They lost the educational market long ago to Chromebooks, roughly (I'm going to say) 10 years ago.
I wanted a 256 GB iPad, but paying an extra $150 to go from 64 GB was overkill. I would normally be fine since the iPad is just a gaming device. I had a few choice digital board games I wanted, and maybe a few other actual video games. The curveball was my iPad purchase came with a free trial of Apple Arcade, and some of those games have a footprint of 2 GB to 10 GB apiece!
I initially lamented that decision, but I took a break from AA since I had travel, found a few non-AA games (on both the ipad and my Android phone), and those have been enough to keep my occupied since. While I haven't written off AA, I don't have any plans to resub anytime soon (perhaps if even at all!), so ironically enough, the smaller capacity iPad helped with that!