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Bit of a pointless argument as Apple haven't released any numbers. All you have to go on is few Analyst estimates, which i thought were pretty optimistic.

Point is no one is selling media extenders by the million, it's all in the hundreds of thousands. That's right i'm including PS3 and xbox 360, because its a tiny percentage of those that get setup with a PC to stream media.

Hence the 'hobby' tag applies to everyone, not just aapl.

Lets get back on topic, which was if there's such a shortage of ATV's what the frak is going on?

Care to back up your statements? Millions of PS3s and Xboxs HAVE been sold. If the AppleTV had sold millions, we'd hear about, just like Apple does with every other successful product.

Just thought this was interesting. Go to the Apple Store and pick on Apple TV. You can't pick which one to buy. This is after the "Snow Leopard" store update.

Saw the same thing! UPDATE! UPDATE!!!:)
I also hope they don't discontinue, I don't believe that they will but even though the Apple TV isn't perfect for everyone, I love both of mine and would like to purchase two more in the near future. I also hope that if a new version is released that it plays nicely with the older model.
The store was really glitchy a bit ago. I went to look at a keyboard and there was only one item in each section of the store. Plus there was only one MBP in the refurb store, nothing else but it all seems to be back up and running.
The store was really glitchy a bit ago. I went to look at a keyboard and there was only one item in each section of the store. Plus there was only one MBP in the refurb store, nothing else but it all seems to be back up and running.

You're right that everything was screwy. And now you can order an ATV again. Still hoping for the update though!
Care to back up your statements? Millions of PS3s and Xboxs HAVE been sold. If the AppleTV had sold millions, we'd hear about, just like Apple does with every other successful product.

First of all, read the whole freaking statement. I don't dispute they've sold millions, i'm just saying millions aren't being used as media extenders.

Sure if they had've sold millions we probably would heard about it, i don't dispute that either.

You are an utter fail at comprehension.
First of all, read the whole freaking statement. I don't dispute they've sold millions, i'm just saying millions aren't being used as media extenders.

Sure if they had've sold millions we probably would heard about it, i don't dispute that either.

You are an utter fail at comprehension.

I understand perfectly well that what you wrote is wrong. Re-read you're statements and stop name calling.
If they offered a simplistic SDK that allowed web widgets and services like Hulu/iPlayer to build their own channel with whatever codec/drm suited them i think we'd see a huge take off in AppleTV sales.

Not saying it would be likely, just that if you were more interested in the income from hardware sales than the pittance the iTunes store brings in, that'd be the way i'd go.

I agree - an app store to add channels to the apple tv (like the Wii does) would make it so much more powerful. A full SDK is unnecessary considering the remote provided!

Allowing users to add channels such as Hulu and BBC iPlayer would make this product more than a hobby.
It's not going away for three reasons:

1. Apple discussed at WWDC its primary goal for Snow Leopard was to unify the Mac, iPhone, iPod and Apple TV platforms.

2. Apple TV is Apple's only living room device.

3. Apple TV's sales were up 300 percent in Q1 '09 over Q1 '08 without a price drop or major software upgrade.

Additionally, Snow Leopard includes two new features for Apple TV owners, a new export/sharing wizard in QuickTime X and the ability for your AirPort or Time Capsule to wake your Mac up to sync with Apple TV. So, Apple is still building out O/S features to be used in conjunction with the Apple TV.

And Tim Cook has said repeatedly that while the Apple TV remains a hobby they would continue to invest in it.

Thank you.
Just thought this was interesting. Go to the Apple Store and pick on Apple TV. You can't pick which one to buy. This is after the "Snow Leopard" store update.

I think it's just a qwerk. iMac page was having problems too. I think it was the whole site after the SL update. Both seem to working fine now. You can order an ATV right now.
Uh, I do. Now you know someone. :)

haha nice. I did rent a movie or two off of my Apple TV, but it was $4 each, ouch. I could have gone to the Red Box for $1 and gotten the same movie, and for an additional $0 I could have kept it (thanks to my DVD burner :))

First of all, read the whole freaking statement. I don't dispute they've sold millions, i'm just saying millions aren't being used as media extenders.

And if you went up to someone with a PS3 or 360 and showed them how to use it as a media extender, not one of those people would buy a Apple TV. Especially with Netflix integration in the 360.

The Apple TV needs a major revamp to become a key player.
Come on Apple!
Bring the new AppleTV soon. I want a new media center and the current AppleTV is old and outdate. Mac Mini is great, but too overkill and expensive for what I need. Do it Apple, do it! ;)
Did you guys see this blurb at the bottom of the snow leopard page?

"More efficient file sharing.

The Bonjour technology in every Mac makes file and media sharing virtually effortless. Now Bonjour in Snow Leopard makes sharing more energy efficient. If you have a computer in your home or office that shares files — like media files for your Apple TV — you have to leave the computer on all the time, which isn’t very energy efficient. With Snow Leopard and a compatible AirPort Extreme or Time Capsule base station, however, your computer can go to sleep yet continue to share its files with other computers and devices, waking when you need it and sleeping when you don’t."

That will be awesome!
Does that mean that I could stream without waking the computer up? Or does it mean that the computer would "wake up" when connecting and stay awake while streaming?
Does that mean that I could stream without waking the computer up? Or does it mean that the computer would "wake up" when connecting and stay awake while streaming?

The latter.

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That would be good if it woke the computer but not the screen. Ethernet access would be remote so there would probably be no need for the screen to come on, which would make it a bit more efficient.
haha nice. I did rent a movie or two off of my Apple TV, but it was $4 each, ouch. I could have gone to the Red Box for $1 and gotten the same movie, and for an additional $0 I could have kept it (thanks to my DVD burner :))

And that would have been illegal - you're not advocating breaking the law here, are you? ;)

And if you went up to someone with a PS3 or 360 and showed them how to use it as a media extender, not one of those people would buy a Apple TV. Especially with Netflix integration in the 360.

Again with the PS3?? Look, I (and a huge number of others) have 360 and PS3 and still prefer Apple TV as a media extender. So can you please stop saying nonsense like "not one of those people".

And NetFlix in Xbox 360 dashboard requires Live membership, which is $9/month, in addition to normal NetFlix subscription fees. I get NetFlix streaming for free with BD-P1600, which was one of the reasons I dropped PS3.
Again with the PS3?? Look, I (and a huge number of others) have 360 and PS3 and still prefer Apple TV as a media extender. So can you please stop saying nonsense like "not one of those people".

And NetFlix in Xbox 360 dashboard requires Live membership, which is $9/month, in addition to normal NetFlix subscription fees. I get NetFlix streaming for free with BD-P1600, which was one of the reasons I dropped PS3.

There isn't a huge number of people that own an :apple:TV, much less own a PS3 and :apple:TV

The new Bonjour technology sounds awesome, and could help the :apple:TV gain some ground! Not having to mess with the computer before using the :apple:TV sounds great to me.
Does that mean that I could stream without waking the computer up? Or does it mean that the computer would "wake up" when connecting and stay awake while streaming?

That would be nice if you buy a Time Capsule or add an external drive to a existing Airport Extreme. That would solve the small storage issue of AppleTV and the necessity to have the computer on at all times.
That would be nice if you buy a Time Capsule or add an external drive to a existing Airport Extreme. That would solve the small storage issue of AppleTV and the necessity to have the computer on at all times.

Would be nice if this feature did NOT require Airport/Time Capsule. My storage array is directly attached to Mini. All that really needs to happen is for Apple TV to send a WoL packet to wake the Mini for streaming. It doesn't do it today, so this feature is likely to require a firmware upgrade (another reason to believe that Apple TV is going to live on).
Would be nice if this feature did NOT require Airport/Time Capsule. My storage array is directly attached to Mini. All that really needs to happen is for Apple TV to send a WoL packet to wake the Mini for streaming. It doesn't do it today, so this feature is likely to require a firmware upgrade (another reason to believe that Apple TV is going to live on).

I agreed, I wished AppleTV had support for external drives through it's USB port. But at this point I am taking this solution in case the above doesn't happen on the next revision.
I really do not want to have my computer on to watch anything. Also if there is a way for Time Machine to back up those files on the external drive, that would be sweet.
For those interested in using a TC for media storage... a word of warning...

I recently purchased a dual-band TC (back in May) and was dismayed to find that reading/writing to the TC drive or one connected to the TC USB port resulted in dismal transfer rates.

TC: 3-5MB/s
Mac to Mac over GigE: 40MB/s

When I asked an Apple "Genius" at the Apple Store about this, they told me that this is normal... apparenty the TC uses absurd QoS settings to throttle transfers to/from the drive so it doesn't kill your network connection for surfing, etc. at the same time as a backup might be running.

Thus IMHO the TC is essentially useless as a general purpose NAS, particularly for HD video. While not great, I guess it would work for audio though.
And NetFlix in Xbox 360 dashboard requires Live membership, which is $9/month, in addition to normal NetFlix subscription fees. I get NetFlix streaming for free with BD-P1600, which was one of the reasons I dropped PS3.
lol, live isn't $9 a month. Netflix on the 360 works awesome. Way better value than renting movies from Apple for their ripoff $4. And the statement that ATV sales are up 300%, another lol, 300% of hardly any sales isn't much.

The ATV was cute at first but it really sucks these days. You are confined to the walled iTunes garden with limited file support. No expandability. This is fine for a phone but for a media extender device its just terrible.
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