Bit of a pointless argument as Apple haven't released any numbers. All you have to go on is few Analyst estimates, which i thought were pretty optimistic.
Point is no one is selling media extenders by the million, it's all in the hundreds of thousands. That's right i'm including PS3 and xbox 360, because its a tiny percentage of those that get setup with a PC to stream media.
Hence the 'hobby' tag applies to everyone, not just aapl.
Lets get back on topic, which was if there's such a shortage of ATV's what the frak is going on?
Care to back up your statements? Millions of PS3s and Xboxs HAVE been sold. If the AppleTV had sold millions, we'd hear about, just like Apple does with every other successful product.
Just thought this was interesting. Go to the Apple Store and pick on Apple TV. You can't pick which one to buy. This is after the "Snow Leopard" store update.
Saw the same thing! UPDATE! UPDATE!!!