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Apr 12, 2001

Sales of the Apple Vision Pro will soon begin in countries outside of the United States, reports Bloomberg. Hundreds of employees from international retail stores have been flying into Cupertino for multi-day Vision Pro training sessions.


Apple held similar training sessions ahead of when the Vision Pro launched in the United States, with employees learning how to provide customer demonstrations and answer customer questions. An exact launch date for the Vision Pro hasn't yet been announced, but it is expected to expand to additional countries after WWDC. This year's Worldwide Developers Conference is set to take place from June 10 to June 14.

Employees from stores in Australia, China, Germany, France, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore are attending the training sessions, so these are likely to be the first countries to get the Vision Pro after the United States. Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo previously said the Vision Pro would launch in more countries prior to WWDC, but that may now be inaccurate with Bloomberg's information suggesting a June debut.

U.S. interest in the Vision Pro has died down in the months following the launch of the device, and Apple has allegedly cut Vision Pro shipments as a result. International sales could bring a renewed wave of excitement over the device, but at $3,500 USD, the price is still prohibitive. Pricing in non-U.S. countries has not yet been announced.

Article Link: Apple to Expand Vision Pro to Additional Countries After WWDC


Mar 13, 2024
And now Timmy & Co. will get to see just how much of a flop this thing really is 🤣

Think about it... If people in the most developed nation on the planet (i.e. with the most disposable income) don't want this thing, what makes you think people in other, less developed countries will?

Especially given the current economic environment, with all the disasters happening right now. We've got wars, climate events, and many people can't even eat...

Another question: What will they price it at?

Will it stay at USD$3,500? -- Now do the conversion to other currencies and look at just how ridiculous this pricing strategy will be.

Alternately, if they don't keep the prices high, what's to stop people from using arbitrage to buy them overseas and bring them here? 🤣


macrumors G3
Oct 5, 2008
And now Timmy & Co. will get to see just how much of a flop this thing really is 🤣

Think about it... If people in the most developed nation on the planet don't want this thing, what makes you think people in other, less developed countries will? Especially in the current economic environment, with all the disasters happening right now. We've got wars happening, climate events, people can't even eat...

Another question: What will they price it at? Will it stay at USD$3,500? -- Now do the conversion to other currencies and look at just how ridiculous this pricing strategy will be.

Alternately, if they don't keep the prices high, what's to stop people from using arbitrage to buy them overseas and bring them here? 🤣
lol at it flop. Sir you do realize this thing would be flying off shelves if Apple lowered the price. This is their own doing.

I don’t think Apple wanted millions upon millions of users to have the AVP with its App Store in its current state.


macrumors 6502
Apr 12, 2015
A $3,500 Mac in the US equates to ~4,250€+ in Europe lmao. At that price it's deader than dead, just a toy for a few rich Apple fans, especially after failing to gain traction in the USA to begin with.

I know the first gen is very experimental but not sure the image of "failure" makes a future cheaper version a particularly desirable object for the masses. And the "cheaper" will still be a very expensive device I'm sure.
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 31, 2018
Toronto, Canada
A $3,500 Mac in the US equates to ~4,250€+ in Europe lmao. At that price it's deader than dead, just a toy for a few rich Apple fans, especially after failing to gain traction in the USA to begin with.

I know the first gen is very experimental but not sure the image of "failure" makes a future cheaper version a particularly desirable object for the masses. And the "cheaper" will still be a very expensive device I'm sure.
Yeah, in Canada it would be over $5000 with taxes.
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macrumors 6502
Feb 6, 2009
lol at it flop. Sir you do realize this thing would be flying off shelves if Apple lowered the price. This is their own doing.

I don’t think Apple wanted millions upon millions of users to have the AVP with its App Store in its current state.

I don't know that it's a flop -- as we cannot know their internal projections, although it sounds like they may have reduced their parts orders (at least I thought I read that).

That being said, I'm pretty sure Apple would have been happy to sell millions -- would have meant the use case was that compelling to overcome the price. So even though there is a beta-test like aspect to the device, if it was a hit, I doubt anyone at Apple (or their shareholders) would complain.

Finally, I owned one for the 14 days post launch. I wanted to find a way to justify keeping it. The uses were just not compelling enough for me. It was awesome to watch Oppenheimer on it. And it was fun to do the immersive video demos -- of which I think they added one in the ensuing months(?!).

I'd still welcome having it, of course, but I have not missed it -- probably literally once -- since it went back to Apple. I thought I would miss it on my international flights I had over the last few months -- but I don't think I'd have the comfort level to wear it in public. And I just needed to get work done on my MDM controlled iPad, which this would not yet have interfaced with.

I'm rooting for the Vision Pro to mature into something very cool. I will spend the money (again) if they can give me a good reason (hint: immersive MLB app or extended iPad screen). But for now, I'm glad I got to play with it, but it would be an expensive novelty in my collection of tech tools.

VERY curious to see what they announce at WWDC for the AVP -- and for the iPad Pro I just bought to replace my 2018. Sure hope they have some cool software tricks up sleeves for these two incredible hardware tools that are well ahead of their own software.
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macrumors P6
Mar 19, 2008
A whole new round of "thinking of returning my AVP" posts from all the users in other countries incoming

Sure hope Apple is CRANKING on new content behind the scenes
It's the only hope for the near term


macrumors 6502
Feb 6, 2009
This will no doubt pain you…

But Apple sold out their initial production run of 200,000+ AVPs over the weekend after release.

But there is pretty wide analyst speculation that goals are not being met (apple-vision-pro-production-reduced-due-low-sales-836521). And I'm not sure that's even true about the weekend sell out. I think it was pretty widely reported that you could walk into most Apple Stores after that first weekend and get one on the spot.

It's ok to support Apple in getting this product to be "the next big thing" and to be realistic about the fact that it has a ways to go to become that. It doesn't have to be an all or nothing proposition about being a blow-out success or an abject failure.

I think this WWDC could be quite compelling -- at least that's my hope. Having lived with it for two weeks, it has a ways to go until it's a general computing tool. It is a great video consumption device, however, out of the (large) box.


macrumors regular
Dec 13, 2020
Yeah, in Canada it would be over $5000 with taxes.
This thing has no chance of survival in Canada at that price. We’ll pay premium for certain things, but there are things that are just absurd and are a hard pass.


  1. AirPods Max ($779, what?)
  2. The XDR screen
  3. The 2 latest Mac Pros
No one is buying those here


macrumors 6502a
Jun 29, 2015
Remember the introduction of that "useless" iPhone thing, that made M$ CEO even laugh and that statement of Steve Jobs:

“Some people say, "Give the customers what they want." But that's not my approach. Our job is to figure out what they're going to want before they do. I think Henry Ford once said, "If I'd asked customers what they wanted, they would have told me, 'A faster horse!'" People don't know what they want until you show it to them. That's why I never rely on market research. Our task is to read things that are not yet on the page.”

There are things, that fail, but you only find it out, if you dare to launch them and maybe make them a success.


macrumors 6502
Apr 12, 2015
Mmmm these facepads are a bit M2 much compared to the new M4 me iPad Pros
Well, you're not wrong.

Apple Vision Pro hasn't even finished its worldwide rollout and Apple already ships a chip that's twice as efficient.

While the AVP is still sold as a company flagship, with a flagship price.

Outdated before it's even out in most countries. With real benefits that could be had with the new chip. Either double battery life or lighter battery.

Honestly, this just shows poor planning by Apple and a rush to get it out the door, almost to prove a point.

A new category of device like this needs to have the latest silicon for like a year. This device should have come out with the M4 and probably be the first at that.

Unregistered 4U

macrumors G4
Jul 22, 2002
interesting list, missing UK here ...
we shall see what really happens, when it happens

More interested in the new iPad Pros than this now
Yeah, I can’t see how “hundreds” would be going for training for a device that will sell in the 10s of thousands at best. iPads? Yeah, that make sense to train hundreds of people on.
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