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just got my offer call :D:D:D:D:D

he told me because of the area i live at and the resume i'd be making 19.50hr


anyone else getting 19.50hr?

Okay, you're confusing me. Did you say in a post on Sept. 17 that you had received a rejection email?


Old Sep 17, 2012, 05:30 PM #1723
Originally posted by sk2bbb
macrumors regular

"Yes for my second interview then my third it was a guy named Gary I think? ... Then I got the rejection email from Aaron"
Okay, you're confusing me. Did you say in a post on Sept. 17 that you had received a rejection email?


Old Sep 17, 2012, 05:30 PM #1723
Originally posted by sk2bbb
macrumors regular

"Yes for my second interview then my third it was a guy named Gary I think? ... Then I got the rejection email from Aaron"

Hence my ******** post :)
Thanks so much for the wealth of info! Since you commenced training, I think you have taken a sip of what some posters are calling Apple's "kook"aid or "kool"aid (no sure which term is the proper one). :)


He's former Coast Guard....:)

My fellow students insist that I will partake in the Apple koolaid as soon as I own an Apple device such as an iPhone. I beg to differ, I'm too old to become a "fanboy" of anything and I always have been and always will be technology agnostic. I am a pragmatic man, I always use and recommend the most practical tools that fit needs and budget... That could be Windows, Linux, Apple, Oracle or Apache, whatever works the best in any given situation.
my fellow students insist that i will partake in the apple koolaid as soon as i own an apple device such as an iphone. I beg to differ, i'm too old to become a "fanboy" of anything and i always have been and always will be technology agnostic. I am a pragmatic man, i always use and recommend the most practical tools that fit needs and budget... That could be windows, linux, apple, oracle or apache, whatever works the best in any given situation.



Hence my ******** post :)

????? Now, you have me confused (doesn't take much you see haha). Are you saying that I misquoted sk2bbb and you made the 9/17 post about the rejection received from Aaron? If so, my apologies to both of you.....


????? Now, you have me confused (doesn't take much you see haha). Are you saying that I misquoted sk2bbb and you made the 9/17 post about the rejection received from Aaron? If so, my apologies to both of you.....

Nope because sk2bbb is pulling your leg :) saying he got a 19.50/hour offer.
So once again I made a call to hireright to get status and once again was told they're waiting on the Meigs County OH clerk of courts to let them know the court record was a speeding ticket. He told me they've reached out to them everyday for last week and can't get answer. Looks like Meigs County has no plan to comply and I'm losing hope pretty fast.
So once again I made a call to hireright to get status and once again was told they're waiting on the Meigs County OH clerk of courts to let them know the court record was a speeding ticket. He told me they've reached out to them everyday for last week and can't get answer. Looks like Meigs County has no plan to comply and I'm losing hope pretty fast.

Just call the courthouse and find out what's going on. Either hireright is retarded or the courthouse is.
This is a very very very small town in southern Ohio. I put money on the courthouse being incompetent

Being a former judiciary employee myself, I reluctantly have to agree with Sjbuckeyes. ;). Unfortunately, government employees get very lax and do things at the last minute (the day before the deadline, etc.).
Being a former judiciary employee myself, I reluctantly have to agree with Sjbuckeyes. ;). Unfortunately, government employees get very lax and do things at the last minute (the day before the deadline, etc.).

The county I live in responded about two of my tickets in the same day (Franklin County, Columbus OH) so does hireright give a time frame for them to disclose? I'd hate to be denied a job because of them not disclosing its only a speeding infraction

Not in a million years would I do this job for $9.15 an hour from Kelly.

Yep, my sentiments exactly. Been saying that all along. You find out the real deal about Kelly when you go through training. Your eyes open and you realize you're taking it up the you know what. I bailed.
My fellow students insist that I will partake in the Apple koolaid as soon as I own an Apple device such as an iPhone. I beg to differ, I'm too old to become a "fanboy" of anything and I always have been and always will be technology agnostic. I am a pragmatic man, I always use and recommend the most practical tools that fit needs and budget... That could be Windows, Linux, Apple, Oracle or Apache, whatever works the best in any given situation.

Maybe the problem with you is you're less of a jerk an actually very much like me in thought process and general outlook, that in itself is problematic. Of course since you are most likely older than me then it would be more appropriate to say I'm like you to which I say, God help me..
Maybe the problem with you is you're less of a jerk an actually very much like me in thought process and general outlook, that in itself is problematic. Of course since you are most likely older than me then it would be more appropriate to say I'm like you to which I say, God help me..

There's no question I am older than you (I'm over 50) and yeah, I can be pretty snarky on line but that's usually because I forget that a lot of people here are kind of young and just haven't been out and about in the world for too many years.


Nope because sk2bbb is pulling your leg :) saying he got a 19.50/hour offer.

I spend 8 hours a day with new hires from all over the country and while we all haven't shared our starting wage I have to call BS on sk2bbb.
There's no question I am older than you (I'm over 50) and yeah, I can be pretty snarky on line but that's usually because I forget that a lot of people here are kind of young and just haven't been out and about in the world for too many years.


I spend 8 hours a day with new hires from all over the country and while we all haven't shared our starting wage I have to call BS on sk2bbb.

Yeah, sk2bbb is very good at employing Psychology 101 skills.


There's no question I am older than you (I'm over 50) and yeah, I can be pretty snarky on line but that's usually because I forget that a lot of people here are kind of young and just haven't been out and about in the world for too many years.

I concur. I find myself forgoing replying to some posts also because I too concluded that there are various age generational posters on this forum. So I try to keep that in mind and choose my words cautiously. For example, one sur-reply stated, I do not have a position because I am not a politician...." or something to that effect. First thought, you have to be a politician to have a position? Poor soul. Most posts here express individual positions, i.e. opinions.... I know I am not a politician....I'm too honest! :D
There's no question I am older than you (I'm over 50) and yeah, I can be pretty snarky on line but that's usually because I forget that a lot of people here are kind of young and just haven't been out and about in the world for too many years.


I spend 8 hours a day with new hires from all over the country and while we all haven't shared our starting wage I have to call BS on sk2bbb.

Yea, you're older, but I'm no spring chicken either. 50 is a mere 4 1/2 yrs away for me.
Yea, you're older, but I'm no spring chicken either. 50 is a mere 4 1/2 yrs away for me.

You realize that makes you almost an octogenarian as far as most forums go? I also happen to be the oldest person on our team, the next one down being a 45 year old.
You realize that makes you almost an octogenarian as far as most forums go? I also happen to be the oldest person on our team, the next one down being a 45 year old.

I like to think I've been around longer, so by osmosis, I know more than the kids.
wow you guys make me feel so young . i'm only 17



There's no question I am older than you (I'm over 50) and yeah, I can be pretty snarky on line but that's usually because I forget that a lot of people here are kind of young and just haven't been out and about in the world for too many years.


I spend 8 hours a day with new hires from all over the country and while we all haven't shared our starting wage I have to call BS on sk2bbb.


i bet you're a pretty cool grandpa
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