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You should always be ahead of the game and test everything ahead of time to make sure everything works, phone working, internet, etc. Sometimes, when they try to contact you and you are not available and cant be reached, they go on to the next person, unless you can reach them and explain. They might also see it as, well, what else is going to happen when your on the actual job...might be a red flag for them. May not be the case but you never know.


Oh I know, the previous night I made sure everything was working under normal conditions. I had no control over the fact my ISP was having problems. Luckily they rescheduled my interview!
Any current employees know if you start out full time if you can ever move to part time *IF you are not a student*.

The reason I ask is because my spouse & I are wanting to start trying to have a kid. She has a stable public sector job but wouldn't be able to take off a lot of time after the child is born. I would want to move to PT once we have a child so I can spend time with him/her. I would still want to work around 25 hours a week though. Is this an option assuming you are meeting all other requirements and all your reviews are good?
This is a great sign! Out of the thousands of pages I've read (over 3,200 printed pages) on the old forum post and this one it means they want to hire you. I've only seen at most 3 or 4 not get hired after the BG check.

I'm guessing that those people had something in their BG they did not want to admit on the forum and THAT is why they were not hired though.

So, my opinion is that you're in like flint!

Take Care,


So I received my hireright email today for my background check. Does anyone one know this indicates that they have intentions to hire if background check clears? How long was the background check process for you all?


Indeed...its free. I hear they are even sending you an iPod. If so, that is nice but I think iPods are fading out now. The iPod has become a less important Apple product, especially because it generates less and less revenue for the company.

Yes, they send it to you if you're hired for IOS support. But, not for CPU support. Also, you only keep it for training and then have to send it back.
Any current employees know if you start out full time if you can ever move to part time *IF you are not a student*.

The reason I ask is because my spouse & I are wanting to start trying to have a kid. She has a stable public sector job but wouldn't be able to take off a lot of time after the child is born. I would want to move to PT once we have a child so I can spend time with him/her. I would still want to work around 25 hours a week though. Is this an option assuming you are meeting all other requirements and all your reviews are good?

Congrats on wanting to start a family!

I feel I must tell you that most employee's WILL NOT reply to this thread since Apple watches the thread daily and posting on this site is against the NDA Apple has you sign when you're hired. They even mention NOT to use this site on the very first day of training as well. Plus, I know of people that use to post a lot on the older section of this forum (that dates back quite a long time) about this AHA postion and they were tracked down and fired. So, there you go!

Now, I will say right away I'm not an employee but I know what I've read.

If you start out FT you're FT with no exceptions. Granted, you could try talking to your manager about it but I would not hold my breath. Keep in mind people are applying for these AHA jobs at the rate of hundreds if not thousands of people a day. Know what I mean?

The PT schedule is called a "flex schedule" because they will give you a few days notice and then bump you to full time when it's busy and then give you a few days notice that you're going back to PT.

Sorry to say but you have pretty much no chance of dictating the hours you work with them. Keep in mind they are now the largest company in the world worth a tad under 1/2 a trillion dollars! So, they can dictate anything they like. Granted, you can "bid" on the shifts you want if they let you move down to PT. But mandatory FT is thrust upon all PT'ers no exception when it gets busy. Which can be from a week or two to a couple of months.

They also have no patients for people that think they're going to take care of children while they are working. Personally, I think they should be a bit flexible for stay at home parents. But, pretty much zero tolerance of noise. So, take all of that into consideration before trying to get a job like this one.

How do I know all of this you ask? Well, go to the first page of this forum post and see the link to the old posts? I read all of them from there and here. That's 458 pages of posts. If you print them out it prints 7 pages per forum page. That means I've read 3,206 printed pages of posts that took me several hours a day for two weeks straight to do.

This is how serious I am about getting a job with them. Granted, I'm not an employee with them but I've spoke with several of them under a different alias on this forum and some love the job and some also hate it. I hope if I get the job I love it. :)

Good luck and take care,

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just got a call from my recruiter
the hiring manager loved our conversation and i'm moving onto the next stage!
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well what do you get paid for working over 40 hrs/week?

Ooooh ok, I was not even thinking about that! Not sure the answer on that one. But it has to be at least 1 1/2 times if not more.

They claim you can not work more then 60 hours per week with overtime but I know a friend of mine who has a friend that lately is working 60 to 70 hours per week because she wants to and they let her without a problem.

So, she is making some cash that's for sure.

Take care,



i'm assuming any time after 40 hours is pay and a half, although apple do seem to be outstanding with their compensation

anyway, just got a call from my recruiter!
the hiring manager loved our conversation and i'm moving onto the next stage!
so i'll be receiving the hireright email shortly
one question i had, and my recruiter wasn't 100%, in october i worked one day at a place and then quit..would i need to put this down on the hire right?

I would not include a one day of employment. They can only verify what you put down. There is no database to show where you worked at since they do not pull social security or IRS records at all. So, DO NOT include one day of employment. It will make you look unstable.

You only list employment from month/year to month/year. Not day/month/year to day/month/year. So, no one will know if you skip one day of employment.

Also, gaps in employment are totally fine. I know of several that had years between jobs for time off to be with family or whatever and they were hired. They can't verify any of that so if you word it right on the resume there are no worries.

Heck, I just thought of another guy I read about that had a 10 year gap from his last job. He put down he took time off to travel and spend time with family. Apple is not going to care at all. They only want to know if you can do the job or not.

well i have a gap from nov 2012 to july 2013 (moved to the states and awaited employment authorization) so i definitely have a reason for a gap in employment
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congrats! that's definitely a good sign
i think people usually wait 7-10 days for bc completion
what's your timeline?

Thanks I sure do hope so. I know I do not have any criminal background and didn't lie about anything on the application, but we will see how it goes.

January 17th- Applied
January 21th- AHA Questionnaire
January 28th- Interview (FaceTime)
January 30th- Official Application Requested
February 6th- Background Check requested

I will just keep playing the waiting game now. hahah
Well they do pull Social Security records...another way. They verify the Social you give them...probably all they do.

Yeah, the BG check company verifies your identity and that is all that's related to the social security number. No credit check, no employment records from social security. Nothing like that.

They take whatever you put down for employment for the last 5 years and call and verify it. If you were self-employed or not working during that time then there is nothing for them to verify. That is the case for a lot of people who've been independent contractors.

None of the employment really matters at all. They just want to know you have "soft skills" and don't really care about the tech skills. The reason? Because tech skills can be taught and soft skills are MUCH harder to teach. That is the same way for a lot of companies lately.

Are you wondering what are soft skills? They are empathy, empathy, empathy! For example: a person falls and breaks their laptop and it will not turn on. They call you and tell you what happened. You don't ask them about the damn computer. You show empathy and ask them if THEY are ok and show them some genuine feeliings. Screw the broken computer. The CUSTOMER is what matters. Make them feel good and the rest will work out just fine. Apple is known for their customer service because of this one single key factor. Dismiss this fact and you will not be working for Apple.

Try to be a techy and not show empathy and you will not get the job. I've read the posts. People with amazing tech backgrounds apply and try to dazzle the interviewers with there "guru skills" and they get the "thanks for playing" email.

Now if you're a techy AND can show empathy FIRST and foremost then you've a fighting chance of going far with this company.

Hope that helps! ;)

did anyone receive their hireright email at the weekend?
guess it may be monday now
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i know people have mentioned hourly differentials, like 10% if your shift starts at 1pm or after
does that apply to weekends too?
question regarding the hireright guys
found today that the apple specialist i worked from july 2013 to january 2014 closed yesterday
i had the store number as the contact no on my official application
when i come to putting the contact no down for that job on the hireright, would it be ok to put down my previous managers cell number?
should i call my recruiter tomorrow?
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