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FYI, my homebrew and macports is working. Also, my apache/mariadb servers worked without change.
Thanks. The two critical programs that need upgrades are SuperDuper! (I use it) and Carbon Copy Cloner (a number of folks use it). Either one is a stellar program. Obviously having a stable, secure backup program that works flawlessly is both mandatory and important.

Again, I have 5 programs that are critical (including SuperDuper!), and hence am waiting before I move to Big Sur. Plus, Big Sur is nowhere near stable enough, at least for me.
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I have trouble using the search tool in mail.

It wont let me search.

If I need to I have to open and quit a couple times while holding the shift key while opening. Cycle through that 2x and then restart.

Then I can search for a few times before it quits.

I can't get audible notifications of new mail.

I'm missing lots of timely emails throughout the day.

Mail is a disaster!!!!

This update is costing me money!!!!
This whole OS sucks, it’s a bugfest, or should I say it’s typical Apple software, I just got a new Mac and the mail lags, sometimes it doesn’t display anything you have to restart the whole system, I am seriously thinking of returning it, such a disappointment, should have got an intel
No matter which Mac OS, I always read about folks having issues with Apple's Mail program. That is one of the main reasons why I avoid it, and use Thunderbird instead. While not as "sexy looking", it just plain works all the time.

Also, Big Sur is still not stable enough, and still has bugs/issues. Catalina, on the other hand, is rock solid.
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Sucks big time. The list of mailboxes and folders used to fit on 1.5 screens. Now it's 5 screens. There is no indication that I can create Folders (except Smart Folder, which appears to be not so smart). I can't manage my screen space without folders.

My MacBook Pro was in for repair the past 12 days (!), and I was very annoyed with how lame Mail was under iPadOS. Waiting to get my real computer back. Then after Big Sur, the real computer Mail was as lame as iPadOS. I see what's happening and I don't like it one bit. Though I've been buying Macs since 1984 (really), I see Ubuntu in my future.
Not sure what the issue is for others, but the mail app for me is working as expected. Search is working, new mail is flowing. I'm very impressed with the mail app performance in Big Sur.
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Anyone having the same issue as described here? is open but nothing is displayed on screen. Not a single window.
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There is no indication that I can create Folders (except Smart Folder, which appears to be not so smart). I can't manage my screen space without folders.

Can you see "On My Mac"?

Press the + sign in a circle next to it to create a new mailbox.

Or highlight any existing mailbox to create a new mailbox within that one.

If you can't see all the mailboxes in "On My Mac" you need to press the little down pointing arrow to the right.

It's true that it's not easy to see.
I hate the BS whitish and flat theme, in comparison of Mojave or Catalina one. My eyes are not a big fan of that, and for the moment I stay with Mojave on 2 of my 3 computers, and another in Catalina for test purposes (no more BS on test).
Email is something we all use everyday. It’s worth paying for something better than the native app. Zoho, AirMail, there are loads of better alternatives out there.
Big Sur Mail sucks big time - even worse than I thought. Suddenly there are four Drafts mailboxes, four Sent mailboxes, three Junk mailboxes, 5 Trash mailboxes - PLUS - each of those and more under each email address I have defined. (Yes, I understand how iMap works, and I want to keep the bulk of stuff local, but not waste so much screen space). And I'm still looking for anything in the app that allows me to create a Folder to shove the excess detritus into so it doesn't use all my screen space. Really? There is no Create Folder option? Really???

If I wanted painful management of all my emails, I would not need an email client, would I?

It looks like apps on Mac have been dumbed down to be as lame as apps on iPad. If I wanted iPad functionality, I would not have paid 6X the cost for a high powered Mac.
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I think some of the issues raised here (and elsewhere on the board) about macOS upgrades in general are just the sort of things that happen when a developer tries to "improve" things that didn't need improving - just so they can justify the version bump every year.

They could well pour all the time and resource they waste on re-re-re-redesigning mail (and other similar areas of the OS), into fixing things that don't live up to their potential (translation: bugged). Or bring features into parts of the OS that actually need one.

Finder, in particular, could well get overhauled to include Horizontal/Vertical Pane Views, better Window Management, expanded Tab capabilities (like the ones Stardock offers via their Groupy app), easier FTP setups, etc, etc, all without having to install yet another app.
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And I'm still looking for anything in the app that allows me to create a Folder to shove the excess detritus into so it doesn't use all my screen space. Really? There is no Create Folder option? Really???
A folder is just a mailbox with no mails in it. Create a mailbox, then create other mailboxes within it.
I constantly see a notification badge "1" for one new mail, but then it doesnt show it to me when I go to the app unless I quit it and restart. !!!
It plainly sucks!! Like most of all other things in Big Sur especially in the UI department ... are we really kidding? ... the only way to tell if a mail is read/unread is the tiny fu**ing blue dot on the side???? Are we serious?
Big Sur is a ToyRUs version of what used to be a serious OS... so pissed at "rainbow" Apple!
I agree, it really doesn’t perform as well as previous versions. I have always loved Apple Mail on the Mac. It took me the longest time to figure out how to add back the All Junk group that has been in the OS as long as I can remember.

The toolbar is just really off visually. The search doesn’t work half of the time.

The one thing that I really miss was being able to to click the toolbar above the message list to have it jump to the top of the list automatically without having to scroll.
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Feel like it forces one to use the menu bar more than in the past...switching the filter between unread messages and flagged messages...sorting email by date/sender/ I missing something? Even within the mail app, you used to be able to customize the toolbar to switch between different inboxes...that seems to be gone, too.
It doesn't suck. It blows. :(

Actually, there is something about the layout (added space or maybe a font change?) that makes it harder to read.

Really don't like that they not only removed the sort widget from the toolbar, but removed it from the possible widgets one can add to the toolbar. So, somebody decided not only that most people don't use it but nobody should be allowed to. That was unnecessary and annoying.

Also, why did the flags move to the right in the mail list? That may make sense in right-to-left leading languages, but for those of us who read left to right, placing the thing that is supposed to highlight an entry out in right field is barely better than removing the feature entirely.

Overall, I don't really like the UI changes in Big Sur. A number of things are now more difficult to figure out. Maybe this is all pent up demand from designers who were waiting for Jony Ive to leave and let them force their ideas on a user base that didn't need them and doesn't necessarily like them... well, except for the fanboys who mindlessly like anything from Apple regardless.
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