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Question: I applied for a tech support position. I finished my interviews, finished my Hireright. I got a call from Staffing saying they were offering me the job. They said I would get a letter in the email within 5 days. I am still waiting for the offer letter and it is already the fourth day. I emailed one of the HR staffing and they mentioned that they are waiting for final approvals. Should I be worried about this or even getting the offer letter?
Question: I applied for a tech support position. I finished my interviews, finished my Hireright. I got a call from Staffing saying they were offering me the job. They said I would get a letter in the email within 5 days. I am still waiting for the offer letter and it is already the fourth day. I emailed one of the HR staffing and they mentioned that they are waiting for final approvals. Should I be worried about this or even getting the offer letter?

Normally when companies say 5 days they mean 5 business days and with the way weekends and mail can be its pretty much easier just to say 6-10.. I would just be patient if you haven't gotten anything after 10days then I would call.
Normally when companies say 5 days they mean 5 business days and with the way weekends and mail can be its pretty much easier just to say 6-10.. I would just be patient if you haven't gotten anything after 10days then I would call.

I'm including the weekends, it was last Friday that they offered me the position over the phone. Also it should be an email offer letter.
Oh then yeah I would call the recruiter just to make sure what's up?

I did, they emailed me that they were waiting for final approvals. That is what is concerning me. They offered me the job over the phone but I have not received my offer letter yet so after 6 days which included the weekend, so 4 business days, I have not seen this offer letter yet, making me paranoid that it might get retracted because they don't have funds or the position might go away.

Just Remember empathy.. even if your interviewer doesn't role play, make sure you have empathetic statements in your reponse to him/her...most of my questions weren't so much technical as my industry experience dictates. but just brush up on the basics troubleshooting remedies i.e how do you troubleshoot a printer that is not working; I can't connect to the internet, what do I do?; what's ram; ram vs rom; name an instance where you had to use safemode and whats safemode by the way; just some to name from my experience... skim over the chat I say, never know what he/she will throw at you...but most importantly be yourself and remember empathy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good Luck,



so you are p/t? that's what you saying??
Originally I was supposed to be the class starting on 5-20 CPU but the recruiter that made the offer call said it would be the 6-17 CPU class. I was so excited I might have missed the PT or FT part. Is the 6-17 CPU class FT?
TheSneekGeek- Can you please tell me what position you originally applied for? I just want to know if they moved you to the CPU group or what?

P.S. I also heard you have some top secret info and I'd love to be in your loop :p

---------- secret? naw Im just regular ole sneek....lmbo

Well still I read you heard some disclosed info :p... I also wanted to know if you applied for the @Home Advisor position and then they wanted to move you to CPU?
Let me know if you hear anything and I'll make sure to do the same!

So as I told you earlier, I wrote an email to K.Y. the first recruiter/interviewer to contact me during this process. I just got an email from the 2nd interviewer T.K. This is what it read :

Thank you for your patience through the At Home interview process. I will be reaching out to you between Friday and Monday to give you a status on your interview. Again, thank you for your patience.

I don't know if this is a good or bad thing as I am still anxious to know if I got the job or not. Talk about leaving a person hanging... JEEZ LOL.
I really hope it's iOS cause I'm more knowledgeable in the iPad iPhone iPod and Apple TV area. If I do have to do CPU I'm willing to learn.

I have also heard that iOS is a nightmare compared to CPU, but I guess it depends on who you are asking. They should have told you what you would be supporting during one of the interviews.
I have also heard that iOS is a nightmare compared to CPU, but I guess it depends on who you are asking. They should have told you what you would be supporting during one of the interviews.

Nope! I had ONE interview, that was it. I was asked what is ram? How would you describe what an OS to a new computer user. Had a role play of an iPhone freezing up, so I walked him throughout a soft reset, then role played how to get to Facebook without going to Google and searching for the site. That's all I had to do.
I have also heard that iOS is a nightmare compared to CPU, but I guess it depends on who you are asking. They should have told you what you would be supporting during one of the interviews.

I'm doing iOS T1 at a 3rd party staffing company, it isn't too bad. It's not too hard, but it gets repetitive and boring.
If you get hired as a at home advisor, are their opportunities to move up and potentially get to the corporate level?
If you get hired as a at home advisor, are their opportunities to move up and potentially get to the corporate level?

At home advisors working directly for apple are all "corporate" employees. Indeed their are opportunities. I have friends who have been promoted as soon as 4 months to higher ranks.
She was very specific on that this was not a tech position but very customer service and multi-tasking type position where we would need to be able to do multiple things at once.

So, were her questions based strictly on customer service? What questions did she ask you, if I may ask :)
I did, they emailed me that they were waiting for final approvals. That is what is concerning me. They offered me the job over the phone but I have not received my offer letter yet so after 6 days which included the weekend, so 4 business days, I have not seen this offer letter yet, making me paranoid that it might get retracted because they don't have funds or the position might go away.

Not very patient are we?

Nice congrats!

Thanks, hopefully we'll both get the job but you won't have to wait as long as I have to find out.

mine came from a generic email address, but it was signed by my 2nd interviewer

Thanks for the info!

So as I told you earlier, I wrote an email to K.Y. the first recruiter/interviewer to contact me during this process. I just got an email from the 2nd interviewer T.K. This is what it read :

Thank you for your patience through the At Home interview process. I will be reaching out to you between Friday and Monday to give you a status on your interview. Again, thank you for your patience.

I don't know if this is a good or bad thing as I am still anxious to know if I got the job or not. Talk about leaving a person hanging... JEEZ LOL.

Thanks for the update, I got the same message and was going to post but you beat me to the punch. If we don't get hired at his point it will just be cruel!
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