Just about everybody has mentioned that the tests are pretty difficult. What "generally speaking" is on them?
Is it mostly in depth technical stuff or customer service stuff or a mixture of both? I'm having a hard time believing that it can be that hard if they give you the material to study. Just like college. Pay attention and take notes and any test can be passed.
I'm anxiously awaiting my interview on the 14th, they said I would be in the 4/1 class if I make it through. These next few days need to just fly by.
We can't even "in general" tell you what is on them. However, what makes it
so tough is the fact that a bunch of material is covered and it is done at a
pretty fair pace. You basically have to soak it all in really quick.
You spend the morning in training class going over material, then the
afternoon studying all new material. Then you go to bed and try to let it
all soak in. You are not allowed to sign on after hours to go over it. It
all has to be absorbed within your class/study period.
Then the test covers detailed specifics that will require you to know where
to go for the answer.
Not trying to scare anyone, cause you'll all be nervous enough.
(I say that with a smile cause our class was terrified as well.)
Again, pay attention, don't try to watch TV during class. Participate and
don't worry about being ignorant on topics. We all were in the beginning.
Even giving wrong answers is a learning tool. I speak from experience.
Enjoy cause it will all be worth it in the end!
Were you told whether the 4/1 class was iOS or CPU?
Are screen shots or printing out info during training permitted? Was just thinking that might help to study. Thanks.
Oh no, Micah2542. How long did you wait between your 3rd interview and receiving your, "thanks for playing" email?I got the we moved forward with other candidates email.....so bummed!
Good luck to everyone!
I got the we moved forward with other candidates email.....so bummed!
Good luck to everyone!
I took screen shots, made bookmarks, printed stuff off.. the whole nine yards. The tests are open book, open internet, open everything...use whatever material you want. That being said, you better pay close attention to what's covered in class and try to remember which SGT's covered what material... that will come in handy. The only time my 20+ years of experience helped out was for the few questions dealing with ms windows and networking. Whatever you know or think you know about tech isn't going to help that much in terms of test taking.
Hello, Apple masses! I have just been invited into the first steps of the AHA hiring process within the last couple of days (potential training start date of 04/15). Thanks to this awesome thread, I have a fairly good idea of the markers, wait times, and experiences to expect...so THANKS to all who have contributed.
I applied via Apple's job site the second week of January. At 9PM CST Sunday night (2/10), I got the email with questionairre. Filled it out Monday mid-mornig, and got a call back from the recruiter within the hour. (I attribute the faster callback time to the individual recruiter's courtesy, and not to my responses.)
My first (Skype) interview is 02/18/2013 - which I just realized is President's Day - and was set up yesterday (on phone with recruiter). Thanks to previous posters' detailed info, I have a decent idea what to expect from this first interview, which is such a comfort, you guys.
Anyway, will keep updating as process continues. If there are any other details I can provide, just ask. I'd love to give back to this little community in some way. You guys are amaze-balls.
P.S. I wanted to include a helpful website for those who aren't comfortable or familiar with Apple's different OS versions, or, vice versa, aren't familiar with Windows versions. This site provides interactive screen shots that show you what these systems look like...and a little bit about how they operate.
Good luck!
I took screen shots, made bookmarks, printed stuff off.. the whole nine yards. The tests are open book, open internet, open everything...use whatever material you want. That being said, you better pay close attention to what's covered in class and try to remember which SGT's covered what material... that will come in handy. The only time my 20+ years of experience helped out was for the few questions dealing with ms windows and networking. Whatever you know or think you know about tech isn't going to help that much in terms of test taking.
I took screen shots, made bookmarks, printed stuff off.. the whole nine yards. The tests are open book, open internet, open everything...use whatever material you want. That being said, you better pay close attention to what's covered in class and try to remember which SGT's covered what material... that will come in handy. The only time my 20+ years of experience helped out was for the few questions dealing with ms windows and networking. Whatever you know or think you know about tech isn't going to help that much in terms of test taking.
Anyone in the 3/18 class? We should start our own thread or Facebook message conversation, or Google + community or whatever's cool these days.
I am in 3/18
Have you gotten your FedEx offer packet yet?
Not as of yet