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I'm so happy for all of you who are working for and will be working for Apple. After 3 interviews and a week and a day waiting, I received an email from the recruiter with whom I had the 2nd interview saying thanks for playing. All I can do at this juncture is keep looking online for another position to open up and apply again. Thanks to everyone for the guidance this forum has given.

Oh, wow...that's a shock. There must have been some kind of misunderstanding, there. Definitely reapply as often as the system will allow!! A different interviewer might make the difference...


Okay, so I think I might be better equipped to handle the customer empathy side of the interview...I'm not nearly so familiar with the Mac OS as nearly EVERYONE else seems to be. :eek:
Can anybody recommend a good research site for Mac OS troubleshooting? Would it be as simple as the FAQ on Apple's website?
Oh, wow...that's a shock. There must have been some kind of misunderstanding, there. Definitely reapply as often as the system will allow!! A different interviewer might make the difference...


Okay, so I think I might be better equipped to handle the customer empathy side of the interview...I'm not nearly so familiar with the Mac OS as nearly EVERYONE else seems to be. :eek:
Can anybody recommend a good research site for Mac OS troubleshooting? Would it be as simple as the FAQ on Apple's website? place for troubleshooting guide! :apple:

[/COLOR]Okay, so I think I might be better equipped to handle the customer empathy side of the interview...I'm not nearly so familiar with the Mac OS as nearly EVERYONE else seems to be. :eek:
Can anybody recommend a good research site for Mac OS troubleshooting? Would it be as simple as the FAQ on Apple's website?

Also you can check

However, this is not all about technical knowledge. Empathy is the biggest
thing here. For example: Dropped my Macbook Pro and now it won't power on.

"Well Mr. Customer, I'm very sorry that happened to you. I understand the
frustrations of needing your MacBook and now it won't power on. Let's look
at a couple of things and see what we can do to resolve this."

That's all it takes, then you can mention any technical stuff you may have
gotten from the web. But the biggest thing is empathy. In fact, it is so
important that it will continue to be stressed during training class, while
being mentored and after you are live on the phones.

I had no knowledge of Macs when I started either. They will teach you
everything from the basics to the complex. But you must possess the
ability to convey empathy. Even if you are an Angry Gerbil and it causes
much pain and anguish, still grit your teeth and do it. It worked for him
and he is still taking calls.


If you'd move to Texas just to be an Apple AHA you've got a lot more problems than just being unemployed :D

And this is why I still come to the website.

Waiting to start is killing me oh well sim city closed beta today.

Me too! It doesn't a seem like anyone on the thread has gotten an offer call lately. My background check was sent to :apple: on Monday the 11th so I'm hoping I hear something Monday the 18th! Waiting sucks!
Just finished my 1st interview with a recruiter yesterday.
Gosh I was super nervous and said stuff that did't even make any

The interviewer was extremely cool and laid back and told me she is going to forward me to the next interview.

So now I'm waiting for the facetime interview that I was told I will be receiving an invitation email in 2, 3 days.

hope I'll get it this time;)
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Just finished my 1st interview with a recruiter yesterday.
Gosh I was super nervous and said stuff that did't even make any

The interviewer was extremely cool and laid back and told me she is going to forward me to the next interview.

So now I'm waiting for the facetime interview that I was told I will be receiving an invitation email in 2, 3 days.

hope I'll get it this time;)
Best of luck, IPadmania002! Breathe, relax, you got this!
Me too! It doesn't a seem like anyone on the thread has gotten an offer call lately. My background check was sent to :apple: on Monday the 11th so I'm hoping I hear something Monday the 18th! Waiting sucks!

Ohhh I'm not waiting on a call or email. I'm waiting to start in April.

Good luck you your endeavors!!


Just put in my two weeks at my current job... So relieved and excited at the same time! :)

i may put mine in sooner then later i cant stand the place. i applied for apple first. :D:apple::apple::apple:
i may put mine in sooner then later i cant stand the place. i applied for apple first. :D:apple::apple::apple:

I only have to wait three weeks form tomorrow to start. Im enjoying the time off. :cool: But looking forward to the start date but not the 12 yo ipod owners

after you apply will they send you a questionnaire or will they just call you. if you are called will they tell you that they are a recruiter from apple and mention the position you are applying for? Is the questionnaire they send you by mail different from the one you fill out when you apply online?

hope someone can answer my questions.

after you apply will they send you a questionnaire or will they just call you. if you are called will they tell you that they are a recruiter from apple and mention the position you are applying for? Is the questionnaire they send you by mail different from the one you fill out when you apply online?

hope someone can answer my questions.


Most of your questions have been answered before. Please start from page one and go forward there is a lot of great info for you in this thread from all aspects of the hiring process. To answer the questions that I have not seen. Yes when you get a call they will say hi I'm (insert name here) from Apple, I'm calling about the at home advisor position you applied for............the questionnaire referred to is an email that contains 11 questions. for the most part people have received the questionnaire then received a call out of the blue at some point after. There have been a few exceptions. Hope this helps and good luck!

My apologies if this was a little harsh it was not intended to be :)
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Thanks to those who helped me with some research options. I can only hope I know enough to get through the interview tomorrow. Although, I'm probably making a mountain out of a mole hill, really. Nerves really do get to you, huh??
Thanks to those who helped me with some research options. I can only hope I know enough to get through the interview tomorrow. Although, I'm probably making a mountain out of a mole hill, really. Nerves really do get to you, huh??

What you know has very little to do with the interview. Who you are has everything to do with it. 1/2 the people on my team had zero tech knowledge when they started but they did have pleasant personalities and a desire to learn. I knew absolutely nothing about iPhones and iOS when I interviewed but I did know basic PC troubleshooting steps and I was able to get my interviewer to laugh a few times. In real life I'm an old, grumpy curmudgeon that hates dealing with the general public but it wasn't to hard to charm the team manager. I kind of wish they would not have hired me but at least I have a little bit of an income while I look for a real job.
Thanks to those who helped me with some research options. I can only hope I know enough to get through the interview tomorrow. Although, I'm probably making a mountain out of a mole hill, really. Nerves really do get to you, huh??

AG is right the biggest part of the interview is how you come across. Be friendly respectful and make sure you know what empathy is and when to express it during the role play... The team manager that did my last interview told me the shorter the role play goes usually the better. some times she has to go a long way to pull out any empathy. this may just have been her interview style. the long and the short of it is as long as your not a grumpy curmudgeon during the interview you'll be fine
AG is right the biggest part of the interview is how you come across. Be friendly respectful and make sure you know what empathy is and when to express it during the role play... The team manager that did my last interview told me the shorter the role play goes usually the better. some times she has to go a long way to pull out any empathy. this may just have been her interview style. the long and the short of it is as long as your not a grumpy curmudgeon during the interview you'll be fine

Yeah, forgot to mention that. Empathy, empathy, empathy. Even if you couldn't care less about some kid's 3 year old iPod nano. It's a HUGE part of call flow.
Yeah, forgot to mention that. Empathy, empathy, empathy. Even if you couldn't care less about some kid's 3 year old iPod nano. It's a HUGE part of call flow.

You guys are the best, seriously. I'm not freaking out so much anymore, thanks to your comments...and thank th' Lord for that because my interview is in 5 minutes. LOL

AG, have you tried the website ? Even though it implies it a blog for SAH parents, it really is a fairly good site for at-home working suggestions. Just in case you've gotten comfortable working in your PJ's. :)


AG is right the biggest part of the interview is how you come across. Be friendly respectful and make sure you know what empathy is and when to express it during the role play... The team manager that did my last interview told me the shorter the role play goes usually the better. some times she has to go a long way to pull out any empathy. this may just have been her interview style. the long and the short of it is as long as your not a grumpy curmudgeon during the interview you'll be fine

You were included in that thanks, macro. :D
Oh wow. A lot longer than I thought it would take. Gives me some hope!
I applied for AHA 12/8/12 and I just heard this morning. I got the 12 question email. Completed and talked to te first recruiter. Next interview is scheduled for next Monday!
Was told start date would be April 15th so hopefully the process moved quickly!
Made it through first "Skype" interview...

I managed to pull through my first "Skype" interview (which ended up being a phone interview, actually), no thanks to the cold medicine I was on. I will try to remember to post my interview questions for all tomorrow.

One thing is beginning to worry me, though -- the whole dedicated office space situation. At my last at-home position, my bedroom doubled as my work space, which worked fine. I was able to lock myself in and focus on work as needed, and it was rare that the ambient noise from the rest of the house would leak into my "office." But it did happen once in a while. From what I have read here, Apple may not see that as an acceptable work environment. I have the potential for other work spaces, but nothing that is set up and ready to go. Any comments? It's keeping me awake. No joke. It's 3 AM Central Standard time, people.
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