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Do they allow dual monitors?

I am not for sure, I am actually on hold now waiting to get through to the Tech Support line and I am currently #9 in line. As soon as I receive an answer and ask them then I will be sure to let you know;)
what was your apple timeline?

I interviewed on 7/8, then again on 7/14, and then 3rd interview this morning. im so excited...

I am excited for you! What all did they say to you when your interview was finished today, and also are you going directly through Apple or are you going through Kelly Connect?
directly through apple. they said id hear back in 2-3 weeks possibly sooner.

Ok, yes you can use Dual Monitors, but the support team will not be able to trouble shoot anything if it goes wrong. So it is completely on you if you want to use one or not.
directly through apple. they said id hear back in 2-3 weeks possibly sooner.

I just finished my interview! I was told the same thing. It went really well, I think. It was very casual, like you're just having a conversation. My interview only lasted less than 30 minutes--my answers were elaborate enough that they answered more than one question she had. It consisted of going over my resume, asking about my experiences with my job, and three role-plays. I was soooo nervous beforehand that my stomach felt like it was going to betray me. I took Dramamine and fortunately that cleared it right up! By the time she called me on Skype I was smiling and ready to go. The 2-3 week wait is gonna kill me lol. I'm going to just forget about so when I do get a call/email (positive one), I'll be all surprised and like :D
I just applied yesterday. Congrats to you guys! I am so nervous. I think I babbled in my cover letter a bit, but I really didn't know what to tell them. I'm fairly new to Apple products, but I tend to pick things up quickly.
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I made an account here to share in my experience in the AHA application process through Kelley Services. But now that I'm typing this out, I feel lost.

I don't know what to think anymore. I'm enticed by the Apple name, but disgusted at the pay, especially since I'm being hired through KellyConnect. I had no idea I was even applying for a position with Apple.

To add insult to my own ego injury, I just found an outside thread on another website that basically bashes KellyConnect/Apple and gives you a glimpse into the actual work and responsibilities. Customer surveys are the gauge for...everything, apparently. They're the only method of metrics to grade whether you've done your job well? I can get fired if someone hates Apple but rates ME terribly for their bad relationship with the company? Maybe it's been too long since I've been in CS (5+ years, but in 2003). It seems beyond harsh when you factor in not being able to have regular hours, and sacrificing having a regular life.

I'm at the "filling out the I-9 online" level with KellyConnect so I'm "almost" done. I can't shake the feeling I may be making a mistake and at the cost of $10 an hour; I was making almost triple that in my actual profession in Graphic Design. I'm obviously desperate or I wouldn't chosen Kelley in the first place.

I'm Super Debbie Downer, I know but, I can't help but to spew my anxiety all over this fine forum. Very informative and helpful forum, by the way.

Oh and before I forget, I think it took me all of 10 days to get where I am in the app process:

July 29 - Applied randomly. Very interesting online assessment with peoples' facial expressions and likely outcomes of support. Completed. Asked to schedule an interview time.
July 31 - Completed the interview via phone instead of Skype like I was initially told. Was recommended for the next steps.
August 1 - Emailed about next steps which included "onboarding". Completed what I feel was the background check initiation.
August 4 - Received a phone message + email of whether I still wanted the job. And if so, please call a number and hold for 1 hour and 6 minutes. Confirmed for next steps.
August 5 - Emailed about the remote I9 + additional hiring documents. Told to complete it within 24 hours but haven't been sent any follow up. Completed all other hiring documents and emailed back. Wished I could just go to a local Kelley Services and complete this step and not have to ask people to wait around for an email with a super special secret code.

I'm done with my snarkiness. The next time I post, it will be in the event of training or ultimate rejection.

You are not making a mistake. I got this position via Kelly Connect as well and its great! I do not regret going through them at all, yes the pay is lower than if you would have went directly through Apple but we get the same perks and benefits as if we were hired through Apple itself. As far as the metrics go, no matter what customer service call center you work for they will go off of metrics and they vary on the harshness of how serious they take it. The metrics that Kelly Connect go by are alot less harsh that Apple directly. The position is great and the training is great and if you love customer service and Tech Support as well as apple products then you will love the position. I hope everything goes well for you and all!! The reason that you are holding so long when you call in is because there are training classes going on right now and AHA are receiving theie iMacs and stuff in the mail and they are calling in to set up so just br patient and everything will be fine.
Been lurking for quite some time. Just wanted to share my experience so far.

I just completed my 2nd round interview not too long ago and getting ready for my 3rd with a team leader. This thread has been a tremendous amount of help and great information. I am applying for a part-time AHA here in Florida.

I didn't get any of the questions here during my FaceTime interview but they were close enough.

"I just came back from my honeymoon and dropped my iPhone in the airport and it won't turn on. All my honeymoon pictures are on there, what do I do?"

"Bought a pair of bluetooth headphones, how do I connect them to my iPhone?"

"Today I purchased my first smartphone ever... what are some things I should jump into first being new to all this? I am a business owner who knows nothing about iPhones. Can you help?"

They also asked your typical questions inquiring about tech experience and leaning more towards customer service experience. Empathy is really the key here.

I was told to expect an email very soon with information to choose a time for the 3rd phase interview with the team leader. They informed me about when training would start and we talked briefly about what the work would look like coming straight out of training.

I just wanted to share my experience and express my gratitude for this thread. I have not gotten the job yet, but things are looking good and I owe it all to the information found here.

Oh and for reference:

Applied directly to Apple - 7/23
1st interview with recruiter - 7/29
2nd FaceTime interview - 8/5
3rd FaceTime interview - TBD

Thanks! :)
Hey everybody! I currently work for the college home program and it's a nice gig You learn basically by trial and error and also by asking questions to other co-workers.The training if I remember took around 1 month and a half.
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6/16 - Application
7/8 - Phone interview (15 min)
7/14 - 2nd interview via Skype, telephone due to tech issues (20 min)
8/4 - 3rd/final interview via Skype (30 min)
8/7 - Job offer contingent on Hire Right check
10/6 - Tentative start date with Apple

Awesome! Congratulations!
Pay Periods

This is going to sound like a petty question, but my start date is the 18th. Anyone know the pay schedule for this month? Thanks in advance :apple:

I found the answer from an April post in this thread. The next payday is 8.29.14. I should get a check for 40 hours then. Sorry about that.
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I made an account here to share in my experience in the AHA application process through Kelley Services. But now that I'm typing this out, I feel lost......

Just an FYI for those who have complaints or comments that could be construed as negative (not picking on you Truvey): Apple monitors this discussion and they have fired individuals who have made comments here that Apple did not like. So be careful, and once you are hired, don't ever make comments here again - for your own safety.

As far as metrics go when I was an AHA (working directly for Apple) they watched everything I did and recorded ALL phone calls. My customer satisfaction was low because I only had two - a good one and a bad one. I only took calls for two weeks before I quit. The job was too stressful for me and did not pay enough to make it worthwhile. I think in reality it's pretty hard to get fired for your metrics. They believe in trying to make you better and will coach you repeatedly to help you learn. I don't know if they do that at Kelley or not.

I am just not wired for taking calls. I can't leave what has happened on past calls behind me. It's now a year after I quit and I still have several calls that I think about sometimes - they are burned into my memory forever. There was no way I was going to be able to do that job and stay sane. I hope those of you applying understand just what it takes to work in a call center. For some of us it is really difficult.
Awesome Discounts, Send you a huge Mac, phone and headset, Pay your monthly internet and phone bill, Constant support from managers and team members, Full time hours plus lots of overtime, The vacation/sick time is amazing and the best so far I would say is the opportunity to move up in the company. I have worked at home for over 6 years and have been with Apple for almost 1 year and it's the best WAH I have ever had, not to mention it's CHAT only! :D

Aside from insurance.... what are other perks? an apple discount? :)
6/16 - Application
7/8 - Phone interview (15 min)
7/14 - 2nd interview via Skype, telephone due to tech issues (20 min)
8/4 - 3rd/final interview via Skype (30 min)
8/7 - Job offer contingent on Hire Right check
10/6 - Tentative start date with Apple

I am also waiting on the background check from HireRight. Shouldn't be a problem... From what I know I haven't done anything that would be a red flag ;) Other than that, waiting sucks lol
This is going to sound like a petty question, but my start date is the 18th. Anyone know the pay schedule for this month? Thanks in advance :apple:

I found the answer from an April post in this thread. The next payday is 8.29.14. I should get a check for 40 hours then. Sorry about that.

Have you gotten any emails or anything yet? I am supposed to start the 18th as well and haven't heard anything after I got the emails satin they got my paperwork....
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