These threads tend to be divisive, but I think most of us would agree that there is a price at which a product, any product, no longer represents value for money and that does affect our buying decision. The difference is that some people think we’ve already reached that point, whereas others don’t.
My impression, partly from these forums, is that price is becoming more of an issue and I do think that represents a danger for Apple. They may sell premium products, but they still aim to sell them in large quantities.
Apple already has very good margins and they obviously want to maintain them. There has been no suggestion that they are moving to an even higher margin, lower volume business model.
The end price has to be a major factor in the design process and clearly, Apple thinks it can still sell sufficient units at this price. If people do start holding onto products for longer or buying competitor’s products, then it will affect them.
Time will tell whether their calculations are correct.
I made my decision on Apple’s pricing some time ago. I won’t pay these prices, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that I won’t buy their products, just that I’ll try to get a large discount first.
The former owner of an iPad 2, 3, 4, Air, Air 2, Pro 9.7 and Pro 10.5.
My impression, partly from these forums, is that price is becoming more of an issue and I do think that represents a danger for Apple. They may sell premium products, but they still aim to sell them in large quantities.
Apple already has very good margins and they obviously want to maintain them. There has been no suggestion that they are moving to an even higher margin, lower volume business model.
The end price has to be a major factor in the design process and clearly, Apple thinks it can still sell sufficient units at this price. If people do start holding onto products for longer or buying competitor’s products, then it will affect them.
Time will tell whether their calculations are correct.
I made my decision on Apple’s pricing some time ago. I won’t pay these prices, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that I won’t buy their products, just that I’ll try to get a large discount first.
The former owner of an iPad 2, 3, 4, Air, Air 2, Pro 9.7 and Pro 10.5.