I'm so happy for all of you who are working for and will be working for Apple. After 3 interviews and a week and a day waiting, I received an email from the recruiter with whom I had the 2nd interview saying thanks for playing. All I can do at this juncture is keep looking online for another position to open up and apply again. Thanks to everyone for the guidance this forum has given.
Oh, wow...that's a shock. There must have been some kind of misunderstanding, there. Definitely reapply as often as the system will allow!! A different interviewer might make the difference...
Okay, so I think I might be better equipped to handle the customer empathy side of the interview...I'm not nearly so familiar with the Mac OS as nearly EVERYONE else seems to be.
Can anybody recommend a good research site for Mac OS troubleshooting? Would it be as simple as the FAQ on Apple's website?