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We have all bought multiple stock exchange wonders(like 30 or more) and changed ALL of our businesses over to "offices" to multiply the coins way up to get a couple Billion tucked away... Then delete the S.E's and switch the office skins back to the decorative ones :)..hope that helps ;)
Bucks are not so easy.. Someone needs to franchise you :)
����������GraceGirl 31405501

Yeah. Look at my ugly town, right now. I'm in that phase right now. Rebuilding a new town (pretty well). I lost my level 50 town due to changing locations, and my phone timing off. Every spare inch of land is taken up by stock exchanges, for a few more days, most of my businesses are offices. As soon as I save some major $$ I will re-decorate. Can't wait!!:):D

New Johnstown - 33651074
We have all bought multiple stock exchange wonders(like 30 or more) and changed ALL of our businesses over to "offices" to multiply the coins way up to get a couple Billion tucked away... Then delete the S.E's and switch the office skins back to the decorative ones :)..hope that helps ;)
Bucks are not so easy.. Someone needs to franchise you :)
#####GraceGirl 31405501

Wow, thanks for the info. I will probably do that for the next little while and them change them back... never thought about that.

Out of the wonders, is the S.E. the best one? At least the best one that you don't have to pay an arm and a leg for?
Need bucks

anyone who wants BUCKS, send me ur Booyah ID. I'll come franchise ur most expensive business. So then you don't have to learn how to change the files on the iphone. Jailbreakin the phone doesn't actually help nemore... they patched it ever since v2 came out...

I need bucks and to be franchised please! Thank u soon much my Id is 34252035 town name is Maday
Sorry I was MIA today.. thanks for the kind comments to while I was gone! :):):) Nice to see so many new names.. *waving to everyone ..hope everyone is having lots of fun :)
@Snoopy1967.. Thanks..I like it ...but sometimes I want to wipe it out and "do over" lol!!
@Chilli town..Wowza hit me up 3 times and I was freaking out cause I have no I have 5 family members who play this and I already have to "accidentally ..on purpose" forget to gift them so I can "gift" someone population for green! Thank you for thinking of me. :):)
@Moon.. You can contact Booyah about the "accidental upgrade" the number is somewhere in your stats.. They might refund:eek:
@Sharazani.. Howdy Back at cha! ;)
super sorry if I missed anyone.. hugs to everyone! nighty night! :D:D
����������Stop by if your bored :):)
Can you help me plz! My id is 34252035. And my town name is Maday. Thak u soo much!
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Need bucks!

Can someone please franchise some of my businesses. I will send u gifts everyday! Plz help! Thank u!!!! My id is 34252035. And my town name is Maday.
How do I earn bucks?

Hi all. I am relatively new to this and have just worked out (thanks to this forum) how to start earning coins, but I am still having trouble with earning bucks. I live in a small area in NZ so buying any decent sized businesses is hard, although I have franchised a couple of reasonable ones.

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks so much!

My ID is 35122953 and my town name is Bramley.
Message for "Open"

Hi All,

If you send me a gift of Population. I will franchise one business of yours (with Bucks of course)... If you are lucky maybe more than one :)

I don't need any other gift except population

Trying to help out all I can.



Hey, Open, can you give me your ID so I can gift you some population? Thanks.

ID Number 35122953 "Bramley"
Franchising Help

I really need som help in getting bucks.

I'm very active, logging in more than 10 times a day.
Pls help to franchise me, and i promise to gift you everyday!
Thanks! :)

ID: 29480754
Town Name: Sweetie Pea
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Hey guys! New to the forum, just wanted to thank everyone for all their tips for the game! I was searching around for any new tricks to use on my town and you guys definitely delivered. I've been playing for like a week, level 21 and pop of 52k. Whats all this about everyone losing their towns?

Btw, if anyone wants to be friends my id is 36524069. I'm in Orlando so I'm working on a getting a good amount of Disney/Universal businesses.
cAndyland and chillitown - thank you

Thanks for the franchises. You rock! You would have laughed if you had seen how excited I was - my first franchisees!

Thanks so much!

"Bramley" ID Number 35122953
Hey guys whats up!
I'm a member of mytown2 too from England, would appreciate it if people could help me out with franchising nd I'll do the same :)

Add me as a friend too to trade bonuses!

ID : 35997481
The shinto shrine thing

Has anyone gotten the shrine yet?? It says by 3/9. Still havnt got mine...

Hi Everyone,
I've just found this forum and have gotten tons of great tips from everyone. I've been totally hooked on My Town 2 since downloading it about a week ago.
I'm hoping for some help franchising. I would gift you each day in return for franchising one of my properties.
Thanks in advance!

ID # 36631316
My Town 2 bonuses

How is the popularity of a business determined? What causes it to increase in popularity?
I'm not overly sure, but I think it's determined by the number of check ins

ID : 35997481

Thanks for the reply. Some of my oldest businesses (therefore ones which have been checked into most frequently) have the lowest popularity. Seems odd. Lots of things don't quite make sense with this game, though I still enjoy it.
Thanks for the reply. Some of my oldest businesses (therefore ones which have been checked into most frequently) have the lowest popularity. Seems odd. Lots of things don't quite make sense with this game, though I still enjoy it.

yeah there's a few queries about it, like i franchised a business with around 1200 popularity for something like 12 bucks, yet other cities I try franchise a business of the same size and it costs me a couple of hundred lol

ID : 35997481
Hi everybody,
this is the first time I post something in a Forum but reading all your tips for my Town 2 really helped me a lot to make my town look better - so thanks!
I would be very very happy to be franchised or get gifted and of course I'm willing to gift back population or bucks or whatever you need ;)
For a short time I got daily franchised by Candyland and always gifted population- that was awesome(!) I started saving bucks for something nice, but since I wasn't a writing member of this forum I kind of improvised and wrote "THX ANDY" with streets on some free areas in my town. Open obviously didn't like that and hasn't franchised me no more since then-I hope you can forgive me-just tryed to be kind :)

greetings and have fun playing mytown!
Username Indy135
Indytown ID: 29436149
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Hello all,
This is my first post and I've been playing for a couple months. I have franchised around 10 companies and have never once had someone franchise one of mine. I'd really just like to see what happens. I have space for 3 friends, and can gift daily. It would be very much appreciate for someone to franchise one of my businesses.
My location is Orlando, fl and my number is
The name is something like Isaacdbowens city or something like that. I would very much appreciate a franchise and will gift daily and give credit. Thank you to anyone willing to give their time, efforts, and materials...
Also I have a question about stacking the stock exchanges...

For the first one it gives you 20% extra income... Does anyone know it is compounded by any other SE's you add?
In other words, does the second one give you 20% of the base amount, or 20% of the total, i.e. 24%... Thanks
Grace girl,
Btw, I didnt realize you had so many level 10 businesses :-/... I'll make sure to give you cash from now on :)
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