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Btw if anyone sill wants just quote like every did, n then gimme ur ID and Town Name, this lost is getting really big i can't figure whos who

Looking for some bucks to get me going to earn enough for Mount Fiji.

Booyah ID: 31868298 @ nolenville, Canada
Oh my gosh... I think I get it now. CAndy Land, thanks so much for franchising three of my businesses. All this time, I've stayed in my little world not knowing that I had to GET OUT OF TOWN and make friends! Hmmm... Might be more to this little game than I thought! Thanks again CAndy Land, Grace Girl and Barracuda.

ID: 34248503
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

As you are starting to realize, this is a great community and we are here to help. Franchises, game advice, the works. Do not be afraid to ask questions, and do not give up. The building / acquisition process is really rewarding, and they do continually add more content (just not land and levels for the moment).
Thanks to Pekman & Andy

I bought my first out of state business :cool: (well, second, if you count NJ! :D ) I think it is fair to collect rent in bucks when you are paying for the property in bucks! Byt alas...

People need goals in their lives, I'm afraid if we do not get more lands, levels, and businesses to buy, we would just get bored and move to something "My Country"!:(
How many coins should I work towards

I keep reading on here that when they announce. New land for sale the price will be really steep. I have been playing for a little over a month and was hoping some of the pros on here could give insight into how many coins I should accumulate to survive as they expand.

I currently have 1,757,207,975

I would like to think that it is enough but I am getting nervous. Please advise?

Also, if anyone can franchise from me it would be appreciated. I can also gift you each day.



I keep reading on here that when they announce. New land for sale the price will be really steep. I have been playing for a little over a month and was hoping some of the pros on here could give insight into how many coins I should accumulate to survive as they expand.

I currently have 1,757,207,975

I would like to think that it is enough but I am getting nervous. Please advise?

Also, if anyone can franchise from me it would be appreciated. I can also gift you each day.




I think you have way more than enough. BB did a calculation earlier somewhere and he reckoned that 300 million would suffice for the new update. I stopped after 1 billion and deleted all my SEs.
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I want Mount Fuji

I want Mount Fuji. If anyone has any ideas on how to earn bucks fast please help:confused:
I am willing to gift people every day for franchising my businesses with bucks or otherwise!

Also can someone tell my cAndy Land’s Booyah ID??

Thank You in advance
Booyah ID: 31607337
User Name: M!aaville
Just want to give a thank u to Candyland. I am trying to save for mt fugi. So your franchising is greatly appreciated. My town is Caribana Strip: 29015804 just incase ur not sure of who this is.
Candy land I owe you!! Thanks for the help, it is so appreciated. The extra cash and franchising was badly needed. Thank you!!!
If anyone would be willing to help me get more bucks I would be very thankful my towns name is named "Och my! Luke at that" and my booyah ID is 34381047.
Also text me with info at 3048303738
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Franchise help extra $$ needed


MY USER ID IS 34347066
location las vegas ; )
Howdy guys..

Sorry I was MIA today.. thanks for the kind comments to while I was gone! :):):) Nice to see so many new names.. *waving to everyone ..hope everyone is having lots of fun :)
@Snoopy1967.. Thanks..I like it ...but sometimes I want to wipe it out and "do over" lol!!
@Chilli town..Wowza hit me up 3 times and I was freaking out cause I have no I have 5 family members who play this and I already have to "accidentally ..on purpose" forget to gift them so I can "gift" someone population for green! Thank you for thinking of me. :):)
@Moon.. You can contact Booyah about the "accidental upgrade" the number is somewhere in your stats.. They might refund:eek:
@Sharazani.. Howdy Back at cha! ;)
super sorry if I missed anyone.. hugs to everyone! nighty night! :D:D
����������Stop by if your bored :):)
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Getting Frustrated!!

Hey guys,

I have to earn some real bucks in real life, and haven't had a chance to check in in 3 days! Thanks to my franchising buds....

So after 3 days, I have soooo many things to say, and still have soooo many questions after playing for months, and reaching one of GraceGirl's hillarious "stages", of playing this game (ugly but making coins, and needing bucks).

I appreciate all of you guys so much, and just caught up on the thread.

So here are my comments / questions since the "update".

1. There must be a real "something" coming up soon.... The Mayor appreciation day, and the crediting of the Shinto Temple on the 9th, and per what I saw here, there's some type of "Mother Ship", wonder coming up..... Hope it's good, and the glitches don't destroy our hard work.

2. Since the Mt. Fuji update, I shake a few times, and then my screen is off center and my cars start driving sideways. I can zoom in, and it's fine, but have to get out, and close the game all the way, and log in again to fix it (then after a few shakes, it's back off). But it's good, because I save my progress every few minutes.

3. I have been getting the same frequency of green bucks for errands (not much :( ) but still there. I actually got a buck from the cop for the first time, ever.

4. I have a question for all of the generous, green buck billionaires: What do you do with population gifts, after you reach MAX population? Or do you keep your population and businesses under the MAX, on purpose? I don't get it. Does it keep count, even though it says "MAX"?

5. POPULARITY / VALUE!!!: I don't think I will ever understand the business popularity issue. I have all of the "big" ones, but since my town was wiped out, and I rebuilt, I got most of them at half of the original popularity, and they seem to stay that way. My income from them doesn't change, unless I level up. I got one at 65K popularity, and got it up to a level 9, and in my stats, it says that it's 65K, and my income hasn't gone up from it. Now I see on other people's towns that it's at 105K!!! Should I re franchise it, and start over, at level 1?? My income hasn't changed. What happens if the popularity goes down? My income from those hasn't gone down, either (a good thing). VERY confused, and I don't think anyone has really figured this issue out. Has anyoe tried contacting Booyah about popularity levels?

All right, I'll be checking in for the rest of the week :D Hope you all are having as beautiful weather as we are, in South FL!!

New Johnstown - 33651074
ps. I suggest people hold off on changing locations for the time being. It's very risky, and with all the Booyah glitches, you could lose your whole town - not fun.

pps. Not sure what to do about 2 different forums. I guess I can manage both. I like both, but there are certain people who don't seem to like this one at all. BB, you have the best answers to a lot of the complicated, business questions, so I'll definitely be following you.
Candy Land

today I got the surprise of being franchised for the first time....I went through the forum here to see who is the nice person behind cAndy Land, but i couldnt find him...soooo thank you very much for the franchising and for your generousity...and more is, your town is really looking amazingly beautiful :) you got the good balance between a town making money and having a nice look....congratulations

his ID is 32310986...its really worth a visit!

I really want to thank Candy Land too! i do not know who on here it is either!
But Candy Land if you are reading this THANK YOU!!

Ha. I feel like such a rebel. But it's nice to discuss it and still share the love:) Sol, I might have to go to Naples sometime for work, if I'm lucky. If so, I'll post it everywhere, so you know, and we can discuss. Maybe I should hold out for bribes, in green bucks. hahahaha. Guess I have to get a level 10 business.:D:D

Ecstatic, can't wait to see what your town looks like. A lot of us have gone into the money making phase (I'm still in it), with Stock Exchanges, after reading this. Some prefer to enjoy building a beautiful town, from the start, and aren't in any hurry to get to the end, or ready for the ethereal update that has been "coming soon", for months.

YarnGoddess. I noticed you were an admin. I think it's cool. I don't dislike it. It's just different. I think I like the social aspect of this one, and something about the layout is soothing?? lol. "Jailbroken" refers to an Apple device where the proprietary operating system is unlocked, so that users can access the code of apps, and tweak it. I think it's great, if you're a risk taker. I prefer to keep mine in Apple prison, because I don't want to mess up the Apple warranty in any way. Too much real business relies on those little devices. But for many people, part of the joy of owning one, is being able to do what they want to with it. God knows, with the prices we pay, they deserve the freedom.

Think I'm done for the day. Just noticed, for the first time, that Mt. Fuji actually errupts when you shake it. Did this happen from day one, or is it a new thing?

I'm still not sure what to do with my businesses. I'm now maxed out, and some top ones are almost at level 10. But the popularity has doubled (again) on many of them. Don't know if I should experiment, and refranchise one, and start at level 1 again, just to see how it affects the popularity of my town. In my old town, before the wipeout hurricane, i had the same businesses at nearly triple the popularity. While the income aspect can be boosted by stock exchanges, I was #84 on the leaderboards, and now I'm like #200 (not that I care all that much).

New Johnstown - 33651074
Just Lost my Town

I switched phones and now all of my hard earned fun is gone. Booyah has given me a new id and everything. Is there anyway to get my old town back!!!!
YarnGoddess. I noticed you were an admin. I think it's cool. I don't dislike it. It's just different. I think I like the social aspect of this one, and something about the layout is soothing?? lol. "Jailbroken" refers to an Apple device where the proprietary operating system is unlocked, so that users can access the code of apps, and tweak it. I think it's great, if you're a risk taker. I prefer to keep mine in Apple prison, because I don't want to mess up the Apple warranty in any way. Too much real business relies on those little devices. But for many people, part of the joy of owning one, is being able to do what they want to with it.

New Johnstown - 33651074

Thank you for the info on jailbroken devices. It's just as I thought. It's not the practice that bugged me - I don't give a rat's behind what people do (after all, I am a native Bay Arean) - it was just the term. I don't know... after working in a Level 4 max, having to hit the ground with machine guns pointed at me, and getting to know my boys as people, it changes you.

I'm an admi? What??? I have to go see! Excuse me (Sol, what the hell didbyou do?!?). :eek:
I would rather create my own.....

My town is pretty cool, but I started getting into buying so many that it started to add up. Lol i figured if i could play with these apps,why not try to make my own !
I've been experimenting with popularity, and Booyah is playing dirty tricks on us! A couple of weeks ago, I franchised "Quick", as one of the first businesses in New Johnstown. In (old) Johnstown, I had it at a popularity of around 150K. This time I got it at a popularity of 65K ish. It was one of my top two, popularity wise, and it was making me a LOT of coins, as an office, and with a couple of franchisers (thank you guys). So I've been tapping my little fingers off, trying to get my businesses back up to level 10 (so I can get gifted, green bucks), and Quick is now my only level 9. It's making me $10K coins, every 3 minutes. So I noticed yesterday, that it's now at a 108K popularity in other people's towns. That REALLY pisses me off, because on my stats, it still shows at 60 something (and YES, it did go down slightly in my stats).

So, in the name of science, I was willing to delete my only level 9 (and highest earner), and re-franchise it, at a higher popularity.... I moved to Paris, double checked on someone's Quick, that it was still at 108K, and was about to delete mine, when I noticed that the income was now $11K coins per three minutes. I checked my stats, and lo and behold, it is listed at 108K popularity, my overall popularity is up, and I DIDN'T HAVE TO DELETE AND RE-FRANCHISE!!:D:D:D

Apparently, re-locating to the town of the businesses, and checking them, will re-set your popularity stats at higher levels. BUT, the businesses in that same town, that have gone DOWN in popularity will also go down (Mixer Bar), so beware....:confused::confused::mad:

If anyone has anything to contribute to this, or has ANY understanding of how to keep the levels going up, and not down, please let me know:)

Now on to the other forum, to post it there, and let you guys categorize it, for what it's worth. Hahahaha

New Johnstown - 33651074

p.s. How many of you nerds have memorized your Booyah ID, already?? Hahaha :D
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Green fields...

All my buildings are gonzo...I have all the land that I purchased and there are empty, all empty. This could be the end of My Town 2 for me as I would not like to start from scratch again.

How do I get it back? What is the glitch?:(

Please, please, please help.

Anyone can point me to Booyah so I can email them also.

BooyahID: 31868298
Town: nolenville
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