Sorry, OTAmex has great service. New card took two working days. Replacement MasterCard from S took one day longer. Replacement Visa from Postbank took f****** five weeks....
At least the 116116 can handle locks for ever card of every bank. But don’t know if they can order replacements.
Ha, I didn‘t think about using the search API. I was trying to use the URL posted earlierer and check its status code.
Ha, I didn‘t think about using the search API. I was trying to use the URL posted earlierer and check its status code.
Is there a way yet to get the status code of an HTTP request in Shortcuts?
Beim Thema Apple Pay bitten wir noch um etwas Geduld. Die Sparkassenorganisation befindet sich diesbezüglich in Gesprächen mit Apple. Diese gilt es abzuwarten. Beste Grüße vom Social Media Team
btw sparkasse, I found an interesting tweet from Sparkasse Oberhessen:
So (again) no denial for AP.
I think their recent "Q3/2019" presentation does point out they want to modernize Girocard for things like AP and online payment. This would make sense as then all of their Apple customers could use AP and not just a few. This would be the same process as with "Mobiles Bezahlen", where they always proudly pointed out it works with Girocard too (so everyone can use it). And for Apple it would be of high interest too to assist/help Sparkasse with Girocard implementation (like they already did in many other countries with their local payment system) as the potential numbers of customers would be many millions higher.
Just my thoughts![]()
No, NOOOO, NOOOOOOOOO! Let that **** Girocard die! I mean why?! There is absolutly nothing that a Girocard can do better than a Debitcard.
I really don't understand why you want a foreign payment system to reach higher adoption. Barring the people in this forum and other payment enthusiasts, nobody really cares what card they are using to pay at the store.
Girocard comes with fewer fees for since Visa and MasterCard aren't getting a cut, meaning less economic impact. Co-Badging makes them viable in other EU countries. Yes, they're mostly late to the party when it comes to implementing newer technologies. Girocard is a debit card as well.
ApplePay will not support girocard from the beginning because its spec doesn't support tokenization yet. If they add support in Q3/19 I will use ApplePay preferentially with my girocard.
I only got problems with my girocard. Especially with the contactless version at the POS. Switched to Visa/MC only one year ago. No problems, no overprised fees if paying in other currencies and no overprised fees for getting cash. And contactless works everywhere in Europe (Yes, the states are a problem)
Just some interesting info about bunq: until nov 14th premium members can give away one free premium membership which will not expire. All premium features will be available and no fees whatsoever. Only downside is those accounts will have a 250 € spending limit.
So if you are interested in bunq and know a premium member just ask for the invite. Only four days left.
How to do it? Do you have a Link for this?
Standard MC 25€/ per year. Stadtsparkasse DüsseldorfPoland, UK, Denmark, Sweden have their own currency.
You mentioned, that only a third of the germany got a CC.
Just imagine: the regular banks offer:
Girokonto + Visa/Mastercard
Everyone would have a creditcard. Most of the people dont care if they got a giro- or creditcard. They just want that it works. Most of the time it does. But only in germany.
If you go to a forgein coutry you can the whos german only by observing them. Girocard doesnt work, going to exchange points to get a silly exchange rate.
I think these are some reasons the germans stay at their cash. Cashless ways to pay are not that client-friendly
The only advantage of the girocard in comparison is getting cash in germany. But that is an artifical problem made by the banks. Hopefully they will not implement girocard to apple pay and let it die. Nobody needs it
my local Sparkasse is offering MasterCards. 30€/year for the debit. 60€/year for a real one.
the requirement is an account. prince range: 3-8,90€/month.
I had both of them. costs me about 170€/year. I started to use the MasterCards only. They took 5,90€ for cash at their own ATM. that was the point I went to DKB
If you spend your holiday abroad, do e-commerce you need a credit card. so why you should have girocard and CC if every use-case is covered by your creditcard?