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These threads tend to be divisive, but I think most of us would agree that there is a price at which a product, any product, no longer represents value for money and that does affect our buying decision. The difference is that some people think we’ve already reached that point, whereas others don’t.

My impression, partly from these forums, is that price is becoming more of an issue and I do think that represents a danger for Apple. They may sell premium products, but they still aim to sell them in large quantities.

Apple already has very good margins and they obviously want to maintain them. There has been no suggestion that they are moving to an even higher margin, lower volume business model.

The end price has to be a major factor in the design process and clearly, Apple thinks it can still sell sufficient units at this price. If people do start holding onto products for longer or buying competitor’s products, then it will affect them.

Time will tell whether their calculations are correct.

I made my decision on Apple’s pricing some time ago. I won’t pay these prices, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that I won’t buy their products, just that I’ll try to get a large discount first.

The former owner of an iPad 2, 3, 4, Air, Air 2, Pro 9.7 and Pro 10.5.
These threads tend to be divisive, but I think most of us would agree that there is a price at which a product, any product, no longer represents value for money and that does affect our buying decision. The difference is that some people think we’ve already reached that point, whereas others don’t.

My impression, partly from these forums, is that price is becoming more of an issue and I do think that represents a danger for Apple. They may sell premium products, but they still aim to sell them in large quantities.

Apple already has very good margins and they obviously want to maintain them. There has been no suggestion that they are moving to an even higher margin, lower volume business model.

The end price has to be a major factor in the design process and clearly, Apple thinks it can still sell sufficient units at this price. If people do start holding onto products for longer or buying competitor’s products, then it will affect them.

Time will tell whether their calculations are correct.

I made my decision on Apple’s pricing some time ago. I won’t pay these prices, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that I won’t buy their products, just that I’ll try to get a large discount first.

The former owner of an iPad 2, 3, 4, Air, Air 2, Pro 9.7 and Pro 10.5.

I think the problem lies in the fact that it will get to a point where people who CAN afford the product simply no longer buy it as it has exceeded what they deem acceptable. Yes you will still get the nutters who will buy it no matter the cost, but people who are sensible with their money will just not bother, or update less frequently.
The way they organize their line-up has changed. The iPhone XS and iPad Pro are not "flagship" models. They're extra-premium models and Apple doesn't expect most people to buy them. The situation isn't comparable to the past ten years, when cheap gains in tech were being made every year. Back then it was possible to keep introducing the "best" new products at the same price as the previous year's. These days, new and exciting tech features are simply more extravagant and more expensive. The cheap "gains" have dried up.

That’s a very reasonable point of view. Thanks
These threads crack me up. Half of you complaining about the price will end up buying one a few weeks later once you see one.

I do agree they are going down a path of premium pricing, but a lot of companies are. Increasing inequality means that you are non-competitive if you don’t market for it. Think of the iPad 2018 as the everyday model for the middle class, the Pro is higher level tech at a higher level price.

I think we are just used to Apple making less products per category for a broader market, which made middle class people feel good about having the same phone as the wealthy trader on Wall Street. Now we have different level phones and people see it as a status thing.
It will be very interesting to see if Apples pricing plan will work, or will people just hold off buying the new iPadPros.

Seems Apple has been pushing a plan to make the company some really high profits as they have been getting, and they don't seem worried about how the high new prices of the iPadPro will effect them gaining their plans.

For years Apple has enjoyed loyal customers myself included, but i also have bought Android type tablets at much lower prices, and i really like their build and picture quality's and being able to buy large memory cards at very low cost.

My plan for this coming year was to replace my iPad4 with the 2018 iPadPro and this i have done, then move the 2018 ipadPro to my Den and buy the new 2019 iPadPro, but now seeing the "BIG" prices of the new iPadPro i am thinking maybe i will just hold off and see what really happens in the coming new year.
Recent price hikes from Apple on entry level machines:
iPad Pro 10.5 2017 -> iPad Pro 11 2018 +$200
MBA 2017 -> MBA 2018 +$200
MBP 15 2015 - MBP 15 2016 +$400
MacMini 2014 -> MacMini 2018 +$300

I bet Airpods 2 starts at $200 and next imac at $2.5k.
Apple should just keep their prices the same as last years models, I could understand a price increase of £20 - £50
These aren’t last year’s models though; if this had been a spec bump and nothing else I could understand it, but there’s a lot of new tech in the mix here. Plus, the 9.7” Pro of 2016 is now, effectively, the base level iPad, pencil and all. I can’t say I wasn’t hoping for cheaper prices, but considering the technology in them (and the potential these units have; can’t wait to see iOS 13) I think they’re priced reasonably, so long as you agree with Apple that these are laptop replacements. I also think keeping the 10.5 Pro in the mix was a good decision, and they’ve been pretty good about moving existing technology down the price points for those that perhaps don’t need the latest and greatest.
These aren’t last year’s models though; if this had been a spec bump and nothing else I could understand it, but there’s a lot of new tech in the mix here. Plus, the 9.7” Pro of 2016 is now, effectively, the base level iPad, pencil and all. I can’t say I wasn’t hoping for cheaper prices, but considering the technology in them (and the potential these units have; can’t wait to see iOS 13) I think they’re priced reasonably, so long as you agree with Apple that these are laptop replacements. I also think keeping the 10.5 Pro in the mix was a good decision, and they’ve been pretty good about moving existing technology down the price points for those that perhaps don’t need the latest and greatest.

iPad 4 to iPad Air - Much thinner and lighter, new form factor (got rid of the fat bezels on all 4 sides), laminated display was brought on for the first time, introduced the A7 and went from a 32-bit CPU to a 64-bit CPU, rear camera and front cameras were upgraded. And it was priced at the same $500/$600/$700 tiers as the previous iPads. Apple convinced us to pay more for technology the past few years instead of what is the norm (technology improving naturally). I don't buy the "well we got all these features now and that is why they charge more".
When the new Apple iPhone Xs phones came out with their high prices, a lot of people jumped quickly on the older iPhone8s.

I see the same thing happening with the older iPadPros and like the older iPhone8s you will see them hard to find.
Apple should just keep their prices the same as last years models, I could understand a price increase of £20 - £50

With respect what do you know about business etc to say they should keep the price the same ? .... what do you base the figure £20- £50 on ? ... a figure you have plucked from your arse ? Or based on a valid calculation ?
When the new Apple iPhone Xs phones came out with their high prices, a lot of people jumped quickly on the older iPhone8s.

I see the same thing happening with the older iPadPros and like the older iPhone8s you will see them hard to find.

Have you got sales figures to back this up ? .... or a wild guess
Recent price hikes from Apple on entry level machines:
iPad Pro 10.5 2017 -> iPad Pro 11 2018 +$200
MBA 2017 -> MBA 2018 +$200
MBP 15 2015 - MBP 15 2016 +$400
MacMini 2014 -> MacMini 2018 +$300

I bet Airpods 2 starts at $200 and next imac at $2.5k.

On the plus side is maybe some of the low end crowd goes away making apples higher premium products more exclusive again.
With respect what do you know about business etc to say they should keep the price the same ? .... what do you base the figure £20- £50 on ? ... a figure you have plucked from your arse ? Or based on a valid calculation ?

Have you got sales figures to back this up ? .... or a wild guess

My comments are on my own buying of an iPhone8Plus a while back and this after the new iPhonex's hit the show rooms the 8s were in demand and supply was drying up quickly.
Now i am in the USA so maybe where you are things are different.
Having said that, keeping the 10.5'' iPad Pro at the same price is a joke not only because it's an 18 month old device but also because compared to the 2018 9.7'' iPad it doesn't justify its price. Essentially you pay double the price for a slightly bigger screen and refined body. They could have at least updated the processor to the A12X.
While I agree regarding 10.5 pricing (it should have been reduced by $100), you are wrong about how it stacks up against the cheap iPad. The 10.5 iPad blows away the 9.7 screen, Touch ID 2.0, and has stereo speakers.
I made my decision on Apple’s pricing some time ago. I won’t pay these prices, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that I won’t buy their products, just that I’ll try to get a large discount first.

This. It's a basic Apple profit cycle:
1) Raise the prices
2) Check if people whine all over the forums and buy it anyway
3) Go to step 1

I don't get people who complain about it. Don't buy it if you don't want it. It's like a Vertu phone for $5000 running Android 2.0, if you don't want it then simply don't get it. How is this a robbery?
While I agree regarding 10.5 pricing (it should have been reduced by $100), you are wrong about how it stacks up against the cheap iPad. The 10.5 iPad blows away the 9.7 screen, Touch ID 2.0, and has stereo speakers.
The 2018 iPad has stereo speakers.

"value" is in the eye of the beholder. For some, both the 10.5 iPad Pro and 2018 iPad are so close in functionality that the 10.5 Pro doesn't warrant 2x the price. If Pro-Motion and such are important, then the 10.5 prices seems more reasonable.
This. It's a basic Apple profit cycle:
1) Raise the prices
2) Check if people whine all over the forums and buy it anyway
3) Go to step 1

I don't get people who complain about it. Don't buy it if you don't want it. It's like a Vertu phone for $5000 running Android 2.0, if you don't want it then simply don't get it. How is this a robbery?
I don't think they even bother with #2. They just look at the balance sheets if it had significant impact on sales. They're not gonna care about us whiners. :p
What makes the price increases so hard to swallow these days is the crash in flash memory pricing. When near top of the line NVME 512gb SSD's go routinely on sale for $150 or less, you know you're being gouged big time. Apple isn't paying retail price on flash memory...
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On the plus side is maybe some of the low end crowd goes away making apples higher premium products more exclusive again.
How is this a plus? Unless you are being sarcastic? Do people really care whether or not other people are able to afford the products they buy?
While I agree regarding 10.5 pricing (it should have been reduced by $100), you are wrong about how it stacks up against the cheap iPad. The 10.5 iPad blows away the 9.7 screen, Touch ID 2.0, and has stereo speakers.
Yes but both devices offer almost the exact same features (including pen support) and essentially you pay 300 dollars (almost the cost of a second iPad) for trivial improvements. I do value build quality and other small features but in this case I don’t think the differences are big enough to justify paying double.
August 2017: 256 GB wifi+cell (10.5) = US$ 829 (BH)
October 2018: 256 GB wifi+cell (11) = US$ 1099 (even in BH)

32% more expensive

Has anyone here received a similar raise... and will this happen EVERY YEAR? Besides it's not a matter of your income allowing you to buy this product. It's the fact Apple has no shame anymore and doesn't try to hide the fact they want to compensate for tablets not selling (for them and everyone else - most Apple sales are far from being tablets) and probably iPhones not selling, too (thanks to those that already bought and don't want to replace every single year).

And I didn't pay only 829. There were import fees, shipping... plus all other accessories that are now useless for this new iPAD. Don't think for a second this is all you are going to spend.

Just like 1080p TVs back in 2007 or 4K, 5K, 8K monitors/TVs nowadays, it's not worth paying for this technology RIGHT NOW. Regardless of what we think of it.

Also, it's impossible to sell everything (used) and recover most of our investment.

The best course of action is to skip for at least 3-4 years, I would invest in this iPAD no sooner than that, perhaps by then it would cost reasonably once Apple sees their mistakes. Or by then it would be worth the upgrade with some real improvements. Still I think unless Apple decides to change their tactics and lower these prices no one should buy again.

One thing no one here discussed... hasn't storage became cheaper over the years? If so why all these Apple devices are so expensive based solely on that?
August 2017: 256 GB wifi+cell (10.5) = US$ 829 (BH)
October 2018: 256 GB wifi+cell (11) = US$ 1099 (even in BH)

32% more expensive

Has anyone here received a similar raise... and will this happen EVERY YEAR? Besides it's not a matter of your income allowing you to buy this product. It's the fact Apple has no shame anymore and doesn't try to hide the fact they want to compensate for tablets not selling (for them and everyone else - most Apple sales are far from being tablets) and probably iPhones not selling, too (thanks to those that already bought and don't want to replace every single year).

And I didn't pay only 829. There were import fees, shipping... plus all other accessories that are now useless for this new iPAD. Don't think for a second this is all you are going to spend.

Just like 1080p TVs back in 2007 or 4K, 5K, 8K monitors/TVs nowadays, it's not worth paying for this technology RIGHT NOW. Regardless of what we think of it.

Also, it's impossible to sell everything (used) and recover most of our investment.

The best course of action is to skip for at least 3-4 years, I would invest in this iPAD no sooner than that, perhaps by then it would cost reasonably once Apple sees their mistakes. Or by then it would be worth the upgrade with some real improvements. Still I think unless Apple decides to change their tactics and lower these prices no one should buy again.

One thing no one here discussed... hasn't storage became cheaper over the years? If so why all these Apple devices are so expensive based solely on that?
I just posted right before you, flash ram prices are 50% less than one year ago, yet the storage options are the same with base models and the price is even more for upgrading the storage.
If you can wait a bit, there will be discounts on these models if they don't sell well and may be able to save a bit with discounts.
How is this a plus? Unless you are being sarcastic? Do people really care whether or not other people are able to afford the products they buy?
Sadly, yes. This is why Apple often offers a new color that is exclusive to the latest model device... it is so that those who DO care can buy it and let others know they have the latest. One of the greatest criticisms of the iPhone SE when it first came out was that one could not discern between the newly released SE and the older 5S. Those people wanted to buy the SE (for the value) but didn't want to give the impression they were using an old 5S. Anyone who doesn't believe me can simply do a search. :)
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