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LMAO. Something this big you don't just "forget about" over the weekend. Did BP wait until the end of the week to hold a press conference over their leak? "Sorry we f'd up, see you at the yact races!"

There will be no recall. It would be the most damning thing to ever happen to Apple, cost them millions, destroy their brand image.

Not going to happen.
Apple knows which serial numbers are affected. They will not do a mass recall but call on the owners to register online with their serial to make an appointment to replace the unit if they think it has the problem.

This way they don't need to replace the units of people that are not bothered by the issue and all those people that will miss the recall. And the online registering helps them estimate the number of replacement units needed.

Reports are that units are already on the market that have changed hardware, so I guess appointment can be made as of tomorrow after the press conference.

About the cost: this will not be as massive as many might think. We are not replacing faulty laptop batteries here. More likely they will only replace the antenna with a coated type that doesn't make a conductive bridge with skin. These cost a few cents. Of course there will be some brand damage and logistics costs too, but people have bad memories when it comes to these things. Remember the cracked 3G backs?

The stock will go down tomorrow, but the problem will not damage iPhone 4 sales. Monday is the time to buy AAPL
Apple is not going to announce a recall on the launch of the new Droid. They will say it's a non issue and use sales figures to prove it.

We all lose.
Apple has done numerous recalls (calling them "exchange programs") for its various products in the past. Here's an example for the iBook/PowerBook batteries.

Somehow I don't see things turning out much differently. But I do see it resulting in low supplies, potentially pushing back later-stage release dates.

Maybe this is the whole reason why the white iPhone has taken longer to produce than expected - they needed to fix things before they even started rolling it out?
People here are morons. With the announcement of this press conference, Apple is obviously going to address the antenna issue. They waited this long without acknowledging it because they had to do tests to see if this was hardware or software related. Since they are calling a press conference, it is most likely hardware related. Of course they wouldn't comment on this issue before doing their own tests first. They are holding the press conference because that makes a much better statement then just issuing a press release. At the press conference, they will most likely explain the reason for the reception issue and probably offer to replace any affected phones. It won't really cost them anything because any phone replaced will be fixed and sent back out as a refurbished unit. I for one think Apple is doing the right thing here. It is stupid to admit there is an issue until you do tests first to find the cause. Otherwise you will just cause mass panic among the consumers. Apple has a long history of fixing issues and restoring faith in their customers. That's why we keep coming back right? I for one do not have any issue with my phone, but rest assured, those with issues will probably have their phone replaced because Apple is a great company.
Apple _was_ a great company...past tense.

However we live in the present, and presently Apple is the butt of jokes.

So... We will see just what kind of company they are based on _ present actions. It remains to be seen.
People here are morons. With the announcement of this press conference, Apple is obviously going to address the antenna issue. They waited this long without acknowledging it because they had to do tests to see if this was hardware or software related. Since they are calling a press conference, it is most likely hardware related. Of course they wouldn't comment on this issue before doing their own tests first. They are holding the press conference because that makes a much better statement then just issuing a press release. At the press conference, they will most likely explain the reason for the reception issue and probably offer to replace any affected phones. It won't really cost them anything because any phone replaced will be fixed and sent back out as a refurbished unit. I for one think Apple is doing the right thing here. It is stupid to admit there is an issue until you do tests first to find the cause. Otherwise you will just cause mass panic among the consumers. Apple has a long history of fixing issues and restoring faith in their customers. That's why we keep coming back right? I for one do not have any issue with my phone, but rest assured, those with issues will probably have their phone replaced because Apple is a great company.

I sincerely hope you are right. The iPhone 4 is a great device, but for me, dropping calls and data connection while handling the phone, has made it a less than stellar phone experience.
Apple is not going to announce a recall on the launch of the new Droid. They will say it's a non issue and use sales figures to prove it.

We all lose.

Well said.

Personally I'm hoping that Apple will use their creative skills to do the right thing and dig themselves out of this whole. Out of adversity can come good things. The world is watching. Handled properly this is Apple's golden opportunity.

No matter what Apple enthusiasts think of the competition, the fact remains they are in the cat bird seat at this moment, and Apple is their prey. Anyone that fails to realize this, is only kidding themselves.
I hate it when people sensationalise things but..... wont believe what happens next :)
I'm hoping for a $100 store credit. The problem is real so Apple would only add to it if they hold a conference and said that everything was fine again. Then again, they can't keep selling problematic iPhone 4's so if it's revised I'd return mine.

What would $100 do? you will still have the antenna issue so why do you want the money? are you skint?
My View

I don't really see what Apple can do in this instance. The reception issue is a design flaw that is partially alleviated by the use of a non-conducting case.

The right thing to do would be to suspend sales and do a partial redesign, and eventual recall of current models.

However this is what I think Apple will announce tomorrow.

1) Release of iOS 4.0.1 which will accurately display your current signal.
2) Bumpers will now be provided free and refunds given for those who have already purchased.
3) All customers who have already bought an iPhone 4 can receive a full refund / cancel contract with no penalty etc. for a period of 30 days.
4) New customers will be given a period of 14 days in which they can determine if their usage is affected, and return for a full refund or cancel contract.

I'm really not sure what to expect from the press conference but I think that if Apple doesn't issue a recall (or in-store fix, etc) it will leave a bad taste in peoples mouths.

For example, I'll be very skeptical about buying an iPhone 5 if they don't admit a problem with the iPhone 4. I mean, who wants to buy products from a company that releases flawed products and then doesn't fix them?

I also don't like the "free bumper" solution at all. That's not fixing the problem. It's covering it up and requiring additional hardware/plastic and that's without even mentioning that Apple accessories (ie. the dock, etc) won't work with the bumper case attached.

However, if Apple does issue a recall or in-store fix, I'm sure it will cost the company a huge amount of money but it will restore faith in the company and I will respect the company even more than I did before.

I would prefer to buy products from a company who fixes their mistakes even if it costs me considerably more money.
I see in my pessimistic crystal ball not much

I see them staying their ground and citing outside research done to verify that the "issue" is not unique to the iPhone and that despite reports to the contrary, every phone exhibits the behavior.

I then see them re-iterating that Apple will continue it's promise to allow returns for up to 30 days for people that are unsatisfied with their magical device.

Why would they call a press conference to repeat themselves? It's going to be a voluntary recall, maybe more.
"It won't really cost them anything because any phone replaced will be fixed and sent back out as a refurbished unit."

Here's a quick (and free) economics lesson. A recall would cost Apple. A lot. I can't give the full breakdown for you - but consider materials and labor for a) phone returns, postage, staffing, refurbishing and shipping. And oh yeah - refurbished units either become a) replacements or are sold at a LOWER cost via the store.

So - to say it won't really cost them anything is naive.

...and the iPhone 5 will run Windows Phone 7? :eek:

Haha, apple obviously can't handle hardware design. So they will simply outsource the hardware design and focus on adding one or two more features to iOS5. Facetime over Wifi and being able to copy and paste up to 5 different things.
"It won't really cost them anything because any phone replaced will be fixed and sent back out as a refurbished unit."

Here's a quick (and free) economics lesson. A recall would cost Apple. A lot. I can't give the full breakdown for you - but consider materials and labor for a) phone returns, postage, staffing, refurbishing and shipping. And oh yeah - refurbished units either become a) replacements or are sold at a LOWER cost via the store.

So - to say it won't really cost them anything is naive.

Compared to the cash they have though it will be a drop in the bucket. And compared to what they could potentially lose in sales if they don't remedy the problem, it is also a very minimal cost. Apple has emergency funds reaching into the Billions, so a recall cost would be nothing to them.
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