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I received phone call from recruiter and it was good news!
I will be starting the class from 11/26!
Now I feel like huuuge weight has lifted off from my chest;)
It was funny when my recruiter said "whoot whoot!" before I said:D

Now I am waiting for official email from them.
I am on my way to set up land-line phone and setting up office environment:)

Yes, I agree, no news is good news! because according to previous posts, as long as you do not receive rejection email, you still have hope to get hired.

Can you please tell me what kind of phone you got, and service? I'm lost, I don't know if I should get it now or wait after the session :/
Can you please tell me what kind of phone you got, and service? I'm lost, I don't know if I should get it now or wait after the session :/

Apple sends you the phone. I'd wait until the first session because everything will be explained to you and you can ask questions directly to an apple employee.
Apple sends you the phone. I'd wait until the first session because everything will be explained to you and you can ask questions directly to an apple employee.

Thanks! Now I can relax and do my nails lol. Famous600 your post have been very helpful to me.
First off thanks guys for all the info been a life saver because of the sleepless nights waiting for the call that we all have wanted to get.... I :D Have gotten my call and offer email and I have my paper work session.... But I am wondering how long before paper work session does it take to get the "shiny packet"? My paper work date is just a very few days away and I have not gotten my shiny folder via Fedex. Just wondering how long after the email do you get your folder...or how close to the paper work session do they ship said cool folder via Fedex.....

Sweating bullets

Special thanks to kool aide drinker, with your info you have saved me many sleepless nights and quite possiablly saved my relationship with my lady from crumbling due to me being insane while I wait. She pats me on the head and says " Honey..... what did kool aide drinker say? Now close your eyes and go to sleep, you have gotten the call and the email and all will be right with the world...... NOW shut up and go to sleep"

Kool-aid says that you can still do you paperwork call even if you have not received the paperwork packet. They will email you soft copies of the entire packet on the day of the call.

I got my email last Weds and got my packet a couple of days later.

As far as availability is concerned, they told us that we will work every single shift in our tenure at Apple.

They are strict on attendance. (3 strike rule) , so keep that in mind.

Keep drinking koolaid !
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Can you please tell me what kind of phone you got, and service? I'm lost, I don't know if I should get it now or wait after the session :/

I an asking my recruiter about setting up land-line and etc. I have no idea about specification, I would wait until I get the packet for more info. if. recruiter doesn't reply.
Kool-aid says that you can still do you paperwork call even if you have not received the paperwork packet. They will email you soft copies of the entire packet on the day of the call.

I got my email last Weds and got my packet a couple of days later.

Citychic says thank you for that tidbit... So what's in the packet? Inquiring antsy minds want to know.
I got my the offer call on Monday, and I am still waiting for my email. Anyone in the same boat?

Was thinking I might enquire.
I wonder what the longest wait time is for anyone to get the call or rejection email from the date their background check was submitted. Let's hear them!

For me it was 20 days. 20 long, tense days from BGC on 10/2 to offer call on 10/22. They pushed me back a week, originally interviewed for 11/7 and ended up in the 11/12 class.


I got my the offer call on Monday, and I am still waiting for my email. Anyone in the same boat?

Was thinking I might enquire.

My call came Monday and my email came today.
Thanks Again

I am going to be working with some amazing folks.
My previous long post was so full of bad spelling, grammar, etc etc.. I mean it was bad! did not bother doing spell check or anything.. did not even proof read.. and wow! you guys responded to my needs and addressed them with out the usual "you made a typo and therefore I am better person than you" stuff.

Wow... good show Ladies and Gentlemen. I am truly impressed.

Thanks again Kool-Aid for putting my mind at ease about folder situation.

This fact that I have been chosen to work with Apple has inspired me for IT again. I was beginning to lose my passion for things. I thought that would never happen to me in my IT career, as my nerdom knows no bounds, I feel alive again!

This is not only a job for me.This is THE job for me!

I have made as much as 75k yearly working in IT in the past... but there is an excitement for this in my soul that defies explanation, and is worth far more than money to me.

It is nice to have something to look forward to again. I am so excited about the future again, and I hope that my fellow soon-to-be coworkers feel some of what I am talking about..
And to those still waiting for the of luck...and keep your head up.
My question is.. has someone ever applied for multiple location out of 100miles radius and that actually helped to get the job...?

I'm in Taos, NM.
The nearest site is Albuquerque NM, 132 miles away.
The position linked in my email questionnaire was in TX somewhere.
I start 11/5.

Edit: Though none of the postings I applied to stated I must be within 100 miles of a location. I think the only ones that still do that are the student versions of the job.
What's monsterboard? Link?

Sorry, linky no work unless you are going through the corporate VPN and have an employee login name and password. Monsterboard is internal only but your trainer will probably provide the link once you get hired.

Monsterboard is a real time web based app that has all the past and current stats for all of the cues. That includes total number of calls per minute, hold time etc.
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BGC STILL in process

Can't believe that the Courts part of the BGC is taking so long. I don't have even so much as a parking ticket. Have a big all-day interview on Tuesday & was hoping that I could skip, but looking grim.
Question about contacting Hire Right...

It really hasn't been enough time for me to contact them (just submitted info two days ago) but I was wondering, at what point do people contact them? When you do, is it automated information, or a live person thing? I am nosy as heck as to where I am in the process, but I sure don't want to tick them off or anything.

One of my jobs was where I owned my own brick & mortar store, and I sort of thought I'd get a request for the taxes/tax ID, DBA from it. However my current job used HireRight, so they may still have all of that from me, I wonder.

Anyway, any tips/advice on contacting them, if/when it's appropriate, is appreciated. :)
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