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APPLE doesnt give us timeframes... I meant to check out the time frames other applicants have created to give others an idea of the waits we experienced.

I was talking about everyone else's timelines didn't give me response times just interview times. But I scheduled my third already.
I got rejected after the background check. It came back totally clean but, they couldn't verify my self employment without a business license or tax records under the business name. It was all just under my name. I tired to explain it to them but, they didn't care.

They wasted a lot of my time with interviews and video chats just to say no at the end because I was self employed. My resume clearly said it on the very first line. Just a heads up for people thinking of applying who are self employed. I'm not actually that disappointed more just annoyed with the process. It is a ridiculous clusterf**k that literally takes months to get to the point it should have started with.

This is my take on the process for future applicants. First off even though you applied on the Apple website you are dealing with third party recruiters. In my case they were all out of a firm in Sacramento, Ca. Basically the first two interviews are prepping you for the third interview and not really interviews. Recruiters want you to be hired. They get paid for that. They are feeding you the questions you will be asked in the 3rd interview because they want you to be hired. The third interview will be with a team leader. They will have no idea you have already been asked the same questions by the recruiters twice already and given hints how you should answer. I felt bad for the team leader guy. He was very sincere but, I don't think he realized how I already knew every question before he asked it.
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New hire paperwork being fedex-ed. Im in. guess thie means i wont be posting here anymore... Good luck to everyone else. xoxo hope to see you in training :) hit me up..

Now that you revealed something that is traceable Apple will be able to find out who you are. Not cool to do that. Because once hired, apple does not allow any communication on this forum at all. If I were you I would delete all of your posts and clost that email address.

The last guy who posted info was fired within days. Sorry to be so harsh but why are people so silly. Do they not think Apple reads this damn forum?

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Nothing's been disclosed about Apple's business nor has an NDA been signed yet, I'm sure. Once that is signed, then communicating on these forums will be prohibited. Most of the things discussed on here such as interview process and requirements for position are posted publicly on Apple's job website. It's not until someone discloses info about private business practices, (future) product speculation, and discounts are they violating anything. There are some people that have gone beyond that yes, but there's no reason to be rude and go off calling people dumb; it's not your job to point out and decide who's breaking rules.:rolleyes: Rule of thumb is for any business: If you're talking about them, be careful what you're disclosing.

On a positive note, congratulations to those who've got it. Good luck to those who are working for it. :)
Nothing's been disclosed about Apple's business nor has an NDA been signed yet, I'm sure. Once that is signed, then communicating on these forums will be prohibited. Most of the things discussed on here such as interview process and requirements for position are posted publicly on Apple's job website. It's not until someone discloses info about private business practices, (future) product speculation, and discounts are they violating anything. There are some people that have gone beyond that yes, but there's no reason to be rude and go off calling people dumb; it's not your job to point out and decide who's breaking rules.:rolleyes: Rule of thumb is for any business: If you're talking about them, be careful what you're disclosing.

On a positive note, congratulations to those who've got it. Good luck to those who are working for it. :)

Your right, I edited the post to tone it down a tad. ;-)

Those of you who have managed interviews and to get hired: Would you mind pm'ing me what you used for your cover letter? Or email at An entire resume would be great, if you don't mind sharing.

Looking to apply for the position, and trying to make sure I'm following a successful template.:p

Is there any way to reapply for a position with the same Apple ID? I applied last year but never sent a resume in for whatever reason, and now I got a resume all drafted for it, but my Apple ID is still showing the position as applied.
4 questions:

1. Is it easier to get an AHA when you apply for more than one city?
2. Should I only apply for cities in my state?
3. Will I ever have to go to that city at any point?
4. I have not had two years of call center experience. Am I automatically disqualified or are there some on here who have been hired without that experience?

Thanks in advance for anyone responding. :)
Now that you revealed something that is traceable Apple will be able to find out who you are. Not cool to do that. Because once hired, apple does not allow any communication on this forum at all. If I were you I would delete all of your posts and clost that email address.

The last guy who posted info was fired within days. Sorry to be so harsh but why are people so silly. Do they not think Apple reads this damn forum?


Agreed. Do not EVER put traceable info back to you on this forum.
Apple has a ZERO tolerance social media policy and will terminate with extreme prejustice if you are found to be posting on board, facebook, etc.


4 questions:

1. Is it easier to get an AHA when you apply for more than one city?
2. Should I only apply for cities in my state?
3. Will I ever have to go to that city at any point?
4. I have not had two years of call center experience. Am I automatically disqualified or are there some on here who have been hired without that experience?

Thanks in advance for anyone responding. :)

1. Not really. Especially if the same recruiter is over all those cities.
2. It would be to your benefit. ( never seen anyone get hired from doing so.)
3.'s all home based.
4. Call Center Experience is a plus and not negative. It will help you get hired.


Is there any way to reapply for a position with the same Apple ID? I applied last year but never sent a resume in for whatever reason, and now I got a resume all drafted for it, but my Apple ID is still showing the position as applied.

Try a different position.....or posting.


This is annoying...

hey guys i came across all this and you guys have really helpful information... :D

i was wondering if someone could guide me in the right direction.... i applied to apple (about 5 different positions) and i got a email answer the next day, "It's time to complete your Apple Application"....:apple:

now i read the other posts and other users say that they received this email after the first or second interview....:eek:

so my question is, what should i expect since i received the email before the interview?:confused:

** I read other threads as well ** :)
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Hey all! First wanted to say this thread is awesome! Thanks to everyone who contributes. I recently applied (within the last week) on the Apple website for the AHA position, and am wondering if they are still hiring? It seems maybe I missed the mark by a few week. I would really LOVE to work for Apple! Thanks for any info y'all can give!
I guess there's a training starting in November! Got the call just a few minutes ago and have my FaceTime interview set for next Wednesday!
Hey all! First wanted to say this thread is awesome! Thanks to everyone who contributes. I recently applied (within the last week) on the Apple website for the AHA position, and am wondering if they are still hiring? It seems maybe I missed the mark by a few week. I would really LOVE to work for Apple! Thanks for any info y'all can give!

congrats! i actually came here wondering the same thing as you...because i applied a few days ago. i'm assuming i may not be what they're looking for though, because when i view my application instead of being able to edit it now just says view, which i'd assume was looked at and not selected. anyone know anything about that?
Sharing my experience at Apple

Hello All,

I thought I would share my experience working for Apple and answer any questions you may have about working for Apple.

I worked for Apple the last 8 months(until quitting last week).

I will get into the pros and the cons(yes there are cons) in just a few. First things first.....Just know Apple is a weird company. Very weird. And Apple is also a cheap company at the bottom(this job is the bottom). Even though you are a "corporate employee" at no time during your job will you feel like it. You will feel like a retail employee. Unless you get into management, you will always feel like a retail employee. Apple is also a company that strives on diversity. Apple wants to be the most diverse company in the world. Yes, you will notice right away there are some people in positions they don't belong in. Also, if you think this job requires a lot of technical expertise, it doesn't. If you come from any kind of technical background, this job will bug you. 95% of the calls are basic how to's. If you come from customer service, it will feel right at home.

-Health Benefits-Enroll in them. Enroll your family. They are pretty good.
-401k- You get a match. Stay enrolled and take the match.
-Apple Stock- It comes at a discount. Enroll in the 10%
-Discounts on products. Use them. They are pretty good. Its a same you can't use them more often. I got a Macbook Pro 15" for half off.
-Software. You get a lot for free, download it all.
-Discounts. You get random discounts on cars, hotels, etc.
-Pay. The pay isn't bad for a work at home job. But if you live in a low cost of living area, you won't make more then $14.75/hr.
-It's APPLE. People will think you are a rockstar unless you tell them what your job actually is, then they won't think you are a rockstar.
-Furnished iMac. The new model.(Can only use during work, no exceptions)
-Internet reimbursement.
-Yearly raises
-Can be promoted
-Can work with some good people at the T1 level
-If you have a brain, common sense, and know at least the basics around a mac and iphone, you will eventually get promoted and feel pretty smart. In my class of 22, 14 didn't have a clue what they were doing. 5 were promoted to T2 within 4 months, 2 were screwed over by the new Manager(me included), and 1 will eventually get T2 but had some ISP issues. Of the 22 that started 8 months ago, 12 have quit. (Yeah turnover is high)

-I already mentioned some of the cons earlier, here is more.
-Tier 2. There is a T2 in place to assist with T1. Over 90% of T2's have no business being there. They are rude, don't know what they are doing, will hang up on you, and will refuse to take the call over most times. After 3 weeks in I learned to just do the job myself, even if I didn't know the answer, I'd figure it out and not bother calling them. Every time you cal them it counts against your stats. They hang up on you? Doesn't matter, it still counts. You could call 5 T2's before getting a good one, and those metrics matter. Basically, T2 is held in a different regard. If you as a T1 hang up on someone, you get written up. In T2 they get 50 excuses. Case and point..."Hey Manager, T2 keeps hanging up on me"....."Oh their phones must be messed up." Okay so it works the other way right? No.."Manager a call just disconnected from the customer"......."Why did you hang up on them?". It happens, especially with a micromanager for a Manager.
-Management. Some of it is good. Some of it is bad. I had a good relationship with Management the first half of my time. Then they replaced our Manager(who was great) with an evil evil evil man. This man had no sympathy and would accept no reasons for being sick, late, or having ISP issues. None. Now, here is what's funny. He was late several times or missed work for being sick. He even had ISP issues. Well, "that just happens". But if you missed time, hooooooooly crap. It was like the world ended. And good luck with trying to go to the Area Manager(The managers manager). The Area Manager picks all of their Managers. So if the Manager fails, it looks horrible on the Area Manager. If you fail it looks bad on no one because none of the Area Managers recruited you. And the chance you end up on a team of anyone that interviewed you is -1%. So Management always sides with Management. I had so many issues with my Manager and all of them fell on deaf ears. And no, a Manager change is not an option. Under no circumstances can that happen.
-It's a call center job. You will pick up the phone from the second you clock in to the second you clock out. On the phone all day, everyday with not a second between calls. This is similar to earlier when I mentioned Apple is cheap. They don't hire enough T1's. Proof? Call Apple right now for a Mac issue. 20 minute wait time just to get through. Better hope the rep doesn't hang up or the call drops. Or another 20 min wait. And it's not even launch time yet. Imagine during launch.....2 hour wait times to get through. I hope you don't get dehydrated easy. It's not easy talking on the phone 9 hours a day except for a lunch and 2 15's. Bathroom breaks don't really exist.
-Apple's software. The software Apple uses and the VPN are a joke. You will constantly get kicked off VPN, their call routing will constantly go down, and messages will kick you off every 5 seconds. It's very annoying, especially if EVERYONE is not having it. Let's say it's only happening to 30-40 people, it's like it is only happening to you. Apple doesn't like when you aren't talking on the phone every second of every day even when it's their crappy software having the issues. If you can't work because it's Apples fault you only get paid 50% of the time. YES. THAT's RIGHT. And it happens pretty frequently.
-Cross-trained with no compensation. If you hate working with Mac's or hate working with iPhones or never want to do iTunes....brace yourself. Whatever role you start out in, won't be the only role. Yeah, they don't tell you that at the beginning. And when it happens, you get an email telling you their will be a week of training and it's mandatory to do it. If you miss it, you will get fired. No exceptions. And no, you won't get additional pay. I was on iPhones, and got cross-trained on Mac's. So I was then receiving BOTH queues. It was a madhouse. My queue would constantly have over 500 calls waiting. They try sugar coating and telling you it will look better for future advancement. Nope. Because when you advance in the future you advance to T2 from your original queue. All this is is telling you you will be doing twice the work for the same pay. That's the reason why it's not optional. Hardly anyone would sign up for it. You're also told you will only get the second queue calls once in a blue moon. I got maybe 1 iOS call a week.
Stats- My stats and metrics were amazing so I didn't mind the sometimes insane requirements on metrics....until I got CPU cross-trained. The requirements on iOS and CPU are the same for some dumb reason I never figured out. While a 15 min handle time is easy to meet on iOS, it's damn near impossible on CPU. Almost all your calls on CPU are how-to's with 10 issues. Handle time doesn't take into account number of issues, it's just the minutes on a call. So if you are handling 10 issues and it takes 2 hours, your handle time just increased by 120 minutes where as if it was 10 separate calls your handle time would be 12 minutes. Survey rates also don't take into account customers mad at Apple(there will be quite a few). Let's say I left you a bad survey where I specifically said "I'm not mad at the employee, they did a wonderful job, in fact they deserve a raise. I loved them. But I hate Apple. Apple sucks LOL!". It still counts. Which is ridiculous.
-If you get stuck with a bad Manager like I did with my 2nd Manager, I feel bad for you. They will purposely block you a promotion even if a previous Manager promised you one, and you will never ever be bale to get around it. You will be stuck for life at T1 unless that Manager ever leaves. Dealing with that for several months finally led me to quit Apple. I knew what I was worth, and it was a lot more then a T1. I even had co-workers and other Managers asking why I never hit T2. They couldn't believe it. I had some of the best metrics at Apple. Not just my team, but the entire role. But I was the victim of a Manager that didn't like me.

Okay. So, it probably sounds like I hate Apple, hated my job, and am some kind of disgruntled former employee.

That's not the case at all.

-I love Apple products. And I'm sure Apple is a great company to work for if you aren't the pee-on at the bottom.
-I left at my own will through my choosing because I couldn't take my Manager any longer. I do hate that guy, though.
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I guess there's a training starting in November! Got the call just a few minutes ago and have my FaceTime interview set for next Wednesday!

If you don't mind my asking and this also goes for anyone who recently applied and was contacted for an interview, which location did you apply for?
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