hmm damaging apples reputation? loss of sales in iMac's?
i know already 4 people who have canceled or altered or changed plans all together ,because of the yellow tinge and other small niggles on the new iMac's and one because of lack of blue ray
1 of them canceled his order and ordered a macpro instead and a 27 inch dell monitor which is already available
1 sticks to his iMac 24 " until it stops working now
1 has canceled his order for a 21.5" and ordered a mini and a 23"HP monitor
1 keeps his iMac 20" and waits for summer
the one who hoped for blue ray bought a sony vaio RT series because of the blueray reader and writer..he was expecting apple would build one into the iMac instead of a sd card reader
ok in my opinion the iMac looks faaaaar better then this black square sony which only has 25.5 inch and even cost more then the iMac

...but i like the keyboard of the sony with touchpad instead of a numberpad need for separate mouse if you sit a bit further away but its black too