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I'm considering making the switch over to Apple but the high prices are a bit daunting.
I want to get a black MacBook (with the free iPod deal) for college.
As you know, college students aren't the best financially so if anyone has any coupons for the Apple US store please send them my way!

Thank you!
I'm looking at buying a Macbook soon and a coupon code would really help me keep it in budget. Thanks! weilawei[at]gmail[d0t]com
At best, promo codes are $30 off $300 (or the £ equivalent). However, for college (or uni) students (parents, and teachers too) who purchase a new Mac (Macbook, Macbook Pro, MacBook Air, or iMac) at the Apple Store for Education, several apple deals can be stacked:

* get up to 10% discount (...on your Mac purchase - typical Ed Store discount)
* get a free 8G iPod touch or 8G iPod nano (...w/ purchase of a Mac. BTS promo - Ed Store discount)
* get up to $100 off select printers (...w/ purchase of a Mac - apple store promo)
* get up to 50% off Apple software (...w/ purchase of a Mac - Ed Store discount)
* get $30 off your first year of MobileMe (...w/ purchase of a Mac. Apple Store promo)
* get free engraving (...on iPods. Apple Store promo)
* get free shipping (...on purchases over $50. Apple Store promo)​

Be sure to take advantage of all of these if you are eligible.
Discount Code

Im buying a Macbook Pro in the next week, was wondering if anyone had a discount code. Please email to rugbysuperman at hot mail
thanks so much!! :)
Looking to buying an iMac for college soon at the US store, if someone has a promo code I'd greatly appreciate it. mpbiswas @ Thanks!
I'm looking to buy a 15" Macbook Pro. I'd greatly appreciate a coupon code! zzachh[[At]]

does anyone have a coupon to give me? i am a college student wanting to buy a new battery for my ibook g4. send me a private message if you do...
UK apple store code

Save £69 inc VAT*
Use your exclusive coupon code: GPCRX86DGN.

* £69 inc VAT off the total price (£59 off the total ex VAT price). eCoupon is valid until 31/07/08 for customers’ first time purchase only (on orders over £699 inc VAT), at the Apple Online Store for Individuals. Offer exclusively available on the Apple Online Store.
Apple Store Coupon

Hi, I found a bunch of Apple Store coupons here

This is where I got my mac, so it should be helpful.

Sorry for not sending this to specific e-mails but there were like fifty people asking for coupons so I figured the quickest way would be to just post the location.

Hope this helps!
kinda confused with all these posts here...

There is no such thing as a college discount promo code. Correct me if I am wrong.

I also am not aware of any sort of "coupons." Again correct me if I am wrong.

If you are a college student, DO NOT buy mac from anywhere else other then Apple. You wont qualify for the free ipod touch and normal college student discounts, including printer.

This thread contains alot of ...give me give me's...but i havnt seen too are the i doubt there are any. But hey, if anyone did get special promos..just say you did on this thread. Non-public promos please...meaning i dont care about the promos I can find by going to apple's website.
Yes, promo codes do exist Virginia, er, iOr. They most frequently occur as $30 off $300 or some other derivation of 10% off.

In the past, they have been valid in the ed store.

I do appreciate that *you* don't want to know about public deals, but there are many other noobs who do.

I could use a coupon code, if anyone has one.

This poor university student needs money for books. :eek:
Coupon for Edu Store

I am planning on buying a Macbook soon, and it would be great if anyone could give me a coupon I can use in the Education Store. My email is benhiller123 AT yahoo DOT com

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