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Has anyone Been hired with a misdemeanor on their bgc? May sound crazy but I didn't even know it was on there until now.
Thanks Jonesv8100 for the template!
First time poster!
My timeline:
Submitted resume on 01/16/15
1st Interview: Called for quick interview with recruiter 01/19/15
2nd interview: HireVue interview with recruiting team 01/23/15
3rd interview: HireVue interview with team manager 01/28/15
Job offer: Contingent upon HireRight bgc 2/2/15

I've a misdemeanor and I was a couple months off on the start date of a previous job. Not on purpose, of course.

This is for AppleCare graveyard chat, training starts 3/9/15.

I'm still hoping for the best but expecting the worst. I really want this job! Come on HireRight!!

You mentioned you have a misdemeanor and they still offered you the position? Did it show up on your bgc?
Whoa I don't post for a few days and MacRumors has gotten itself a makeover!

Congratulations to all those who got hired! As for those who didn't, maybe my story can show you that there's still hope :D

My Timeline:
May 5-9: Applied to about 20 different locations for the regular AHA position directly to Apple
May 10: Phone call from interview telling me about the position, the pay rate, etc. and asking some questions; moved to the next round
May 16: Second interview via Skype; answered some questions and did a roleplay scenario; had issues with my scheduling and they took note of that; went very well and immediately moved to the next round
May 19: Third interview via Skype; several connection issues where I lost signal with the recruiter on two occasions (not on my end); answered some questions and did two roleplay scenarios; I asked the recruiter how I did and he said I connected well with the customer; I had issues with my scheduling and they took a note of that
May 23: Received an email from Apple saying they have moved forward with another candidate
May 23: Applied for AHA via Kelly Services; initial application filled with customer support scenarios, personality questions, etc.; one scenario question didn't go through correctly (not sure why)
May 24: Rejected from Kelly Services after initial application; applied for AHA via Xerox; initial application filled with IQ questions, personality test questions, call center scenarios including a question where I had to record my voice
May 26: I receive an email from a Xerox recruiter wanting to know more about me; scheduled a phone interview for the next day
May 25: Phone call interview from Xerox recruiter; similar to Apple callback from May 10th; immediately moved me to next round
June 1: Second interview via iMeet; answered some questions; did two roleplay scenarios, immediately moved to final interview
June 2: Third interview via iMeet; answered some questions, including what RAM is and one about an Apple product that interests me the most (Apple Watch, of course lol) and where'd I find the info (official website, watching the keynote address from March, etc.); was told I should hear back from them within 24 hours
June 2: Received offer call from recruiter and explaining what emails I'd get and the steps I'd have to take for a drug test, etc.

Soooo definitely a whirlwind of activity the whole past month but I made it! I learned that how you present yourself is extremely important and that you don't want to come across as inflexible about the schedule, especially when you're first starting out and have no good metrics to warrant special consideration in the first place. Sure the starting pay is $10/hr and increases up to a maximum of $13 with good metrics (a far cry from the $16/hr starting pay with Apple) but I got my foot in the door. It's a permanent position, not a contract. And there's benefits involved and room for growth or getting hired directly with Apple so I say never give up if doesn't happen to work the first time around!
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I just landed the job at Xerox.. (my story is on page 109 or around that)

The company seems AWESOME, every day my recruiter is either calling me or emailing me to let me know what is happening in the process. I just completed my drug test recently, and about 3 hours later I received my employee login info (I already did the New Hire paperwork). Really excited! If any of you want to get together to help each other out let me know, we can have a little work chat! haha.


Def go through Xerox as an alternative (they pay more). Hopefully all goes well! They seem like a great company and are really showing that through their actions (see above post). Don't worry! The right opportunity will come along :) :D

Just reading this now but yes! I can definitely attest to your experience that Xerox is super nice and friendly and they're just the better alternative to Kelly or Concentrix ($9.25/hr starting pay are you kidding me!?). They were really quick and they were super positive throughout the entire process.
Any first interview calls going out lately? Still waiting on a first call. Been applying to lots of positions. Does it seem like they go in waves? Like a lot of people seem to be waiting for a final offer call right now.
No, I know they call late but geesh I'm freaking out. Still checking my e-mail. It seems like rejection comes through e-mail and acceptance through phone. Have you heard of anyone getting rejected after the third interview?

My guess is, if we were going to get a rejection email we would have already gotten it by now. We're still a little ways away from the July training class, so they may be giving June's classes priority. However, that's not to say that we won't get a call any time soon now. (Fingers crossed!)

I check my email every day for any update - the only update through email, from what I understand, is a "thanks, but no thanks." It's the phone call that we're waiting for.

Then it's the background check.

Then it's the call after the background check. Best thing - don't let it bother you. I've got it on my calendar to hear by the 10th of June before I start worrying. :) At that time I'll contact my recruiter, but not until then, out of respect for their time and busy-ness.
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Any first interview calls going out lately? Still waiting on a first call. Been applying to lots of positions. Does it seem like they go in waves? Like a lot of people seem to be waiting for a final offer call right now.

From what I've seen, it does look like they go in waves. I have a feeling they're trying to get the positions filled asap for the upcoming training classes. Plus, if you think about it, they seem to train at the beginning/middle/end of month and it would make sense more first calls go out at a certain time.
Well seeing as Xerox moves as the speed of sound on these applications, I have the NDA form to sign so it's bye bye for me. Good luck to everyone applying!
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I've been lurking since I first applied (two weeks ago) and thought I'd share since everyone here has been so helpful! I'm going to try and anatomize some of my details just in case. This is for the non-chat position that starts mid-to-late-July.

I got a call two days after my application went through. We talked about my work history and relevant experience. She asked me how I would approach troubleshooting if all the customer said was "I can't connect to WiFi." Just be yourself and be honest. Take your time, breathe, and walk them through what you would do. She also spoke about the pay and the hours (for the non-chat position) and asked if this was acceptable. She sounded very happy to hear that I have experience working from home and understand the possible difficulties. (Also asked about my office/work space. Door, wired connection, etc.) At the end of the call she told me I would be moving on to the next interview, and we scheduled it immediately for the next week.

The second interview was via Skype. I almost forgot to lock my cat out of the office (she likes to jump on my keyboard while I'm typing.) The others on here are not lying to you when they say to just be yourself and empathize! Pick up on details from the role-play and integrate them into your troubleshooting. (Happy Birthday, Congratulations, etc.) Interviewer was very professional and polite. We talked about my current job, why I wanted to leave, and what was the last thing I received negative feedback on from my supervisor. I asked when the training would start and was told it depended on when all the background checks came through. Tell the truth and emphasize your strengths! At the end I was told that I would get an email to schedule my final interview.

The email didn't come until the next day, so don't fret if it takes a minute. The only options were for this week or next week, so I haven't had my final interview yet. I'll update after and hopefully give any details I can!

Thank you all for your advice and posts! It's been the only thing to keep my patient and sane through this whole process!
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Third interview was Friday. Been lurking for a couple of days. ON PINS AND NEEDLES waiting for the call. Sending positive thoughts toward everyone! Hopefully we are all future co-workers!
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Hi everyone, I'm new here. I've been scouring this board for over two weeks, though. I applied to the iOS CHAT position back in March and forgot about it. Two weeks ago, I got a call from a person informing me they wanted to interview me. She performed a very brief interview and then told me I would have a second interview over webcam in a week. So, last week, I had my second interview. It did not go swimmingly, due to tech issues. The interviewer was a super pleasant individual, though. Much to my surprise, I received a call yesterday saying they wanted to move me to the last interview in the process!

Now, I've read every page in this thread. But, I'm still just incredibly anxious and freaking out about this thing. I want it soo badly!

I have a few questions for those who have done the interviews for the CHAT positions. There is an abundance of phone stuff here and, even though I thought I was prepared by taking notes (yes, I'm taking notes here!) and clinging to every word, nothing really in my interview had been mentioned here.

I want to know, about how long was your third interview with Apple?

Also, what should I expect as far as question topics? Any specific examples would be appreciated, but I do not expect anyone to hand me anything in a picnic basket. I am just so nervous and I am the type of person who performs best when I know what to expect. If you want to PM me for privacy purposes, that is perfectly fine. Thanks in advance!
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