matter how objective and constructive, as hate, when it's just that, criticism. Nothing is perfect, not even Apple products.
The fact that we're both participating on a Mac forum suggests otherwiseAnd obviously there are different levels to which people feel (or don't feel) this attachment. The rabid fanboys and haters are clearly at opposite ends of this spectrum.
Is it really hard to fathom that some people just don't have any kind of attachment to these things ?
Serious question - why do you care whether anyone "hates" Apple products? Why does it make any difference to you?
You like them - fine. Others don't - also fine.![]()
The problem is not that those people 'hate' Apple products, it's that such hate often translates into nastiness towards people who use/like the products.
No, I'm sure there are lots of people who don't have any kind of attachment to the products they buy. They're the ones quietly going about their business, using the tools that suit them best, not stirring up flamewars on forums and actively questioning the choices of others. We don't hear about them too much.
I like to think I'm one of them, too, but perhaps others disagree.![]()
I don't hate Apple, they make some good stuff. What I do hate is the mentality that a lot of Apple users I've met seem to have. I get told all the time that my HP laptop is crap and that I should get a MBP for my graphic design work because they're somehow "better" (although no one can ever back that up with any facts). I think this is where a lot of what people see as Apple hate stems from.
I don't hate Apple, they make some good stuff. What I do hate is the mentality that a lot of Apple users I've met seem to have. I get told all the time that my HP laptop is crap and that I should get a MBP for my graphic design work because they're somehow "better" (although no one can ever back that up with any facts). I think this is where a lot of what people see as Apple hate stems from.
If this forum represents most Apple User's, then I am ashamed to own their products.
Like many people have said over and over, it seems like if its not apple its not right! Which is very, very wrong.
Java is fine. I like Java. It's Websphere that needs to die a long, slow, painful death.
That's a problem. These are immaterial things, objects. Love/Hate should not apply to them.
How so? OS X's dictionary tells me that one of the definitions for love (verb) is ' like very much; find pleasure in'.
For 'love affair' you'll find: 'an intense enthusiasm or liking for something'.
So why again is it a problem if someone finds pleasure in using (certain) Apple products?![]()
I really don't think the dictionary is thinking of the pleasure you're thinking.![]()
Maybe you don't. Lots of people do though, and it isn't the problem you make it out to be.I don't really have emotions towards the object.
Objects influence how pleasant it is to perform a task all the time.Is the task pleasant ? Sure. Is it pleasant because of the object ? Certainly not.
I really don't think the dictionary is thinking of the pleasure you're thinking.
I don't really have emotions towards the object. Is the task pleasant ? Sure. Is it pleasant because of the object ? Certainly not.
This is the kind of attitude that makes me judgmental towards Apple product users. People don't -hate- Apple, their irritation towards people like you just happens to be tied down to Apple. If people would stop acting superior with a hipster attitude and smug grin every time they use an Apple product in public, there wouldn't be such negativity with Apple. Even Apple could use a little work. Those commercials of theirs is the epitome of d**k-sucking ego-boosting vain pride that people hate about Apple as well.
Also, let's get something straight -- PC definitely has its advantages. You'd be lying to yourself if you denied the fact that Apple prioritizes form over functionality. That doesn't mean their computers are bad, just that tech-savvy PC users care more about their performance and bang for the buck which is why they're so critical of Apple.
Just to be clear, I've owned 6+ ipods in my lifetime, owned 3 iPhones, a magic mouse, wireless keyboard, and will soon be an owner of a Macbook Pro. I love all my Apple products dearly and use it accordingly, but I don't flaunt about it everywhere to everyone.
KnightWRX seems like the type of person who would receive a brand new sports car for christmas and be like "Oh...yay. cool, I guess"
By the way, haven't we had this discussion before?