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This guy doesn't know ****. He's just wildly guessing and is happy for the twitter likes and replies(and maybe some new followers), that's why he keeps posting about Apple Pay. Can do the same: post 10 dates and if the date comes and AP hasn't launched just tweet "oh there have been some internal delays", "some banks are not ready yet", "new banks coming along that need the infrastructure slightly updated", etc... Only Apple knows when, and maybe some C-Levels at the banks, that have signed some bulky NDAs and they'll never risk getting sued by telling someone.

Sorry, but no. His job is literally to work with insiders of different banks. He also correctly predicted the launch of Google Pay and also that comdirect will be a launch partner ;)
I think your confusing him with @Ehssan_Khazaeli. 4x Mr "I know it's launching soon" champion, dating back all the way to last year.

Rudolf knows what he's talking about.
That Mr. Khazaeli was 4x wrong is no wonder. sunny2k1 was his source. So basically sunny2k1 was responsible for 2 years of AP fake news. Essan was just his voice and acted as a 'mouthpiece'.
While waiting all the time I thought about another question: Will under 18 year olds be able to use Apple Pay?

Yup, comdirect offers a Visa Prepaid, when you topfit up, the money is available immediately.
Vimpay offers cards as well.
Deutsche Bank Mastercard Debit is available for 18€ a year.
Bildschirmfoto 2018-11-14 um 19.24.50.png

He is not wrong :D
Just because it is so funny check his latest tweets out. :D „Apple Pay will work with Girokonto“ „you can add your dB Girokonto“ :D

It is not that unlikely. He is not reliable at all but watch this announcement from Deutsche Bank:

It is necessary to have a "DB Konto" OR "DB Mastercard". Do they offer a standalone Girocard or a co-badged debit card?


  • Bildschirmfoto 2018-11-15 um 10.57.51.png
    Bildschirmfoto 2018-11-15 um 10.57.51.png
    93.5 KB · Views: 241
I'm starting to think that Apple has issues. Seems that every bank is just waiting for the button push?
It is not that unlikely. He is not reliable at all but watch this announcement from Deutsche Bank:

It is necessary to have a "DB Konto" OR "DB Mastercard". Do they offer a standalone Girocard or a co-badged debit card?

It is enough to have a "DB Konto", any of them. You can add a DB Mastercard or a Deutsche Bank Card Plus directly (which is just a Mastercard Debit) or the Mobile App for iOS will assign you a "Deutsche Bank Card Virtual", which is a Mastercard Debit you simply will not receive in physical form.

So basically they are covering all of their products and making it easy for you if you never ordered a Mastercard Credit or Debit from them. Good solution.

If you already have a Deutsche Bank Card Plus Mastercard Debit, you can add that to Wallet too. The "Virtual" is recommended if you don't have one or don't want one. Also, the Virtual card is free.

There is a FAQ online at — I'm trying to find it again. Maybe they removed it? Idk, I will post again once my search is complete! :D

EDIT: I searched and didn't find it, that is very interesting. I specifically remember the "Deutsche Bank Card Virtual".
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It is enough to have a "DB Konto", any of them. You can add a DB Mastercard or a Deutsche Bank Card Plus directly (which is just a Mastercard Debit) or the Mobile App for iOS will assign you a "Deutsche Bank Card Virtual", which is a Mastercard Debit you simply will not receive in physical form.

So basically they are covering all of their products and making it easy for you if you never ordered a Mastercard Credit or Debit from them. Good solution.

If you already have a Deutsche Bank Card Plus Mastercard Debit, you can add that to Wallet too. The "Virtual" is recommended if you don't have one or don't want one. Also, the Virtual card is free.

There is a FAQ online at — I'm trying to find it again. Maybe they removed it? Idk, I will post again once my search is complete! :D

EDIT: I searched and didn't find it, that is very interesting. I specifically remember the "Deutsche Bank Card Virtual".
sounds plausible to me since we know that they can't implement the girocard
Why would that be though. The standard is there for other banks I don't believe in the issues debate

Because I don't think that Apple would have printed launch banks on the Apple Pay website one week ago if they would have continuing issues with one or more of them. At least thats what I think.
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Just because it is so funny check his latest tweets out. :D „Apple Pay will work with Girokonto“ „you can add your dB Girokonto“ :D

It’s funny that your trying to be smart :).
To bad that I saw that yesterday in a demo presentation.

That means u don’t need a card... just add your Konto from your DB app.

Haters :D if you never saw one? Just see post 26806419
It’s funny that your trying to be smart :).
To bad that I saw that yesterday in a demo presentation.

That means u don’t need a card... just add your Konto from your DB app.

Haters :D if you never saw one? Just see post 26806419

So if you think that you are right: tell us your prediction about Applepay and be a little more accurate please
That means u don’t need a card... just add your Konto from your DB app.

Basically correct.

DB already wrote on their website that the app will provide you with a "Deutsche Bank Card Virtual", a virtual Mastercard Debit and add this to Wallet. So you could say that you are adding your "Konto".

You can alternatively just use the Mastercard you already have with them.

I already wrote on Twitter that at the moment there is no ETA for Apple Pay right know... even the banks have no idea when the release is bc they don’t have a ETA it was set for the 12. or 13. of November and Apple Tool These Dates back. To be honest I don’t know when Apple Pay gonna be available for Germany.


The end is wrong!
You don’t need to have a MasterCard with them.
If your have just a regular account with them and start the DB app it’s showing u add card to wallet without having a MasterCard. Konto ist das Zauberwort.
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