It is clear to me that Apple does a redesign of the iPhone every two years now. After the original iPhone in 2007, there have been: (i) the iPhone 3G in 2008; (ii) the iPhone 3GS in 2009; (iii) the iPhone 4 in 2010; (iv) the iPhone 4S in 2011; (v) the iPhone 5 in 2012; and the (vi) iPhone 5s in 2013. In 2014, we'll see the iPhone 6 and in 2015, the iPhone 6s, if Apple continues this trend.
So, the iPhone 5s was expected.
But let me tell you something.
When the iPhone 5 was released, I was disappointed. I had an iPhone 4S then. I thought the iPhone 5 was not big enough, and the screen was not that good. The Android alternatives looked way better.
Then, I sold my iPhone 4S to my sister and bought myself a Samsung Galaxy S4, which was the flagship smartphone back then. The first day, I loved it. It could do everything, even side-by-side multi-tasking. Wow. The second day, I was hating it. It could do everything, but it was so bad at it! After a week, I was salivating to get my iPhone back. Then, two weeks after I got the S4, I gave it to my mother and bought myself an iPhone 5. It's a lot better, I can't even compare. I can't think of trying another Android device. Ever. Android is over for me.