To be honest this has kind of ruined my experience with OLED. The 11 pro was my first ever OLED iPhone coming from a 7 plus so I was really excited about the supposed ‘amazing’ display. But without even comparing to my 7 plus you could see how the whites were crushed and despite it being brighter I just did not see the difference I was meant to see at all. I don’t know what to do now since returning my iPhone 11 pro. Should I keep my 7 plus, replace the battery and keep it (health is at 81%), wait a few months to see if these display ‘issues’ blow over and re-buy the 11 pro or just buy the iPhone 11? However I’m skeptical about buying the iPhone 11 as the screen is lower resolution than my 7 plus and this in my eyes does not warrant the upgrade whereas OLED did, but surprisingly I was not impressed at all with the display due to the yellow tint. Basically looks like someone took a piss on the display.
OLED will always look different from LCD. OLED is warmer. I think Apple have tweaked these Samsung displays to be closer to the LCDS we're used to. Samsungs latest mobiles do not look like these iphones and yet they make these displays. Apparently it's the same display used in the Note 10 but changed to Apples specifications.
Apples LCD have been some of the best in the mobile space for a while now so it's disappointing to see so many OLEDs that look bad or too yellow if these are supposed to be the future of all Apple products. For a long time there was also a display lottery for iPhones and ipads with LCD but in the last few years Apple improved greatly. OLED for Apple has been a lottery since the X, I don't believe it's a release or bad batch issue but more to do with the tolerances Apple find acceptable. They should let us fully adjust the display as Samsung does.
Apple really opened themselves up to this level of scrutiny and comparison when they started charging over £1000 for their phones. If we're spending this much money then we better get the product we were promised/shown. Apples implementation of OLED leaves alot to be desired.
I'm currently sticking with 7 Plus because I'm not a fan of the 11 (lower resolution, narrower display) and I cannot use the OLEDs (PWM issues). Its tough because I look forward to getting the latest iphone but 3 years of OLED disappointment have left me with the same iphone. But the 7 plus is still a solid phone with a good LCD. Perhaps you could get a new battery and ride out another year until the already famous 2020 redesign? Alternatively you could try an 11 and see if you can adjust, they do have a nice LCD even though its a lower resolution. Or get an 8 plus so at least you feel like your getting some upgrades even if minor (crisper display, new battery, wireless charging, louder speakers).
I've even been considering switching to Android but remind myself the tablets are poor, the watches not as good as the Apple watch and the OS security is flawed. Apples eco system and security keep me locked in even if I'm running old, old hardware.