Getting Frustrated!!
Hey guys,
I have to earn some real bucks in real life, and haven't had a chance to check in in 3 days! Thanks to my franchising buds....
So after 3 days, I have soooo many things to say, and still have soooo many questions after playing for months, and reaching one of GraceGirl's hillarious "stages", of playing this game (ugly but making coins, and needing bucks).
I appreciate all of you guys so much, and just caught up on the thread.
So here are my comments / questions since the "update".
1. There must be a real "something" coming up soon.... The Mayor appreciation day, and the crediting of the Shinto Temple on the 9th, and per what I saw here, there's some type of "Mother Ship", wonder coming up..... Hope it's good, and the glitches don't destroy our hard work.
2. Since the Mt. Fuji update, I shake a few times, and then my screen is off center and my cars start driving sideways. I can zoom in, and it's fine, but have to get out, and close the game all the way, and log in again to fix it (then after a few shakes, it's back off). But it's good, because I save my progress every few minutes.
3. I have been getting the same frequency of green bucks for errands (not much

) but still there. I actually got a buck from the cop for the first time, ever.
4. I have a question for all of the generous, green buck billionaires: What do you do with population gifts, after you reach MAX population? Or do you keep your population and businesses under the MAX, on purpose? I don't get it. Does it keep count, even though it says "MAX"?
5. POPULARITY / VALUE!!!: I don't think I will ever understand the business popularity issue. I have all of the "big" ones, but since my town was wiped out, and I rebuilt, I got most of them at half of the original popularity, and they seem to stay that way. My income from them doesn't change, unless I level up. I got one at 65K popularity, and got it up to a level 9, and in my stats, it says that it's 65K, and my income hasn't gone up from it. Now I see on other people's towns that it's at 105K!!! Should I re franchise it, and start over, at level 1?? My income hasn't changed. What happens if the popularity goes down? My income from those hasn't gone down, either (a good thing). VERY confused, and I don't think anyone has really figured this issue out. Has anyoe tried contacting Booyah about popularity levels?
All right, I'll be checking in for the rest of the week

Hope you all are having as beautiful weather as we are, in South FL!!
New Johnstown - 33651074