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My Time Line

Here's my Timeline

8/31 applied online
9/3. Email received with questions to answer
9/4 brief phone call interview
9/5 first FaceTime interview
9/17 hiring manager FaceTime interview
9/18 received hireright email and submitted for background at 3pm eastern time
9/19 Background 99% complete with the exception of a small county in Ohio responding to hireright to let them know my court record was for a speeding ticket
10/7 REJECTION email because Background was "unverifiable"
10/8 Email from hireright saying my Background was completed

It's been a week of emotions, I wish I could tell everyone to be patient but I wasn't, then the rejection letter came and I was upset. Now I am awaiting the official offer email :D


My timeline:

9/24 - Applied online
9/26 - Received questionnaire in email which I promptly filled out and sent back
9/27 - Completed 1st interview over phone
9/27 - Received email after phone interview scheduling me for 2nd one on 9/28
9/28 - Did 2nd interview over FaceTime
9/28 - Received email prompting me to fill out more paperwork and schedule my 3rd interview
10/04 - Completed 3rd interview over Skype
10/04 - Received HireRight background check email
10/10 - Called HireRight and spoke with representative who confirmed my background was 100% complete
10/11 - Emailed recruiter asking for a possible update

So I currently am in limbo like the majority of you. I was informed that I was to be a part of the 11/5 class. Emailed my recruiter today so hopefully will hear something back either today or tomorrow.

I hope your call comes soon, I was originally set for the 10/22 class, then was rejected, then was offered job for 11/5.
My timeline:

9/24 - Applied online
9/26 - Received questionnaire in email which I promptly filled out and sent back
9/27 - Completed 1st interview over phone
9/27 - Received email after phone interview scheduling me for 2nd one on 9/28
9/28 - Did 2nd interview over FaceTime
9/28 - Received email prompting me to fill out more paperwork and schedule my 3rd interview
10/04 - Completed 3rd interview over Skype
10/04 - Received HireRight background check email
10/10 - Called HireRight and spoke with representative who confirmed my background was 100% complete
10/11 - Emailed recruiter asking for a possible update

So I currently am in limbo like the majority of you. I was informed that I was to be a part of the 11/5 class. Emailed my recruiter today so hopefully will hear something back either today or tomorrow.

exact same boat here but i didnt call hireright. should i or was the email enough?
just got an email back from my recruiter. no status update on my BC check so she said they would reach out to me as soon as they heard back from them. calling hireright shortly to see about the status and make sure nothing is going wrong.
24 hour HireRight update....

After speaking with a supervisor at HireRight, here's what I learned:

1. Apparently HireRight contracts out portions of the background check to other people, so the request that they send out may not say HireRight on it.

2. The delay that's holding up my report is not on the court's end. Apparently, there is a delay in the contractor sending out the request to the county court. There is nothing noted as to why there is a delay. It was supposed to have been sent out on 10/3.

3. HireRight cannot release the contact information of the person/company that the work is contracted out to. They can only email the person/company on your behalf, and you then have to wait 24 hours to see if your case is updated with a response.

The land of HireRight limbo...
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just got an email back from my recruiter. no status update on my BC check so she said they would reach out to me as soon as they heard back from them. calling hireright shortly to see about the status and make sure nothing is going wrong.

How long has it been?

For anyone that is curious, our whole class was hired as "part-time", meaning 20 hours per week or as needed. We all got our schedules and we are all scheduled for 40 hours until further notice. If you wanted full time hours, you will probably get them. If you were actually hoping for a 20 hour work week... good luck with that.
For anyone that is curious, our whole class was hired as "part-time", meaning 20 hours per week or as needed. We all got our schedules and we are all scheduled for 40 hours until further notice. If you wanted full time hours, you will probably get them. If you were actually hoping for a 20 hour work week... good luck with that.

What hours and days off will you have?
For anyone that is curious, our whole class was hired as "part-time", meaning 20 hours per week or as needed. We all got our schedules and we are all scheduled for 40 hours until further notice. If you wanted full time hours, you will probably get them. If you were actually hoping for a 20 hour work week... good luck with that.

Yeah, I figured that given the release of iOS 6 and the iPhone 5. Plus the holiday season is approaching. I was hoping for a 20 hour schedule. But the extra cash will allow me to take advantage of the additional discount we get after 90 days. I need a new Mac and I want an iPad.
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Each training class starts as one big group but then after the first day you're broken up into your individual teams which you'll remain for the duration of training.
I'm wanting to know what schedules after training are. Any idea. Hours, days off?
I'm wanting to know what schedules after training are. Any idea. Hours, days off?

Training is 9-6 CST M-F I believe you do get major holidays off if one happens to fall within your training. Columbus Day didn't count.

You will not know your schedule and they won't give it to you until after training. Be prepared to get one of the least favorable ones coming out. They say you need to be flexible. People work as late as 11:30.
Time to drink the koolaid!

So, I got the call today before my brother's wedding.

I officially start in the 11/5 class!

I am so glad to finally be past all the waiting, but it was worth it.

For those of you who have not been called, they called two weeks to the day that I talked to the hiring manager.

So, they are correct when they you will hear something in 2 weeks.

Good luck to all those out there still waiting and I will see my new virtual coworkers at training!
For those of you who have not been called, they called two weeks to the day that I talked to the hiring manager.

So, they are correct when they you will hear something in 2 weeks.

Grats to you!

Nothing here yet... 2 weeks was Tuesday this week. :( I'm giving up hope if I don't hear anything by tomorrow night. Either they are on the fence about me or something else... because I have not received a rejection letter yet. I've checked all my SPAM folders just in case too.
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