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that's really interesting considering he popped out of the skateboard park when i bought it :) and i don't have a toy store.

Yep, it's weird. I don't have a skateboard park. I have a Toy Store and every time I see him, he's coming out of the Toy Store. I guess he is from both. :)
Hi everybody. I've been playing for a couple months. Today I tried to sign in with game center for the first time. But my game won't open now. It freeze on the first screen showing the message " registering " for a while, then saying that there's a problem with my Internet connection. But my Internet connection works fine. Any idea?
Solsville - skateboarder

*slaps forehead* I don't have a skateboard park, and because all my businesses are pseudo-offices, I forgot that I have purchased the Toy Store. So that supports the idea that the skateboarder is coming from the Toy Store. So he also comes from the skateboard park. got it!

omigosh. Another wrinkle: Premium Looks also give characters!

Yep, it's weird. I don't have a skateboard park. I have a Toy Store and every time I see him, he's coming out of the Toy Store. I guess he is from both. :)
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Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

Fastrack1975 said:
Hi everybody. I've been playing for a couple months. Today I tried to sign in with game center for the first time. But my game won't open now. It freeze on the first screen showing the message " registering " for a while, then saying that there's a problem with my Internet connection. But my Internet connection works fine. Any idea?

Having the same issue right now. My guess is that it's a universal server problem, or at least one affecting a sizable amount of users. I am gonn wait it out. Will contact Booyah if I am not back on within the hour.
*slaps forehead* I don't have a skateboard park, and because all my businesses are pseudo-offices, I forgot that I have purchased the Toy Store. So that supports the idea that the skateboarder is coming from the Toy Store. So he also comes from the skateboard park. got it!

omigosh. Another wrinkle: Premium Looks also give characters!

I don't have a skateboard park or a toy store and I still have the little dude sk8 ing all over the place !

Russellville #30426193

Ps also stuck on the registering screen, thought it was me. I sent a note to the home team
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

Having the same issue right now. My guess is that it's a universal server problem, or at least one affecting a sizable amount of users. I am gonn wait it out. Will contact Booyah if I am not back on within the hour.

Russellville: skateboarder dude

Russellville: Thanks for your input. :) That's one thing we've discovered that a character can come from multiple sources. I'm thinking it's certainly a cast of hundreds to identify. A bit daunting, yet fun in a warped kind of way.

I don't have a skateboard park or a toy store and I still have the little dude sk8 ing all over the place !

Russellville #30426193

Ps also stuck on the registering screen, thought it was me. I sent a note to the home team
Suggestions please..........

I need a opinion. I have 29 business for now. 21 stock exc. I have ONE SPOT OPEN and I don't know which one to buy......???? I do have 1 VIP theater.should I buy another theater (s) and/ or swap out some stock exch?
HELP....... IDEAS please
Update: So Devastated

Hi guys. I'm so devastated. There's no way to get my town back, and I have to start from scratch. Booyah said they would credit me like 1M coins (I had 33M) and 2K bucks, but there's no way that's going to get me anywhere near where I was :confused:

How am I ever going to get back all of the world's best businesses at their high popularities??? I'm scared to death to change locations.

I've seriously almost had a breakdown over this. And I'm SO amazingly grateful that a lot of gifts are already coming my way from you guys....

If ever you wanted to do something nice, to help get my town back, please do whatever you can for me. I'm so bummed. I almost don't want to play any more. Still have "hope", though, and I know that this group of friends is so amazing, that you will all come through for me. :eek:

Seriously, I don't even know where to start, having already been there (although I already have 2 stock exchanges - lol). I'd like to have some VIP stuff before it's gone (oh, my poor VIP mansion - gone, all the apartments - gone, the spotlights - gone).

Thanks.... Here's the sad part. My Booyah ID is the same, but I had to rename my town:

New Johnstown - 33651074


I am very sorry to hear you have to start over. The only thing you can do, is dont be afraid to do the location switching for the businesses to buy/franchise in coins. I just recommend you try to stay "PLUGGED" in to do the locations thing. I am sure we will all try to help you by sending a gift a day, but that takes time.

Just think of it this way, you can start your city in a NEW layout, and at least you know the GOOD tips and tricks at the start, and not at levle 50 where you have done it all.I really do hope that you continue to play well. Maybe get a few businesses that is in YOUR local area, so we can help franchise it (some of us can only do in coins while others of us can do it with green bucks) ..

Let us know if you need any help with anything. You know you have but to ask..

Sharazani 29141376 Dalaran

Hi guys. I'm so devastated. There's no way to get my town back, and I have to start from scratch. Booyah said they would credit me like 1M coins (I had 33M) and 2K bucks, but there's no way that's going to get me anywhere near where I was :confused:

How am I ever going to get back all of the world's best businesses at their high popularities??? I'm scared to death to change locations.

I've seriously almost had a breakdown over this. And I'm SO amazingly grateful that a lot of gifts are already coming my way from you guys....

If ever you wanted to do something nice, to help get my town back, please do whatever you can for me. I'm so bummed. I almost don't want to play any more. Still have "hope", though, and I know that this group of friends is so amazing, that you will all come through for me. :eek:

Seriously, I don't even know where to start, having already been there (although I already have 2 stock exchanges - lol). I'd like to have some VIP stuff before it's gone (oh, my poor VIP mansion - gone, all the apartments - gone, the spotlights - gone).

Thanks.... Here's the sad part. My Booyah ID is the same, but I had to rename my town:

New Johnstown - 33651074

Hang in there.....

Man,I am soooooo sorry bt your town.
INMH opinion, I think you should just take a deep breath then just go and relocate to a bigger town. I think the #1 rated town has been New York. You can bongo wrong you already lost your town and you've just restarted again. you know that ole saying, "nothing ventured nothing gained".just go for it....
Here is another idea, if you decide where you want to stay or relocate LET US KNOW WHERE YOU R and maybe the community. Would consider relocating to you so you could franchise from us in coins. Think bt it mayors. Say maybe we could relocate for ? Say ? 24-48-72 hours x......
It is just a thought for everyone to think about. Consider it as a ole fashioned town/barn raising to help out neighbor
Does anyone have any otherthoughts or suggestions....????

Big Bridge
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Bucks Instead of coins

Ive been playing mytown2 for months now and love it. I upgraded and now i get the title tasks that ask where businesses or places are. Mostly it rewards me with coins but sometimes it gives me a buck. Anybody know what thats about? I'd love to get more of those.
Justown: Errands Coins Vs. Bucks

Justown: Generally, each Errand pays in coins. Someone on this forum estimated once every 30-40 times a buck is given in lieu of coins. Basically it is random and players cannot choose. Everyone here wants Bucks too!
Eta: Payment for each Errand is 755 coins. Another possibility, one Check-in might also be given with Coins.

Ive been playing mytown2 for months now and love it. I upgraded and now i get the title tasks that ask where businesses or places are. Mostly it rewards me with coins but sometimes it gives me a buck. Anybody know what thats about? I'd love to get more of those.
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Skateboarder kid

I believe I saw him come out of the high school community building when I was done with the edit function. I could be wrong, it is possible he spawns from all 3 things, skate park, toy store and high school. I always thought it was a high school thing but I could be wrong :)

Sharazani 29141376 Dalaran
Sharazani -skateboarder

Sharazani: yes, we've concluded that multiple things can give the same item. We'll just have to watch more carefully. I think that's part of the challenge. Lol!

I believe I saw him come out of the high school community building when I was done with the edit function. I could be wrong, it is possible he spawns from all 3 things, skate park, toy store and high school. I always thought it was a high school thing but I could be wrong :)

Sharazani 29141376 Dalaran
I've had the skateboarder for quite a while, yet I don't have any toy stores. I do have the skate park, but he appeared before I bought that. Sorry. :(

I think he comes out of the high school. Just like my son.

Don't know who suggested it awhile back but some seashore property would be cool then we could have surfers and people sunbathing


I've had the skateboarder for quite a while, yet I don't have any toy stores. I do have the skate park, but he appeared before I bought that. Sorry. :(

I think he comes out of the high school. Just like my son.

Don't know who suggested it awhile back but some seashore property would be cool then we could have surfers and people sunbathing

Just checked skateboard comes out of the grade school
1. Barracuda Bay - you rock for making that list.... I'm quickly getting all of my friends back. I had it on my spreadsheet with all of my businesses.

2. Thanks to everyone for the gifts. Look at New Johnstown, now. I've got a bunch of businesses back, but it's depressing. They're nowat like 1/3 of the original popularity.Oh well

3. I really need franchisers. Coins or Bucks. I thought the bucks would go faster, but I didn't realize that I'm not making 500K an hour any more, and things are expensive. Please help me restore my town!! :)

4. Does anyone have the 7-Eleven in San Francisco? I miss it, and forgot whom I franchised from.

5. For those of you who think you're bored, now that you're doing well, appraciate the fun of being in a good spot. It's much more boring going back and having to wait and start everything from scratch :(

6. I'm location hopping again.... It's that or have 1MM green bucks to franchise from wherever I really am.

Thanks for all the support from this forum! You guys are the best. New Johnstown will be even better than Johnstown in time for the update that will never happen. :D
Thanks Bigbridge and Sharazani.... It will take me a couple of days to find my old businesses, or go bust.

I'm going to chage locations, because there's no way I can get enough green bucks to franchise. Booyah did not come through on that end. In fact, now that I'm not a multi millionaire every day, the coins go FAST, too.

Bigbridge, that's a kind offer to relocate. I don't know if that would help, since my businesses are all over the place (big cities).... But maybe if you relocate to where they are, and franchise in coins?

You guys are all awesome for your concern / support. CandyLand, don't forget about me. Need u more than ever, now :D

I will rebuild! Bigger, better, stronger..... lol....
oh..... and my advice to anyone "teleporting", or changing locations..... if you have an iPhone, or iPod, make sure it's charged, you have a good connection, AND make very sure it is not set to automatically turn off after a couple of minutes.

New Johnstown - 33651074
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1. Barracuda Bay - you rock for making that list.... I'm quickly getting all of my friends back. I had it on my spreadsheet with all of my businesses.

2. Thanks to everyone for the gifts. Look at New Johnstown, now. I've got a bunch of businesses back, but it's depressing. They're nowat like 1/3 of the original popularity.Oh well

3. I really need franchisers. Coins or Bucks. I thought the bucks would go faster, but I didn't realize that I'm not making 500K an hour any more, and things are expensive. Please help me restore my town!! :)

4. Does anyone have the 7-Eleven in San Francisco? I miss it, and forgot whom I franchised from.

5. For those of you who think you're bored, now that you're doing well, appraciate the fun of being in a good spot. It's much more boring going back and having to wait and start everything from scratch :(

6. I'm location hopping again.... It's that or have 1MM green bucks to franchise from wherever I really am.

Thanks for all the support from this forum! You guys are the best. New Johnstown will be even better than Johnstown in time for the update that will never happen. :D

I'm so sorry about your lost town!

I just franchaised your apple store San Francisco. It's the only business that I can franchaise from you in coins. I don't have much bucks either. Not sure how much coins you are going to get from the franchise though. Hope it helps. I'll try to do it again tomorrow. I think franchising give you more coins than gifts. Or do you prefer gifts? Sorry I don't have lots of buck.

CandyLand and others have been so helpful in franchising mine in bucks. I'm so thankful for all on this forum. Even though I don't have much to give, hope it helps!

Cheers, and have fun!

Just so you know, Ill keep franchising that one business that I know I dont have, the Begin's Cafe, in coins.. I could do it several times a day, if possible to just help out in gold coins for the time being. Im glad you are going to keep doing this. Save your bucks!!

Sharazani 29141376 Dalaran

Thanks Bigbridge and Sharazani.... It will take me a couple of days to find my old businesses, or go bust.

I'm going to chage locations, because there's no way I can get enough green bucks to franchise. Booyah did not come through on that end. In fact, now that I'm not a multi millionaire every day, the coins go FAST, too.

Bigbridge, that's a kind offer to relocate. I don't know if that would help, since my businesses are all over the place (big cities).... But maybe if you relocate to where they are, and franchise in coins?

You guys are all awesome for your concern / support. CandyLand, don't forget about me. Need u more than ever, now :D

I will rebuild! Bigger, better, stronger..... lol....
take a look at Kings Park West!!

I spent the entire night rearranging my city,,, I took out a lot of the blue condos & brown condos. I added some "buck items" (thank u ever so much cAndyland!!);)

it isn't perfect, but I added a lot of roads back & have found a plethora of new cars & even the elusive Cupid!!

I have be plot of land open, but wanted to concentrate on getting the most vp items I can,,, need to keep the population up.

I pretty much used every square inch & still have 3 businesses I'm waiting to franchise when the bug update happens...

come on by & tell me what u think! (a few buildings r still under construction) dang that 24 hr wait :eek:
Thank you to cAndyland...

....incredible how faithful he is to us all every day :)

I have a second town located at New York, so if anyone wants to be franchised with coins, i can do it now, even a couple of times...

I tried to make from scratch a small town with a big forest , which took me quite a while, because to place the trees everywhere was kinda "pita"...but now its done, you are welcome to visit :)

Synz City2 34418494
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