So, an update.
As far as I understood from the email they sent me - they did diagnostics and concluded that they hate to change the Case and both AirPods (the whole thing). I have to wait now from 15 to 25 work days (absurd).
As soon as I get the new ones I will let you know if all the issues are resolved, which I think they will.
Hi friend, so how's your Airpods Pro? did Apple just replace the whole unit?
I bought Airpods Pro on January 2020 and after 11 months of use, my Right Airpod seems have crackling sound. and yesterday I brought it to Apple Service Centre for warranty claim. They said it requirred 4-5 days for repairing process. So my question is:
1. Is Airpods Pro repairable?
2. If repair is not possible, does Apple replace the faulty side or both side?
3. If Apple just replace Right side, does it affect whole performance? since my Left side are facing battery aging ofcourse it will dying quicker than Right side.