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Did any of the Irish College AHA's Hear anything back after the test yet?
I've currently have a job offer, but I'm holding out for a response from Apple.
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aha advisor

I just got hired by apple as a aha advisor start date in june just wondering how intense is the training any think i need to know any tips any info at all i would appreciate

I did my background check on Friday and got the call today that everything checked out!! New hire paper work will be coming in via Fedex!! I'll be in the June 23rd class :D

Ahhh : ( i got a call Friday i missed so i called 50 times today and got through and they just wanted my references and was told id hear this week .. What a bummer lol i was so pumped
I had a phone interview last week, and my second facetime interview tomorrow! I am nervous, but hopeful! :) In line for the June class!
How many of yall are doing this through your college? I applied through UGA.
The only time I got a call was the offer call lol and I only had one interview which was the facetime interview.
iMac AHA

Can't wait to get my iMac and play around with it. Anyone know if its the 27 inch or the 21?

Was told it was the 21" on one of the calls.



I did my background check on Friday and got the call today that everything checked out!! New hire paper work will be coming in via Fedex!! I'll be in the June 23rd class :D


Awesome. Congrats!
Had my second interview yesterday...

So I had my second interview (1st Face-Time) yesterday... was told I would know by the end of the week. Not sure what to expect as it seems many people know right away. I feel confident that I did well. Anyone have a like experience? What was the outcome for you?

I've been lurking for about a week now, great info here. THANK YOU!
GUYS I am upset. Due to my trip to Mexico in August it disqualified me for the position due to training being around that same time :(.
So what would you guys prefer trip vs work for :apple:?
I just applied to 5 is that ok or a bit excessive?

Lol, don't think it should hurt. As a matter of fact I applied to 3-4.... as long as their somewhat near your city/province/state/etc.


GUYS I am upset. Due to my trip to Mexico in August it disqualified me for the position due to training being around that same time :(.
So what would you guys prefer trip vs work for :apple:?

I think anybody would PREFER a trip, but I NEED a job so I'd skip the trip.
I do not need a job as I have one already. Just tired of it. Also only making $14 an hour. I would prefer apple. I might retry after my vacation though. Hope you guys have fun in training class!
I just finished up my facetime interview, and am in the process of being scheduled for the third and final interview!

Good luck!


So I had my second interview (1st Face-Time) yesterday... was told I would know by the end of the week. Not sure what to expect as it seems many people know right away. I feel confident that I did well. Anyone have a like experience? What was the outcome for you?

I've been lurking for about a week now, great info here. THANK YOU!

I was told it would take a week or two to hear something back...then they called me back the next day lol Just stay near your phone so you don't have to play phone tag with them.


GUYS I am upset. Due to my trip to Mexico in August it disqualified me for the position due to training being around that same time :(.
So what would you guys prefer trip vs work for :apple:?

I personally would forgo the trip and get my foot in the door with the job first.

If you choose to go on your trip, Enjoy!
Got the background contingency hire call today ! Did my Hireright today .. How long does the background check take before your recruiter calls back ? Thanks !!!!
GUYS I am upset. Due to my trip to Mexico in August it disqualified me for the position due to training being around that same time :(.
So what would you guys prefer trip vs work for :apple:?

I had a conflict and I know some other people have posted they did as well. But my recruiter was really great about working with me to get in another class
For those of u offered the job when did your pay rate change ? I was offered one thing during the initial recruiter call , and second call they asked what that was .. Nothing on third call ... And i was offered the job contingent on background at the rate the first recruiter stated ..

Ive read most people get offered more once they are officially offered the job .. Did that just not be the case with me ? Or is it after the background check it changes ?

thank you : )
For those of u offered the job when did your pay rate change ? I was offered one thing during the initial recruiter call , and second call they asked what that was .. Nothing on third call ... And i was offered the job contingent on background at the rate the first recruiter stated ..

Ive read most people get offered more once they are officially offered the job .. Did that just not be the case with me ? Or is it after the background check it changes ?

thank you : )

First call I was told pay rate.
Second call, interviewer confirmed amount.
Third call, no mention of pay.

After I passed the BGC recruiter sent me the paperwork via Fedex. In those papers is where you will see the final offer/etc.


I had a conflict and I know some other people have posted they did as well. But my recruiter was really great about working with me to get in another class

I wonder how early in the year you were offered the job, because when I was offered a position in the past I was unable to do training since I had something scheduled during those first 2 weeks. They never offered to put me in another class (I assumed they didn't have another class).
If someone doesn't mind sharing, what are they offering you all for pay? We never discussed it and my background check just went through.

After your background check went through, did they call you, or just mail you an offer?
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