I just had my third interview via FaceTime. I'm really worried. It went great interviewing with the hiring manager and he was really nice but now I'm second guessing myself. He said I will hear something in 1 to 2 weeks.
read the report
under where it says who requested it it will says
adjunction status:meets company standards.
Just got mine!!!
Don't call Apple, It will change to Meet company standards days later, maybe after u get ur offer call. Long as it says Complete, ur ok.This is not something that the report shows on mine either..and I called and asked and they just referred me to Apple.
And My bgc didnt say MCS it said completed. Thats how I knowDon't call Apple, It will change to Meet company standards days later, maybe after u get ur offer call. Long as it says Complete, ur ok.
I've applied for almost 7-8 AHA jobs in my state and surrounding others. I haven't heard anything back yet. Is anyone willing to help me out with what they put during the applying process and their resume? All help is greatly appreciated! So happy for all of you that got hired!! Hope that is me soon.
Easier to emai me probably, jalen949@gmail.com
Don't call Apple, It will change to Meet company standards days later, maybe after u get ur offer call. Long as it says Complete, ur ok.
Mine, still just says completed and haven't received a call yet, for some reason I'm starting to think I'm not going to get it now. It's been like 15 business days since my background check showed as completed. I'm still kinda optimistic because I haven't gotten a rejection call or email yet either but a solid three weeks after my bgc showed as completed and nothing back is a little worrisome. I've gotten other offers in the meantime but I want this one so bad.
I emailed my recruiter twice and she hasn't gotten back, I called hireright and they said everything is done on their end and referred me to apple. I considered trying to call an hr number to see what's up but I was trying very hard to not be "that guy" lol but I am definitely getting closer to that point now.Have u called or emailed your recruiter? Or maybe call Hireright. They are very helpful and maybe they can tell you what the holdup is. Stay positive until they give u a for sure answer. Sometimes these things take time.
I emailed my recruiter twice and she hasn't gotten back, I called hireright and they said everything is done on their end and referred me to apple. I considered trying to call an hr number to see what's up but I was trying very hard to not be "that guy" lol but I am definitely getting closer to that point now.
Well, just called corporate and I'll give you guys a heads up she said hiring decision post background checks can take up to six weeks depending on the job and your recruiters' work load. There isn't a number or a department in which you can get status updates also. Sole communication will be through the recruits either via phone or email.....hope that helps for anyone else in a longer wait.Lol. I would be past that point at 3 weeks. Hopefully u hear something soon!
Do you have any tips to getting your resume pushed through? I've applied about 7-8 times and never heard back from any of them. I would love to at least hear back from them on one of them. Do you mind if we email? Jalen949@gmail.com
Monday is a holiday, maybe Tuesday or Wednesday instead.I had my 3rd interview on Wednesday and haven't heard anything yet. Hopefully I get a phone call Monday offering me the position. Fingers crossed. I just know this is going to be a long weekend waiting. I'm praying they decide to move forward with me and wishing everyone else good luck on getting the position as well!!
Just curious, how did u know you would be giving up ur nights and hoildays?? I could have being day shift and maybe didnt have to work the hoilday. Not all will work every hoilday.
You stayed for 2 years, why?? and u had to give up every weekend?? no weekends off ever?? what is the purpose of pto of they dont let you use it when u need to. I understand not being able to take off during holidays though.
I recently quit Apple after working in iTunes chat for 2 years. You will give up EVERY single Holiday, nights,days and weekends as well. After two years you bid on the same shifts as someone who just started it's crap! Received a very small raise in those 2 years as well. Worked every single weekend for the last year and a half 11 hour shifts at that. So if you're not willing to do that then it won't work out for you. I finally got sick of it and missed my kids, luckily I found another WAH job that pays more and is flexible so it worked out for me. The benefits are awesome but not worth not seeing your family over. The Holliday season is coming up and you can't even schedule time off from basically Thanksgiving to after new year because it's so busy NO DAYS off...Feel free to ask any questions I quit so don't have anything to lose now..Just because it's Apple doesn't mean it's perfect it's far from