When people say "hammer", what exactly is meant by that?
(1) You use a physical hammer (j/k)
(2) You swipe back and forth or refresh the app
(3) You kill the app and relaunch every few seconds
Which is it?
The reason I ask is because I had a very bad experience ordering the X last year. And I really don't want a repeat of what happened. My friend and I were both sitting down with our iPhone 7's. He got his iPhone Store app to allow him to add the iPhone X to cart almost instantly at like 12:02 PST. I must have refreshed my app and killed/relaunched it for a good 30 minutes and still I couldn't get the app to allow me to place an order. How could this happen?
We were both using iPhone 7's. We had perfect reception on WiFi. When my friend switched to cellular, he could still order an iPhone. We couldn't figure out why I couldn't. I ended up finally using his phone to order my iPhone and that was already an hour or so into the process, which cost me extra weeks of waiting time.
I was not happy, especially since I tried everything I could to order this damn phone at the right time. I prepared as much as I could have to no avail. My account was in good standing, in case you're wondering. There was nothing special or wrong with it because the following day I was able to get to the checkout process without a problem when I checked.
What gives? Anybody run into this before?
Don't worry buddy, you're not the only one. It's more related to the traffic of so many people trying to pre order. If some are getting through then some will not be able and unluckily it was you last year.
You just have to kill the app and relaunch it and try again. That's the best bet. Try Apple.com website and Apple Store App together at the same time. Whichever clicks, you're good to go!