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While I'm not particularly thrilled with the job...

That's probably a little bit of an understatement ha! (Although I'm sure it was intended to be)


Great point! The person interviewing you has a lot to do with whether or not you are hired. In my case, I could tell right off the bat that my second interviewer was a real "no nonsense" type of gal - a stickler. During the interview when I attempted to make light of the situation (the interview) to ease the obvious tension, I got nothing in return - NOTHING! Dead silence. Furthermore, when presented with a scenario type question, I tried to zero in on the exact issue to better craft my answer by asking a question. Her response in absolute seriousness: "You tell me." I've only posted here a few times, but maybe someone will remember my first post when I said "I new I didn't get the gig as soon as the second interview was over." This is why. It really sucks when you get a ball breaker for your interviewer. Compounding the issue was that I don't do any type of video conferencing and had to download Skype the night before. When checking my audio quality repeatedly, the recording played back very faintly each time. Therefore, I thought that I was going to have to compensate for the lack of audio quality during the interview by speaking loudly. Normally soft spoken, I was probably sounding a bit like Mr T during the interview. And yes, I asked her right off the bat if she could hear me okay to which she responded "Excuse me?" So my voice tone was loud and overbearing all through the interview. It really, really, really sucked - recorded the interview and could not listen the whole way through - painful to hear. And THIS is what blew the opportunity for me.

Perhaps you all could allow the declines a little room to vent. Its very disappointing when you don't get the gig. For those of you who did get it, don't count your chickens before they're hatched. After going live, you'll be muting your phone during calls to scream your heads off for a few seconds I am certain. Don't be so brazen to think that you got it just because you're so great - you may have gotten it just because you're so "malleable."

Fact of the matter? Many of you won't last beyond six months. Just telling it as it is.

Good way to put everything in perspective! I like how some people think they need to include how much their interviewer "loved" them. That's probably a better example of narcissism.
PT to FT

Hello all! I've really enjoyed reading up on the posts about this job and I have recently been hired on and will be starting Part Time iOS on May 28th. I am currently working at a job with Apple devices (not for Apple) as a repair technician. I enjoy my job now but drive 1 hour each direction every day, so I was really looking forward to the possibility of working from home! However, recently I informed my boss of the new job... and although excited for me and the opportunity, he came back with a strong counter-offer... so strong that I am stumped at this point with what to do. I know the position with Apple will be part time, but it seems that there will be a full time position to open up and I have no doubts in my mind that I can get that and climb the corporate ladder per say. So down to my question in the hopes of possibly getting a little bit of help from you who are in the position already. Anyone who has started at part time and moved to a full time position- Was the pay increased once the full time position was acquired or did your pay stay the same but you just had full time hours? If it did increase, could you give me an idea of how much? Trying to make the right decision for my family and I'm left in a tight spot with not much time to decide. You can feel free to private message me.
Thanks for your help!!
Hello all! I've really enjoyed reading up on the posts about this job and I have recently been hired on and will be starting Part Time iOS on May 28th. I am currently working at a job with Apple devices (not for Apple) as a repair technician. I enjoy my job now but drive 1 hour each direction every day, so I was really looking forward to the possibility of working from home! However, recently I informed my boss of the new job... and although excited for me and the opportunity, he came back with a strong counter-offer... so strong that I am stumped at this point with what to do. I know the position with Apple will be part time, but it seems that there will be a full time position to open up and I have no doubts in my mind that I can get that and climb the corporate ladder per say. So down to my question in the hopes of possibly getting a little bit of help from you who are in the position already. Anyone who has started at part time and moved to a full time position- Was the pay increased once the full time position was acquired or did your pay stay the same but you just had full time hours? If it did increase, could you give me an idea of how much? Trying to make the right decision for my family and I'm left in a tight spot with not much time to decide. You can feel free to private message me.
Thanks for your help!!

Personally, I would go with what you are already doing... You basically get a free raise. There is a chance you go work iOS support and hate it and cannot get back into your old job.
Personally, I would go with what you are already doing... You basically get a free raise. There is a chance you go work iOS support and hate it and cannot get back into your old job.

Thanks! Right now I answer phone calls, I know no where near the amount of phone calls I would answer with Apple, but I answer around 30 phone calls a day already dealing with technical support and I enjoy doing that though! I agree with you though on getting a free raise! Was not expecting his offer at all. Thats why I feel like I'm in a jam! The main thing I am curious about though is the salary that I may be missing out on if I go through with Apple and get the full time position.
Thanks! Right now I answer phone calls, I know no where near the amount of phone calls I would answer with Apple, but I answer around 30 phone calls a day already dealing with technical support and I enjoy doing that though! I agree with you though on getting a free raise! Was not expecting his offer at all. Thats why I feel like I'm in a jam! The main thing I am curious about though is the salary that I may be missing out on if I go through with Apple and get the full time position.

I'm assuming going to full time alone doesn't merit a raise considering that those with the option to choice part or full time to start are offered the same rate for both. (At least I wasn't told I would be paid more if I choose full time)

A better question may be how much average raises are and how often they occur or the pay rate increase for being prompted to tier 2 or management and the likelyhood of making this happen. I know there has been some precious discussion on these matters on this thread. So there isn't much room for growth with your current employer?
My first Skype interview is today. I am already so nervous so I am sure I am gonna bomb it.... but I am keeping hopes high. I hope I don't just go blank in the interview and not know what to say. I guess if I am meant to get the gig, I will.
I'm assuming going to full time alone doesn't merit a raise considering that those with the option to choice part or full time to start are offered the same rate for both. (At least I wasn't told I would be paid more if I choose full time)

A better question may be how much average raises are and how often they occur or the pay rate increase for being prompted to tier 2 or management and the likelyhood of making this happen. I know there has been some precious discussion on these matters on this thread. So there isn't much room for growth with your current employer?

True! Good points.. Thanks!
I was never told there is a salary difference either. I just know that typically, in most job settings, the part-timer gets a lower pay than one working full time. Anyone have knowledge about this that is currently working for Apple?
I want to thank everybody for being awesome about all the questions we all have when we go through interviews and bcg check! I got my i9 form email yesterday had the HR call and fedex'ed my paperwork back to them. Currently it's in transit back to them in Cupertino CA! :) SOO.. I'm done!! i start may 20th.. Good luck everybody :)
True! Good points.. Thanks!
I was never told there is a salary difference either. I just know that typically, in most job settings, the part-timer gets a lower pay than one working full time. Anyone have knowledge about this that is currently working for Apple?

The only difference between part time and full time AHA is the number of hours worked... nothing else. Apple does not use the same business model as other employers with regards to "part time" i.e. saving money on benefits and salaries. Everyone in iOS starts out part time... most of CPU seems to start full time. My guess is that iOS needs a little more flexibility in terms of hours (working additional time that's not overtime) and that 40 hours a week of iOS would send the turnover rate skyrocketing. A 40 hours week in iOS is absolutely grueling.
The only difference between part time and full time AHA is the number of hours worked... nothing else. Apple does not use the same business model as other employers with regards to "part time" i.e. saving money on benefits and salaries. Everyone in iOS starts out part time... most of CPU seems to start full time. My guess is that iOS needs a little more flexibility in terms of hours (working additional time that's not overtime) and that 40 hours a week of iOS would send the turnover rate skyrocketing. A 40 hours week in iOS is absolutely grueling.

They use this model in retail with not receiving benefits until full time (30 hours) and you do get a raise then.
Yet another day

Ok y'all, it's yet another day of me jumping out of my skin everytime the phone rings. Thinking Happy Apple Thoughts! :D Come on, offer call! :apple::apple::apple::apple::apple::apple::apple:
I want to thank everybody for being awesome about all the questions we all have when we go through interviews and bcg check! I got my i9 form email yesterday had the HR call and fedex'ed my paperwork back to them. Currently it's in transit back to them in Cupertino CA! :) SOO.. I'm done!! i start may 20th.. Good luck everybody :)

what comes next after signing and returning offer email?:D

Great point! The person interviewing you has a lot to do with whether or not you are hired. In my case, I could tell right off the bat that my second interviewer was a real "no nonsense" type of gal - a stickler. During the interview when I attempted to make light of the situation (the interview) to ease the obvious tension, I got nothing in return - NOTHING! Dead silence. Furthermore, when presented with a scenario type question, I tried to zero in on the exact issue to better craft my answer by asking a question. Her response in absolute seriousness: "You tell me." I've only posted here a few times, but maybe someone will remember my first post when I said "I new I didn't get the gig as soon as the second interview was over." This is why. It really sucks when you get a ball breaker for your interviewer. Compounding the issue was that I don't do any type of video conferencing and had to download Skype the night before. When checking my audio quality repeatedly, the recording played back very faintly each time. Therefore, I thought that I was going to have to compensate for the lack of audio quality during the interview by speaking loudly. Normally soft spoken, I was probably sounding a bit like Mr T during the interview. And yes, I asked her right off the bat if she could hear me okay to which she responded "Excuse me?" So my voice tone was loud and overbearing all through the interview. It really, really, really sucked - recorded the interview and could not listen the whole way through - painful to hear. And THIS is what blew the opportunity for me.

Perhaps you all could allow the declines a little room to vent. Its very disappointing when you don't get the gig. For those of you who did get it, don't count your chickens before they're hatched. After going live, you'll be muting your phone during calls to scream your heads off for a few seconds I am certain. Don't be so brazen to think that you got it just because you're so great - you may have gotten it just because you're so "malleable."

Fact of the matter? Many of you won't last beyond six months. Just telling it as it is.

Yep, and your manager is not the interviewer, so at least one more leap.

Too lazy to read or go to the Apple store.

The stuff people do... we'll leave at that.



Well said jaxx. Actually, after hearing some of the experiences from those who are already employed (you want to pull your hair out after 3 weeks, the commitment of working 1 eight hour shift per weekend and the experience heard from Angry Gerbile), I was beginning to have second thoughts about the position. What I posted was simply a way to make light of the situation and several board members jumped on it like flies on *****. The funny thing is, I was hired to work for Apple through Kelly Services just one day before I applied to Apple directly. I declined the job because as I continued my research, I found that working directly thru Apple, the pay was almost double of that working for Kelly Services. So yes, a lot has to do with who interviews you and what mood they are in that day, the time of day (are they sick of interviewing so they just dont pay much attention?),type of person they prefer, etc.
Oh, and this is funny...the person who interviewed me.......her dog was barking the whole time and her office was her bedroom complete with headboard,dressers and clothes on the floor. hahahahaha

A messy bedroom with socks on the floor, a lady no less. :) I thought I was te only one.

My feet are cold can I have me socks back?

All the Best,


what comes next after signing and returning offer email?:D

the calm before the storm.


Good Day,

Hello everyone :)

So yesterday I received my paperwork and looked through it briefly, but my paperwork call isn't scheduled until May 6th so I didn't do much with it.

However today I was looking at the offer letter and it said I had to have the offer signed and sent back to them by May 1st...? Which was the same day I received the offer letter. I already responded to the email (even electronically signed the PDF they sent me and sent that back to them via an attachment) but now I am wondering if I should hurry up and fedex the signed offer letter or if I can wait and send it in with my other paperwork.

Also I am assuming I should wait until AFTER my paperwork call to get the i9 verified..? I'm trying to get everything scheduled, I still need to get my replacement social security card...according to the paperwork a certified birth certificate and a drivers license should be enough to verify my identity but I still want to have proof that I DO have a ssc when I go to get my i9 verified...Both the apple retail store and the ssc office are a bit of a drive for me so I want to get this taken care of all in one day, preferably on Monday after paperwork session since everything needs to be received by Wednesday the 8th...

Where did everyone go to get their i9 verified at btw? I think I'll just stick with the Apple Retail store since it is the "preferred" method...

Sorry for all the rambling and likely asinine questions, this process is all very foreign to me and I'm a nervous wreck because I do not want to do something wrong...
Hello everyone :)

So yesterday I received my paperwork and looked through it briefly, but my paperwork call isn't scheduled until May 6th so I didn't do much with it.

However today I was looking at the offer letter and it said I had to have the offer signed and sent back to them by May 1st...? Which was the same day I received the offer letter. I already responded to the email (even electronically signed the PDF they sent me and sent that back to them via an attachment) but now I am wondering if I should hurry up and fedex the signed offer letter or if I can wait and send it in with my other paperwork.

Also I am assuming I should wait until AFTER my paperwork call to get the i9 verified..? I'm trying to get everything scheduled, I still need to get my replacement social security card...according to the paperwork a certified birth certificate and a drivers license should be enough to verify my identity but I still want to have proof that I DO have a ssc when I go to get my i9 verified...Both the apple retail store and the ssc office are a bit of a drive for me so I want to get this taken care of all in one day, preferably on Monday after paperwork session since everything needs to be received by Wednesday the 8th...

Where did everyone go to get their i9 verified at btw? I think I'll just stick with the Apple Retail store since it is the "preferred" method...

Sorry for all the rambling and likely asinine questions, this process is all very foreign to me and I'm a nervous wreck because I do not want to do something wrong...

You need to chill, you have the job and there is nothing to worry about. They're not going to send you the paperwork the day it's due or let you sign up for a paperwork session after it's due either. There is no reason to take matters into your own hands, just follow their lead. If you have a valid question that already hasn't been addressed then ask your recruiter. I understand your anxious but doing things like printing and signing the document in the email vs just simply replying "I accept" like they requested can come off like you don't know how to follow instructions.
Offer Call

Got my offer call! Exciting...but, I have a day during training that I can't change for the May start date. I was told that you absoutely can't miss any training days. Does anyone know if they will move you to another class or if you have to start the whole process over again and reapply? I was told that the offer only holds up for This class. Such a bummer...I really would like to give this job a try but my hands are tied.:(.
Got my offer call! Exciting...but, I have a day during training that I can't change for the May start date. I was told that you absoutely can't miss any training days. Does anyone know if they will move you to another class or if you have to start the whole process over again and reapply? I was told that the offer only holds up for This class. Such a bummer...I really would like to give this job a try but my hands are tied.:(.

Maybe you'll spontaneously end up sick that day?
Got my offer call! Exciting...but, I have a day during training that I can't change for the May start date. I was told that you absoutely can't miss any training days. Does anyone know if they will move you to another class or if you have to start the whole process over again and reapply? I was told that the offer only holds up for This class. Such a bummer...I really would like to give this job a try but my hands are tied.:(.

I'd probably stick it out until you saw your training schedule. If the day you need off is one that is mostly self guided training(SGT's) you can probably skip out and then catch up on them during lunch and what not. If I remember, we had one person miss a day of training and they were able to make it up. You really do not want to miss a day that has instructor led training since much of what they cover is usually on the exams.

Training is the only time where they are really hard core about attendance. After that just don't get sick more than 3 times in a 6 month period.
You need to chill, you have the job and there is nothing to worry about. They're not going to send you the paperwork the day it's due or let you sign up for a paperwork session after it's due either. There is no reason to take matters into your own hands, just follow their lead. If you have a valid question that already hasn't been addressed then ask your recruiter. I understand your anxious but doing things like printing and signing the document in the email vs just simply replying "I accept" like they requested can come off like you don't know how to follow instructions.

I didn't print it, just signed it in adobe reader and reattached it....I figured it couldn't hurt, but yes, you are right...I have to chill.

Now I feel very stupid. I'm sorry to everyone on this forum for spewing my anxiety out in the open for everyone to read. There are so many changes happening in my life right now that I feel a bit overwhelmed and had to channel my nervousness somewhere. Unfortunately for you all, I decide to channel it here.

I'm going to take a step back, enjoy my weekend, and get everything taken care of Monday during and after the paperwork call. Thank you for the encouragement =)

Question for those who were previously or currently employed as a AHA. My old job was very similar in that, during orientation and training, they preached that above all customer service was the most important factor in our jobs. But once we hit the floor and took calls, I learned that despite what was preached, the only thing that mattered was metrics, metrics, metrics...ESPECIALLY call times. You were even encouraged by supervisors to hang up on a call if it was taking longer than 12 minutes and 34 seconds to troubleshoot an issue or to roll a call (hang up in the first 3 seconds) if your average handle time needed lowered that day. This emphasis on numbers and a complete disregard for the person you were supposed to be helping is the reason I left that job. I was getting harassed daily by my supervisor even though I was meeting all goals for my metrics, my call time was one of the highest on the team due to me refusing to hang up on people. When he started disconnecting calls FOR me, I had to leave.

Now I imagine that Apple operates differently but my other employer seemed very customer orientated initially too. What I mean to ask is....are the metrics set by Apple realistic to meet once you have been settled into the job without having to use underhanded tactics that hurt the customer experience? Are calls often rolled/handed off to a different department on purpose in order to pad the agents stats? If I am walking into another environment like that, I better start looking elsewhere for employment. Things like that eat away at my soul, lol
I didn't print it, just signed it in adobe reader and reattached it....I figured it couldn't hurt, but yes, you are right...I have to chill.

Now I feel very stupid. I'm sorry to everyone on this forum for spewing my anxiety out in the open for everyone to read. There are so many changes happening in my life right now that I feel a bit overwhelmed and had to channel my nervousness somewhere. Unfortunately for you all, I decide to channel it here.

I'm going to take a step back, enjoy my weekend, and get everything taken care of Monday during and after the paperwork call. Thank you for the encouragement =)

Hope I didn't come off like a dick, I'm just saying no reason to stress out about anything right now. No worries about your posts as this is thread does serve as a support group of sorts. :)


I just answered a call from the 310 area code (Los Angeles) and said hello, but no one was on the other end. I called the number back and it was a dial tone. I'm guessing the number was Apple, but I'm not sure. Hopefully it's not a telemarketer. Does anyone know if this was the offer call? If so, and I missed it, what can I do? I just completed my third interview today. I've not received any emails yet from Apple either. I've heard you receive the background check email, but not sure if you receive it before or after an offer call/email. If someone could please provide me with the sequence of events as to how this works, I would appreciate it.

You won't get an offer call until after your background check clears which can take 3 weeks. I don't think Apple has anyone in corporate in LA so it was probably a telemarketer. You can usually find out about a phone numer by googling it. Anyone from Apple would probably leave you a message.
^No no, you were fine! It was exactly what I needed, so thank you :D

I just answered a call from the 310 area code (Los Angeles) and said hello, but no one was on the other end. I called the number back and it was a dial tone. I'm guessing the number was Apple, but I'm not sure. Hopefully it's not a telemarketer. Does anyone know if this was the offer call? If so, and I missed it, what can I do? I just completed my third interview today. I've not received any emails yet from Apple either. I've heard you receive the background check email, but not sure if you receive it before or after an offer call/email. If someone could please provide me with the sequence of events as to how this works, I would appreciate it.

Doubtful it was Apple. Like macgeek said, it is very unlikely they would call you before the BGC completes unless for some reason they would have a to clear up a discrepancy of some sort and I'm positive they would leave a message. I missed 2 calls from Apple (I have a bad habit of leaving my phone on silent) and both people left me a voice mail. This might differ from others too, but not a single one of the Apple reps I spoke to came from a 310 area code. If I remember correctly all my calls came from 408 (the first call), then 916 (my second interviewer and offer call) and a private number for my third interview.

BGC email is always first :) And can take a few days to arrive. It really depends. Mine arrived the day after my 3rd interview.
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