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-I love Apple products. And I'm sure Apple is a great company to work for if you aren't the pee-on at the bottom.

Gator - thanks for that post. I had a very similar experience, but I only worked for them 6 weeks before I couldn't take it any longer. I knew I was in trouble when I had a one-on-one with my manager and she said to me "I can see that you are a thinker, and that's fine." Of course what she meant was "I see you actually care and we don't like that - just move more calls." And you are 100% right, these jobs are totally at the bottom of the pile in the Apple hierarchy. I think custodians rank higher than AHAs.

During training the potential of the job seems great, but once you start taking calls and sink into the morass of a call center in your own home, you lose all hope pretty fast. Some of the problem was me - I'm just not made to do this kind of support. I worry too much about the customers and can't deal with all the monitoring that watches and records everything you do. As the line from Stripes goes - "I'm too old for this ****."
iTunes Chat

Does anybody know if the iTunes Chat position is strictly just online chat? Is there any over the phone support involved?
Does anybody know if the iTunes Chat position is strictly just online chat? Is there any over the phone support involved?

From the posting I believe it's just chat, but I have worked some "chat jobs" where it was advertised as chat but we had to take calls as well, so not really sure.


Orlando, FL

Thank you for replying. You said you did hear back within the week of applying right?
Gator - thanks for that post. I had a very similar experience, but I only worked for them 6 weeks before I couldn't take it any longer. I knew I was in trouble when I had a one-on-one with my manager and she said to me "I can see that you are a thinker, and that's fine." Of course what she meant was "I see you actually care and we don't like that - just move more calls." And you are 100% right, these jobs are totally at the bottom of the pile in the Apple hierarchy. I think custodians rank higher than AHAs.

During training the potential of the job seems great, but once you start taking calls and sink into the morass of a call center in your own home, you lose all hope pretty fast. Some of the problem was me - I'm just not made to do this kind of support. I worry too much about the customers and can't deal with all the monitoring that watches and records everything you do. As the line from Stripes goes - "I'm too old for this ****."

See, and that's the thing that sucks about Apple. It's so "your mileage will vary" that it's not funny. My first Manager was amazing and we would hardly ever have work related meetings. My second Manager was an ******* and we had check in's twice a week where he found pointless stuff to complain about.

I'm not sure if you were still around for the H2H training crap but that was the most pointless thing ever. Hey, let's add scripting and more call length tasks that are required on every call but keep the handle time requirements the same. BRILLIANT IDEA, APPLE. Notice how whenever they change the scripting and requirements on every call the only people that think it's a good idea are the ones NOT taking calls? Funny how that works. I battled my Manager(the second one, the *******) like crazy about it because I was proving to him H2H was pointless because I was resolving issues quicker without it AND having higher survey %. Apple Managers HATE when you are smarter than them and can prove them wrong.

I think the hardest part about working at Apple is being misinformed. Everything you are told, you are told at the last second and it's not what you were told from a previous Manager. And nothing is optional it's always mandatory and things that are more work for the same pay. Everything is also always sugarcoated when they could be upfront and honest and say "yeah we don't want to pay more money for you to do more work" instead it's "oh this will help you grow blah blah blah"

Out of 125 people at orientation, 30-40 quit anywhere between the last day of training and the first 2 weeks of calls because they bullcrap you into thinking the customers are amazing and know what they are doing. When I got CPU I was utterly shocked at the customer base. I thought people dropping $1,500+ on a computer would have a brain and common They are Windows customers and that's a nightmare if you have ever worked in a windows help desk.


From the posting I believe it's just chat, but I have worked some "chat jobs" where it was advertised as chat but we had to take calls as well, so not really sure.


Thank you for replying. You said you did hear back within the week of applying right?

Apple Chat jobs are 100% chat. If there is one job you want at AHA it's Chat. I wouldn't want to do iTunes personally, but iTunes phones is the worst job in AHA. At least chat you won't have to talk to them all day.

Most of my friends in Chat have music on all day or the TV on all day. Can't do that on calls. And when you get off work you will still have a voice left and feel like talking to people. On phones it's opposite.

If you set up text expander(why would you not?) you just press a couple of buttons all day because everything is already typed out for you.

It's a cake job.
Just finished my FaceTime interview. Whew! That was nerve wracking. She said she was recommending me for the interview with a team manager and that the call with a job offer would come about a week after that....hopefully that's a good sign! Lol
Just finished my FaceTime interview. Whew! That was nerve wracking. She said she was recommending me for the interview with a team manager and that the call with a job offer would come about a week after that....hopefully that's a good sign! Lol

Congrats! Sounds like a good sign to me! :)
did you get told more about the position?

Still nothing more than training to start in November 4-5 weeks with another 4-5 weeks full time immediately after. Then I would go to part time. I asked if it was iOS or OSX,but she said as of right now it's for everything and a specific specialty would probably be chosen later based on needs.
Chat only, all customer service no sales involved. I love it, not high stress and the customers are usually very nice.

Does anybody know if the iTunes Chat position is strictly just online chat? Is there any over the phone support involved?
Got the e-mail to schedule the next interview. It's set for next Wednesday...

I saw the iTunes chat position open up two days after I put in my other app. Oh well...I'm not being picky!
iTunes Chat is open on the Apple website!*USA&pN=0&openJobId=33533436

I have been doing this position almost 1 year and it's awesome! :apple:

How many chats at one time do you have? I did apply for the position though the original posting was in may so i'll keep my fingers crossed.


Got the e-mail to schedule the next interview. It's set for next Wednesday...

I saw the iTunes chat position open up two days after I put in my other app. Oh well...I'm not being picky!

Congrats! Seems like they're moving you along a lot quicker than I've seen others post. So keep us posted I'm excited for you. I'm anxiously waiting trying to get the first interview lol
Hope I get to the next interview. Had the FaceTime interview earlier this week and was told they talk about candidates at the end of the week at a team meeting.
I currently work iTunes chat, I love it. Good luck applying everyone, the hiring process is pretty difficult but it's worth it! I applied for a couple of years before I was hired.

Hello, was wondering if I could chat with you about the position and hiring process. Any help would be much appreciated!!!
AHA specialization

Greetings all,

Long time reader first time poster...

Does anyone have a list of the disciplines that new AHA applicants might be channeled into?

I have thousands of hours of experience in LOGIC PRO STUDIO, just curious is there is a department that specializes in this area.

Beyond that, my 1st interview is next week and I'm excited to have a shot at what I think looks like a dream job for me. This forum has been a terrific resource. Thanks to all you contributors.
Apple was recruiting for AHA at a recent college job fair on campus. They mentioned that they were implementing a new "part-time training" schedule. Does anyone have any idea what this is like?
Greetings all,

Long time reader first time poster...

Does anyone have a list of the disciplines that new AHA applicants might be channeled into?

I have thousands of hours of experience in LOGIC PRO STUDIO, just curious is there is a department that specializes in this area.

Beyond that, my 1st interview is next week and I'm excited to have a shot at what I think looks like a dream job for me. This forum has been a terrific resource. Thanks to all you contributors.

Yes there is a department for Logic Pro but no they don't hire outside the company. The department is small(there are only like 20 employees) vs over 3,000 for ios and 800 for cpu.

It's a lateral position meaning no pay increase but it's easier to get promoted to tier 2.
So, I was phoned a couple of hours ago and had a successful 1st interview. Skype interview scheduled for this Monday.

I went over the questions listed on here that the 2nd interviewer may ask, but have a question. I'll be super honest here, I've got computer experience out the wazoo (owned a pc repair shop, do free repairs via teamviewer, design webpages, etc.), but it's mostly through the utilization of Windows. As I told the 1st interviewer, I do not own a Mac PC. I do have an iPad, had iPhones, and have iPods. I just wonder what are the chances of my actually making it through the 2nd interview without as much experience as someone that's fully dedicated to Apple products. I just don't want to waste their time or mine for that matter. Don't get me wrong, I want the position. I just do not want to get questions during the 2nd interview that I won't understand. In other words, I don't want to be a disappointment. With that said, I am an incredibly fast-learner, as long as I have the resources to teach me.
So, I was phoned a couple of hours ago and had a successful 1st interview. Skype interview scheduled for this Monday.

I went over the questions listed on here that the 2nd interviewer may ask, but have a question. I'll be super honest here, I've got computer experience out the wazoo (owned a pc repair shop, do free repairs via teamviewer, design webpages, etc.), but it's mostly through the utilization of Windows. As I told the 1st interviewer, I do not own a Mac PC. I do have an iPad, had iPhones, and have iPods. I just wonder what are the chances of my actually making it through the 2nd interview without as much experience as someone that's fully dedicated to Apple products. I just don't want to waste their time or mine for that matter. Don't get me wrong, I want the position. I just do not want to get questions during the 2nd interview that I won't understand. In other words, I don't want to be a disappointment. With that said, I am an incredibly fast-learner, as long as I have the resources to teach me.

Congrats! From what I've read here on the forums they're not actually too concerned with what exactly you know, it's more about the customer service aspect of it, again don't quote me on it that's just what I've seen. Hopefully someone else can chime in that has more information. If you don't mind my asking, how long ago did you apply before you got the phone call and what location was it?
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