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Did anyone get contacted today by a recruiter for your first phone interview? I'm just asking because I was told to expect a call today and it did not happen.
So, I was phoned a couple of hours ago and had a successful 1st interview. Skype interview scheduled for this Monday.

I went over the questions listed on here that the 2nd interviewer may ask, but have a question. I'll be super honest here, I've got computer experience out the wazoo (owned a pc repair shop, do free repairs via teamviewer, design webpages, etc.), but it's mostly through the utilization of Windows. As I told the 1st interviewer, I do not own a Mac PC. I do have an iPad, had iPhones, and have iPods. I just wonder what are the chances of my actually making it through the 2nd interview without as much experience as someone that's fully dedicated to Apple products. I just don't want to waste their time or mine for that matter. Don't get me wrong, I want the position. I just do not want to get questions during the 2nd interview that I won't understand. In other words, I don't want to be a disappointment. With that said, I am an incredibly fast-learner, as long as I have the resources to teach me.

The role play scenarios from my second interview were for iPhone, iPad, and iCloud. From what I understand there are far more positions for iOS help than for OSX.

...on a side note from an avid apple product user...please, please never say "Mac PC" again. There are Mac desktops or Mac notebooks. PC is windows specific.
...on a side note from an avid apple product user...please, please never say "Mac PC" again. There are Mac desktops or Mac notebooks. PC is windows specific.

I totally get what you're saying since I've been in the computer industry for the last 32 years. I'm not trying to start a beef or split hairs here, but, to be technical PC means personal computer and according to Personal computer means:

A compact computer that uses a microprocessor and is designed for individual use, as by a person in an office or at home or school, for such applications as word processing, data management, financial analysis, or computer games.

You will notice that fits both Macs and Windows Personal Computers. So, stating Mac PC is actually correct. But people who are pro Apple and anti windows usually do not like it. ;)

I'm just saying!

I totally get what you're saying since I've been in the computer industry for the last 32 years. I'm not trying to start a beef or split hairs here, but, to be technical PC means personal computer and according to Personal computer means:

A compact computer that uses a microprocessor and is designed for individual use, as by a person in an office or at home or school, for such applications as word processing, data management, financial analysis, or computer games.

You will notice that fits both Macs and Windows Personal Computers. So, stating Mac PC is actually correct. But people who are pro Apple and anti windows usually do not like it. ;)

I'm just saying!


:) This is true, however, because I like a healthy debate, I would point out that since Mac is the only name Apple has for its computers that saying Mac PC is redundant. It would be like saying iPod mp3 player. An iPod by definition IS an mp3 player (and much more now). I tend to be a bit of a grammar nazi. It also irks me when people say "ATM machine" (automatic teller machine machine?) or "PIN number" (personal identification number number?). Using "PC" to define a Windows item is more necessary as Windows is also run on phones and tablets.

just my .02


Back again after my 3rd interview!

I was incredibly nervous this time. While it was very similar to the second interview as far as customer service questions and hypothetical scenarios, I much preferred the style of the second interviewer. She would actually role play starting with "ring ring" and verbally going back and forth as if an actual call. This time my interviewer would instead set up the scenario with all info up front. It threw me off at first. Anyway, he kept kept saying "good" after all my responses, so FX'd!

My recruiter had told me I'd hear back a week after my third interview, but today he said 2-3....I'm hoping that's not a bad sign.
:) This is true, however, because I like a healthy debate, I would point out that since Mac is the only name Apple has for its computers that saying Mac PC is redundant. It would be like saying iPod mp3 player. An iPod by definition IS an mp3 player (and much more now). I tend to be a bit of a grammar nazi. It also irks me when people say "ATM machine" (automatic teller machine machine?) or "PIN number" (personal identification number number?). Using "PC" to define a Windows item is more necessary as Windows is also run on phones and tablets.

just my .02


I'm not disagreeing with you at all and totally see your point! :)

Good luck and take care,

I received an email asking me to start the screening process, and it routes me to DLP staffing, also asks for me to buy a credit report if I'm reading correctly? Any info on this would be helpful! Thanks!
I just applied like couple of days ago. Does anyone know how long they take to get to you? I applied for college program.
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Congrats! From what I've read here on the forums they're not actually too concerned with what exactly you know, it's more about the customer service aspect of it, again don't quote me on it that's just what I've seen. Hopefully someone else can chime in that has more information. If you don't mind my asking, how long ago did you apply before you got the phone call and what location was it?

I applied around 4 am/mst on 9/15, they called me at 3:42 pm/mst on 9/15. It's in the central U.S.
The role play scenarios from my second interview were for iPhone, iPad, and iCloud. From what I understand there are far more positions for iOS help than for OSX.

...on a side note from an avid apple product user...please, please never say "Mac PC" again. There are Mac desktops or Mac notebooks. PC is windows specific.

What if you don't know the answer? I don't want to be crucified. It's not as if I'm not teachable. I've just been using Windows since the late 90's. I mean, that's what we were taught on in high school. I never transitioned over to Mac. I swear I've never been nervous about an interview. I'm usually the first one to speak up on things. Not typically a shy person. Idk wth is wrong with me. I just feel like I'm going to screw up and I don't want to. I'm going to school to get my Juris Doctorate and need the dosh, ya know?

And I said PC as in personal computer, but I get what you're saying lol. Don't be offended.
What if you don't know the answer? I don't want to be crucified. It's not as if I'm not teachable. I've just been using Windows since the late 90's. I mean, that's what we were taught on in high school. I never transitioned over to Mac. I swear I've never been nervous about an interview. I'm usually the first one to speak up on things. Not typically a shy person. Idk wth is wrong with me. I just feel like I'm going to screw up and I don't want to. I'm going to school to get my Juris Doctorate and need the dosh, ya know?

And I said PC as in personal computer, but I get what you're saying lol. Don't be offended.
If you don't know the answer, say that. But follow it up with a way you could find out i.e. Google, YouTube, texting a coworker. They don't expect you to know everything about the tech before training. From what I can tell they are looking for people who are enthusiastic about helping customers and are willing to learn.

I also hope it didn't come off like I was being an iB!, if I did I'm sorry :)
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If you don't know the answer, say that. But follow it up with a way you could find out i.e. Google, YouTube, texting a coworker. They don't expect you to know everything about the tech before training. From what I can tell they are looking for people who are enthusiastic about helping customers and are willing to learn.

I also hope it didn't come off like I was being an iB!, if I did I'm sorry :)

Oh no you didn't come off that way at all. :) any help is welcomed. I just want to be careful not to say the wrong thing. I hate to disappoint and waste anyone's time.
My timeline

Hi everyone! I have been lurking on this forum throughout my application process and would like to contribute with my timeline for anyone interested: :apple:

August 23rd: submitted my application

August 28th: I received my first call form Apple! (I missed the call, but quickly sent an email to the recruiter and called and left a voicemail as well) I was called back within an hour and asked to schedule a second interview and complete th official application.

I was emailed the link to my official application that day and submitted it right away.

September 2nd: 2nd interview! woohoo! I was told at the end of the interview that I was going to be moving forward to an interview with a hiring manager and to wait for an E-mail from a recruiter to schedule this. (I'll note my FaceTime didn't work so this was done over the phone)

September 3rd: I received the E-mail to schedule my third interview and signed up for it right away.

September 4th: Third interview day! Once again my FaceTime wasn't working properly, but we completed a 50 minute interview over the phone. The hiring manager told me I would hear back within a week or two.

September 5th: My recruiter form the second interview called and told me that the interviewer really enjoyed the conversation we had and would like me to move forward with my background check!!

September 8th: I received the Hire right email and completed the form and submitted it the same day.

September 17th: I was asked to assist with some verification of an employer and I snapped a picture of my w2 and sent it right away.

September 18th: Hire Right website is showing that my background check was completed. The report looks fine and now I am **patiently** waiting :)

I had an overall great experience throughout the entire process. Nerve wracking? Yes!!! Only because I am really excited to be an Apple employee though!

Good luck to everyone going through the process! :)
Hi everyone! I have been lurking on this forum throughout my application process and would like to contribute with my timeline for anyone interested: :apple:

August 23rd: submitted my application

August 28th: I received my first call form Apple! (I missed the call, but quickly sent an email to the recruiter and called and left a voicemail as well) I was called back within an hour and asked to schedule a second interview and complete th official application.

I was emailed the link to my official application that day and submitted it right away.

September 2nd: 2nd interview! woohoo! I was told at the end of the interview that I was going to be moving forward to an interview with a hiring manager and to wait for an E-mail from a recruiter to schedule this. (I'll note my FaceTime didn't work so this was done over the phone)

September 3rd: I received the E-mail to schedule my third interview and signed up for it right away.

September 4th: Third interview day! Once again my FaceTime wasn't working properly, but we completed a 50 minute interview over the phone. The hiring manager told me I would hear back within a week or two.

September 5th: My recruiter form the second interview called and told me that the interviewer really enjoyed the conversation we had and would like me to move forward with my background check!!

September 8th: I received the Hire right email and completed the form and submitted it the same day.

September 17th: I was asked to assist with some verification of an employer and I snapped a picture of my w2 and sent it right away.

September 18th: Hire Right website is showing that my background check was completed. The report looks fine and now I am **patiently** waiting :)

I had an overall great experience throughout the entire process. Nerve wracking? Yes!!! Only because I am really excited to be an Apple employee though!

Good luck to everyone going through the process! :)

Do you remember what sort of questions you were asked on your 2nd and 3rd interviews? Idk why this is making me so paranoid lol. I just hope I don't freeze up. I HATE being on camera. I don't mind talking on the phone at all, it's the whole camera thing that's putting me off lol.
Do you remember what sort of questions you were asked on your 2nd and 3rd interviews? Idk why this is making me so paranoid lol. I just hope I don't freeze up. I HATE being on camera. I don't mind talking on the phone at all, it's the whole camera thing that's putting me off lol.

Hey Melissa! I completely understand the nerves lol! I was a nervous wreck! The second interview was shorter...about 20 minutes I believe? I was asked to do some role playing was a woman who went on her honeymoon and dropped her iPhone in water. I was also asked why I wanted to work for apple. I can't remember if it was the 2nd or third interview, but i was also asked to describe a situation where i went above and beyond for a customer.

Third interview was much more in depth. More role playing, a customer just got a bluetooth for her birthday and needed help pairing it. Another customers daughter was going away to college and she wanted to update the picture on the desktop to the family before she left. Another one was a woman having a dinner party in five minutes and she couldn't get her apple tv to connect to have music playing in the background. I will tell you, I have extremely limited knowledge of apple products. Focus on customer service, and connecting with the customer. Happy birthday!! Congratulations on the wedding!! Noticing the "little things" that show your interviewer that you know that customers are people not just a faceless name on your phone queue is what they are really looking for.

Be prepared to explain how you connect or plan to connect with customers when they call. I was asked what I felt some challenges and some benefits would be to working from home. I was also asked to describe a time something wasn't working on my computer or electronic and how I fixed it.

have a notebook nearby! I have worked in a call center before and I always took notes as the customer spoke so I could remember to acknowledge specific things and not forget little things. When my customers would mention it was there birthday i would jot that down so I didn't get lost in fixing the issue they called about and forget to say happy birthday!!

They want you to have some basic technical knowledge, but as others have said before Customer service is key!! Be nice, remember to start with the basics in troubleshooting, and be personable. :)
Hey Melissa! I completely understand the nerves lol! I was a nervous wreck! The second interview was shorter...about 20 minutes I believe? I was asked to do some role playing was a woman who went on her honeymoon and dropped her iPhone in water. I was also asked why I wanted to work for apple. I can't remember if it was the 2nd or third interview, but i was also asked to describe a situation where i went above and beyond for a customer.

Third interview was much more in depth. More role playing, a customer just got a bluetooth for her birthday and needed help pairing it. Another customers daughter was going away to college and she wanted to update the picture on the desktop to the family before she left. Another one was a woman having a dinner party in five minutes and she couldn't get her apple tv to connect to have music playing in the background. I will tell you, I have extremely limited knowledge of apple products. Focus on customer service, and connecting with the customer. Happy birthday!! Congratulations on the wedding!! Noticing the "little things" that show your interviewer that you know that customers are people not just a faceless name on your phone queue is what they are really looking for.

Be prepared to explain how you connect or plan to connect with customers when they call. I was asked what I felt some challenges and some benefits would be to working from home. I was also asked to describe a time something wasn't working on my computer or electronic and how I fixed it.

have a notebook nearby! I have worked in a call center before and I always took notes as the customer spoke so I could remember to acknowledge specific things and not forget little things. When my customers would mention it was there birthday i would jot that down so I didn't get lost in fixing the issue they called about and forget to say happy birthday!!

They want you to have some basic technical knowledge, but as others have said before Customer service is key!! Be nice, remember to start with the basics in troubleshooting, and be personable. :)

that's really helpful, thank you :)

Now what happens if you don't know the answer lol. Do you say, one moment and let me consult "x" to get that information for you? Are you actually allowed to look-up the info while you're doing the interview? Those are really my biggest questions.
that's really helpful, thank you :)

Now what happens if you don't know the answer lol. Do you say, one moment and let me consult "x" to get that information for you? Are you actually allowed to look-up the info while you're doing the interview? Those are really my biggest questions.

I struggled for bluetooth I did what I know and she actually stopped me midway and said ok, that's enough. . Then the desktop one i started to try to change it on my own computer and she asked me if that's what I was doing lol. i said yes! I'm sorry, I'm new to the computer and i'm honestly not even sure how to do that. She laughed and said thats ok...It seems, from my experience that they are ok with you giving the wrong technical support answer as long as you are customer focused. . for the most part my interviewer didn't let me get that far into it that I was really struggling..once it seemed i was lost she more or less stopped the question
I struggled for bluetooth I did what I know and she actually stopped me midway and said ok, that's enough. . Then the desktop one i started to try to change it on my own computer and she asked me if that's what I was doing lol. i said yes! I'm sorry, I'm new to the computer and i'm honestly not even sure how to do that. She laughed and said thats ok...It seems, from my experience that they are ok with you giving the wrong technical support answer as long as you are customer focused. . for the most part my interviewer didn't let me get that far into it that I was really struggling..once it seemed i was lost she more or less stopped the question

Phew...okay that's a TON of help! lol. I honestly started to say forget it I'm not going to bother. I'm 33, but I have a TON of experience with computers. I owned a repair shop for about 7 years (when I was married 2001-2008). I do software repairs using TeamViewer (which they told me I'd have to stop doing since it's a conflict of interest. No big deal though since I've been doing it for free). I do know a lot about iPods, iPhones, and iPads but it's because I've owned them. I have used a Mac computer a few times, but not super experienced with it. I've worked in call centers for Toll/Directory assistance and I trained probably 200 people in a year. Anyway, back to what I was saying I started to not even bother going through the 2nd interview, and my bf told me last night, if you don't make it through, you don't make it through and it's not that big of a deal. He makes good money, so I don't HAVE to have a job. BUT---my stepfather died very suddenly (he choked) a couple of months ago and my mom is struggling so really I am doing it for her more than anything. I suppose I blame myself a little for not being there to help him. I don't want my bf to take care of my mom (which he's been doing), I just feel like it's my job to do that. She's my mom...sorry there was a lot of info in there lol. I think that's why I'm so nervous, I don't want to let myself down, I don't want to let my mom down (even though she doesn't know she's why I'm doing it). I've never failed at anything in my life because I can always go back and fix something if I see failure coming. I've actually never even been rejected after an interview before. So there are a lot of standards there that I'm holding myself up to. I really deal well with people, I was going to school for RN, worked in a hospital for 4 years, switched over to law and will be going after my Juris Doctorate in a couple of years. I mean I really loved that job, but the revolving door of drug-seekers put me off of doing it. I just don't want them to look at my resume and think, "She's an expert." I'm not an expert in EVERYTHING, but I am very easily teachable. And I have an extraordinary work ethic.

lol...sorry that was really really long.
Howdy! Has anyone applied for any positions in Texas? If so, how long did it take for a recruiter to contact you?
I just completed my third interview today. I applied for every at home position on the website on May 25. I got my first call Monday...right after I had quit my job of two weeks ...which I hated..but fate works funny...had my second interview the next day....moved on to the third which I completed today. Im praying sooo hard for this job! :) im just nervous as I think it went great but the interviewer was hard to read and said ill hear back within a couple of Congrats to all who got their jobs! Esp batman...that employment verification would kill my nerves lol
Phew...okay that's a TON of help! lol. I honestly started to say forget it I'm not going to bother. I'm 33, but I have a TON of experience with computers. I owned a repair shop for about 7 years (when I was married 2001-2008). I do software repairs using TeamViewer (which they told me I'd have to stop doing since it's a conflict of interest. No big deal though since I've been doing it for free). I do know a lot about iPods, iPhones, and iPads but it's because I've owned them. I have used a Mac computer a few times, but not super experienced with it. I've worked in call centers for Toll/Directory assistance and I trained probably 200 people in a year. Anyway, back to what I was saying I started to not even bother going through the 2nd interview, and my bf told me last night, if you don't make it through, you don't make it through and it's not that big of a deal. He makes good money, so I don't HAVE to have a job. BUT---my stepfather died very suddenly (he choked) a couple of months ago and my mom is struggling so really I am doing it for her more than anything. I suppose I blame myself a little for not being there to help him. I don't want my bf to take care of my mom (which he's been doing), I just feel like it's my job to do that. She's my mom...sorry there was a lot of info in there lol. I think that's why I'm so nervous, I don't want to let myself down, I don't want to let my mom down (even though she doesn't know she's why I'm doing it). I've never failed at anything in my life because I can always go back and fix something if I see failure coming. I've actually never even been rejected after an interview before. So there are a lot of standards there that I'm holding myself up to. I really deal well with people, I was going to school for RN, worked in a hospital for 4 years, switched over to law and will be going after my Juris Doctorate in a couple of years. I mean I really loved that job, but the revolving door of drug-seekers put me off of doing it. I just don't want them to look at my resume and think, "She's an expert." I'm not an expert in EVERYTHING, but I am very easily teachable. And I have an extraordinary work ethic.

lol...sorry that was really really long.

I'm sorry about your stepfather, your a sweet daughter to want to take care of your mom. It sounds like you have a ton of customer service experience and would be great at this job! I wouldn't worry too much about the interview, just do what you have been doing in previous jobs, and be yourself.

I'm sure you will do great!!!! Keep me posted, I'd love to hear how it goes!!
I'm sorry about your stepfather, your a sweet daughter to want to take care of your mom. It sounds like you have a ton of customer service experience and would be great at this job! I wouldn't worry too much about the interview, just do what you have been doing in previous jobs, and be yourself.

I'm sure you will do great!!!! Keep me posted, I'd love to hear how it goes!!

Thank you, you're very sweet. I'm going to give it my best no matter what. Even if I totally fumble everything lol. I'll definitely let you know what happens.


I just completed my third interview today. I applied for every at home position on the website on May 25. I got my first call Monday...right after I had quit my job of two weeks ...which I hated..but fate works funny...had my second interview the next day....moved on to the third which I completed today. Im praying sooo hard for this job! :) im just nervous as I think it went great but the interviewer was hard to read and said ill hear back within a couple of Congrats to all who got their jobs! Esp batman...that employment verification would kill my nerves lol

Good luck!!!
I just completed my third interview today. I applied for every at home position on the website on May 25. I got my first call Monday...right after I had quit my job of two weeks ...which I hated..but fate works funny...had my second interview the next day....moved on to the third which I completed today. Im praying sooo hard for this job! :) im just nervous as I think it went great but the interviewer was hard to read and said ill hear back within a couple of Congrats to all who got their jobs! Esp batman...that employment verification would kill my nerves lol

Wow! Fingers crossed for you! When you say you applied for every at home position do you mean all locations? Whew! That must've taken a while lol
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