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Your crusade makes no sense. Apple is still selling the unit and plenty of people are happy with it. If you or any else doesn't like it, return it and get a refund.

I see you appended your post.

Of course they are still selling the unit. I refer you to marketing 101. :confused: - for many reasons I hope you can conclude yourself.

The masses are asses.

The average person is a dolt. Sorry. They just don't know any better. Most lack computer savvy -among other basic deficiencies in life. That does not change the fact that the uniformed assume wrongly that the screens are natrualy blemished.

Regardless of my "crusade" - Apple has CLEARLY gotten the message to some degree. They've created a patch, swapped graphic cards and have alluded to the fact that there IS a problem.

Why would someone buy a product only to reutrn it for a refund? I like many, want the machine that they tout and advertise. With the deluge of horror stories of machines that are defective only to be repalced with even MORE severely defective machines is UNACCEPTABLE.

In time when all said and done, an article will address the short-comings of Apples new iMac screens and how poorly it was handled. I assure you.
How can you say this stuff? I had two 27" iMac's. Both were crap. These are not minor issues, that only affect a few. I got a refund because I can't keep wasting time on it, so I am back to my macbook pro on an external monitor, and in some ways I like it better! At least I am using a matte IPS screen now. It's simply much nicer to work on in that respect.

I spent a month trying to justify these two iMac's. Eventually I decided, no I can't let Apple keep 2000 dollars for this. Furthermore BOTH times I took it back they told me they could see no defects, even though they were obvious. I showed my GF both monitors and she laughed at them. But the Apple "geniuses" cannot see it? Come on now. Apple is stonewalling, and are obviously trying to keep this whole thing as under wraps as possible. Maybe that's their only REAL option, if they admit the machines are no good they essentially have thousands of pieces of junk out there, and it could very well be LG's fault anyway.

Also most "technoholics" as you describe them, are PC users, because Apple "tech" is generally way behind the curve. I like OSX, I like using it for making music and I make iPhone apps, and might move into OSX dev work as well. But I also believe in standing up for what's right, and certainly don't play "fan" of any one corporation that solely exists to separate us from our money. But man, this is a really bad product launch. I WANT to like the iMac's. I really do. I just can't yet though. I might just go the Mac Pro route when they are updated this year. I just hope the 2010 models don't overheat when you play an mp3 like the '09 models.

Apple could be a much much better company if it would just tend to the really bad quality of it's hardware (and lagging pro apps for that matter). Profit margins mean nothing IMO. Their hardware is simply subpar these days, and it didn't used to be like this. A complete shame.

Sorry if my comment irritated you a bit, I suppose I should have had more empathy. I do see your points. I cannot say that Apple has treated me very well in the past when it came to defective anything. I had a MacBook (white 2008 model) that had blue lines on the screen and they (geniuses) refused to acknowledge them, but they ended up replacing the screen anyway. Got the MacBook back and not only was the body scratched to hell, the optical drive didn't work and the screen they replaced the other one with was just as bad (very dark spots in the lower corners). Took another month to get things resolved (demanded ALL new exterior body parts, and the fans were obnoxiously loud so I had those replaced, screen still had dark spots in the corners, ended up craigslisting it for $725). Maybe I lucked out on my iMac 20 inch then, zero issues, but I will look any future products up and down very carefully.

Just like with automobiles, perhaps Apple should initiate a recall (when the screen issue is solved of course).
i have never seen the yellow tinge however i have to admit if i had to close one eye and stand on my head to see it i wouldnt bother sending it back. it would have to be no question clear as day yellow for me to return it.

although that is really easy to say when you have not just spent thousands of dollars on one.
This comment makes little sense.

Go after each supplier?

Apple is the manufacturer and makes the final call. They decide what goes in the machine and who supplies the panels, widgets, etc. They are ultimately responsible - not the manufacturers for defects which arise from the assembled product. Indirectly perhaps, but this is moot to the consumer. Apple inherently should be left "holding the bag."

True, but when people call HP or Dell about problems with Windows and they are told to call Microsoft, the customer just accepts that answer and does so, even though Dell and HP are the OEM. I know because that was my experience in the past and I've read enough forms to see that has been the acceptable answer to be told to call MS. :p
I see you appended your post.

Of course they are still selling the unit. I refer you to marketing 101. :confused: - for many reasons I hope you can conclude yourself.

The masses are asses.

The average person is a dolt. Sorry. They just don't know any better. Most lack computer savvy -among other basic deficiencies in life. That does not change the fact that the uniformed assume wrongly that the screens are natrualy blemished.

I didn't know you had to be computer savvy for your eyes to view screen deficiencies. So if a person that buys an iMac doesn't see anything wrong with their screen, that makes them dolt huh? :rolleyes: Insult much?
True, but when people call HP or Dell about problems with Windows and they are told to call Microsoft, the customer just accepts that answer and does so, even though Dell and HP are the OEM. I know because that was my experience in the past and I've read enough forms to see that has been the acceptable answer to be told to call MS. :p
I've only encountered the hot potato game between Dell and Microsoft once with a server hotfix.

Otherwise the hardware OEM has provided support for Windows under the terms of the licensing.
This very thread is exactly why I would never buy an iMac. I never want to have my computer tied to my monitor. Many of my friends own iMacs and have no problems sending in there system when they have a problem. I don't want my data going offsite, nor do I want to have to go to the trouble of backing it up, then secure wiping the internal drive so I can send it in. IMO iMac is just a bag of hurt, albeit a pretty one.
This very thread is exactly why I would never buy an iMac. I never want to have my computer tied to my monitor. Many of my friends own iMacs and have no problems sending in there system when they have a problem. I don't want my data going offsite, nor do I want to have to go to the trouble of backing it up, then secure wiping the internal drive so I can send it in. IMO iMac is just a bag of hurt, albeit a pretty one.

Fair enough, so what do you do when it's a laptop, send in the screen only? :p
This very thread is exactly why I would never buy an iMac. I never want to have my computer tied to my monitor. Many of my friends own iMacs and have no problems sending in there system when they have a problem. I don't want my data going offsite, nor do I want to have to go to the trouble of backing it up, then secure wiping the internal drive so I can send it in. IMO iMac is just a bag of hurt, albeit a pretty one.

I hate to agree but with Apple still shipping defective units in large enough numbers to have people getting second and third bad units, months later, I'd say that sounds about the speed of it...
thats the problem of all AIO systems not only a iMac problem
but the solution could be so simple , some sort of tray to slide out by pressing a button , in theory apple was nearly there with the eMac (i know it wont slide out on the button :D ) , but everything is in one tray, the logic board,harddrive and optical drive......

so if apple would transfer this system in a easier to access form
how hard can it be, if just for example the back of the imac would be one separate part (detachable)
so if there is a problem on the computer side you still have the screen to use while the rest is in the apple store or the other way round you still could use the computer part while the screen is in repair , the other advantage would be for the apple technicians ,it would be easier to work on
Go ahead. Waste your time. After all, it's your time, but if you really want to do a bang up job, you better go after all the panel manufacturers, other computer companies and monitor sellers and the LCD TV manufacturers. And don't stop there. Go after every seller and manufacturer of every product because there's no such thing as a perfectly manufactured product.

Actually I change my mind,

I think companies shouldn't be held responsible for their products. They should be able to make all sorts of false claims and crappy products and not have to worry about any kind of recourse. It is unrealistic to expect companies to actually sell products as advertised. :rolleyes:

In all seriousness... Just because there are "bad" companies out there selling shoddy products, we still need to take a stand. If we let them trample over consumers then its a lose-lose situation for everyone. Not to mention, since most of you think Apple is so high and mighty, shouldn't they be held to a higher standard then those oh-so-terrible PC manufacturers. :eek:
Actually I change my mind,

I think companies shouldn't be held responsible for their products. They should be able to make all sorts of false claims and crappy products and not have to worry about any kind of recourse. It is unrealistic to expect companies to actually sell products as advertised. :rolleyes:

In all seriousness... Just because there are "bad" companies out there selling shoddy products, we still need to take a stand. If we let them trample over consumers then its a lose-lose situation for everyone. Not to mention, since most of you think Apple is so high and mighty, shouldn't they be held to a higher standard then those oh-so-terrible PC manufacturers. :eek:

A stand? In your own mind, perhaps. The consumer's recourse it to return it for a refund if they don't like it.
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