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Steve: Thank you all for coming. Now we've been getting a lot of great feedback about iPhone 4, and we absolutely LOVE your feedback. Here's a quote from Walberg:

[walberg video]
"Walberg: wtf, where is my signal"

Haha, what Wally is actually trying to say is "Where is my bumper?"

Now let's take a look at the bumper sales.... amazing. 3 billion bumpers sold.
Now, hold on a sec!

Why do we call them "bumpers"?

Well, I'll turn the floor over to my BFF Ive.

Ive: Thanks Steve, you're my BFF.
We called it the bumper because ... we wanted to take something... and BUMP it up... so that it became more spectacular. What did we want to bump up? The signal. We wanted to create a signal so incredibly average that no one would expect it.

We took a look at regular iPhone 4, and thought "Hey, you know, these signal is below average when I touch it here. Let's blow their minds and make it a beautifully average signal." And I was sleeping one night, I was kind of having a nightmare, you see, I woke up and.... I screamed BUMPER... and I have a baby monitor in my room you see, the other end of which is in Steve's bedroom, you know so we can keep tabs on eachother's genius dreams.

Anyway my horrible screams woke him up, and he loved it.

Steve: I'm happy to announce that the iPhone 4 will now come with built in bumper, but one more thing ..... FREE CANDY FOR ALL AT THE BACK ok thank you all for coming.

OMIGOD I am laughing so hard I am sobbing here!!! Stop it stop it!!!!:D:D
-gloating about iphone 4 sales
-ios 4.1
-thanking buyers for their support

why? were you expecting something else such as verizon or antenna fix?
Probably just going to be a press release for iOS 4.1, but there's a small chance it could be about a verizon iphone. Either way, I doubt they announce anything like free bumpers/refunds/store credit.

This is not a freaking keynote or a media event. What is it you people don't get?

This is a press conference about the current antenna issues.
Probably just going to be a press release for iOS 4.1, but there's a small chance it could be about a verizon iphone. Either way, I doubt they announce anything like free bumpers/refunds/store credit.

i doubt its for any of those things. they wouldn't do a press release for iOS or would they do anything regarding verizon right now in the midst of poor reviews. it's most definitely regarding the antenna issues.
Wait why are people speculating about product announcements or a move to Verizon???

Read the Engadget headline:

Headline says it all folks. Obviously the company is going to be getting out in front of this antenna drama (finally). We've been invited and we'll be there, presumably reporting live! It all happens at 10AM PT, Friday the 16th.
Where oh where is the iPhone4?

i need opinions on this subject. do you think they will quietly release the white iphone4 out of no where one day this summer or do you think they will put an actual release date on it?
Soooooooo, what does everyone think the press conference will be about? :p

To announce the release of the 4.1 update (I hope not) but it looks like it! I will be taking my iPhone back if that is the case not because I don't like my phone but because apple is full of s*** and can't admit that they messed up
End of thread.

Press conference does not equal media event (WWDC). Google "Toyota press conference" and see what you get...

Hardly anything about new models or car ideas!

It will regard the antennae issue, thank goodness. :cool:
"The bumper fix is more likely, as it could be managed via Apple Stores, and could be seen as a goodwill gesture, a way for Apple to save face. (Consumer Reports today said that the bumper does indeed "alleviate" the problem.) Analyst firm Piper Jaffray said that the bumper fix may cost $178.5 million — about a day's earnings for Apple."

many have said the bumper doesn't even completely fix the issue though.
Nobody is going to ask any hard questions beyond the basics for fear of not being invited again if they do.
many have said the bumper doesn't even completely fix the issue though.

Oh, I agree with you completely!

I have been able to reproduce the signal loss, albeit at a lesser amount, even with my bumper on.

I surely hope they have a better solution than a band-aid.
I know it's a press conference and not a keynote but they probably throw in there somewhere (after they give us a solution for the antenna issue either recall or compensation) when the white iPhone 4 will release since this Friday is technically the 2nd half of July.
My guess, free bumpers, because a recall is just way too expensive and iPhone 4's will be sold tomorrow so apple would look stupid doing a recall the next day.

i'm really really happy to see this! i just had a nerdgasm, no joke. apple events make me very happy and this one is going to be the best because of the recent problems. YESSSSSSSSSS!

nerdgasm.....effin hilarious. Bravo sir:D
Some Things to Note...

ip4 sales have not been halted at either AT&T or Apple

And wouldnt Any acknowledgement of a faulty product would trigger an automatic recall in Europe?

Recalls are unlikely, as are bumpers (would lead to recall). Something else we havent considered?

Perhaps only an announcement of ios4.1
Presumably - and correct me if I'm wrong, please! - those people, like yourself, who are happy with their phones wouldn't look to claim any store credit, right?

Because that'd be wrong.

would that be more immoral than those of us who got the black ones temporarily just to get the white ones later?
Press conference != "We'll have a statement and then take some questions..."

It means they've got something to say and that's about it. I'm betting that Steve Jobs isn't even going to be there amongst the legal team and marketing people that will be actually running this press conference, and if he does make an appearance, he won't say a damned word.

"That's my prediction... and I'm stickin' to it..."
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