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Hope that plays out as you think. But assuming your time table the next generation of iPP in 2019/2020 should be early enough...

Apple might skip refreshing the ipads next year or might not. Who knows, after all this is a major redesign.

It would be terrible to pick one up at the current price in 2019/2020 then have another redesign the following year, especially at current prices.
Keeping my iPad Pro 10.5 Wi-Fi + Cellular in rose gold. The color options for the 2018 iPad Pros is rather disappointing. My iPad still looks and runs like new.

Another thought I have is since the border is magnetic for the pencil and other accessories, wouldn’t there be an issue with other magnetic objects? If so, that would be hella annoying.
I have the 9.7 pro and if I did upgrade, would probably just do the 10.5. The 11 is so nice but that price tag and with AC+ and the keyboard, that’s as much as a MBP. I mainly just use mine for web browsing, watching videos, multi tasking, etc but nothing processor intensive unless I play a game here and there. Don’t think that extra $150 is worth it unless I’m going to take advantage of those new features.
Keeping my iPad Pro 10.5 Wi-Fi + Cellular in rose gold. The color options for the 2018 iPad Pros is rather disappointing. My iPad still looks and runs like new.

Another thought I have is since the border is magnetic for the pencil and other accessories, wouldn’t there be an issue with other magnetic objects? If so, that would be hella annoying.

The recent iPad is already magnetic on the side of the Smart Cover connection. Looks like the new one has even more magnets....
I ordered my 12.9" yesterday. It IS a significant upgrade from my 2015. I will use both to replace my computer.
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I use my iPad, pencil and keyboard every day, but I have a 10.5 256 pro that is still as good as the day I got it. I'm always tempted and a bit of an upgradeaholic, but the resale value is terrible, and the new price hikes are beyond what I consider reasonable.

I'm resisting at the moment, esp as I'm also brandishing a 2018 MBP15 and XS Max bought this year... Might cave once I've tried them out but at the moment I'm less tempted than I thought, because of the price differential mainly. Would need a 256gb cellular 11, keyboard and pencil, so £1300 minus only about £400-500 resale/trade-in. That's too much I think.
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Not a fan of FaceID on my iPhone XS Max compared to touchID, so I am sticking with my iPad Pro 10.5 256GB. Also, I just bought my iPad in August 2018 and got it on sale for $150 off the price at Best Buy.
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I'm also wanting to try out Face ID in store on one of the iPads to see how it works. If it works well from a relatively shallow angle then I'll be impressed.
I just spent $1300 for my iPad last year. With the Apple Pencil and Apple Care, I have spent about $1500. I am not going to spend another $1500 for another iPad with improvements I don’t really need. Nothing the new iPad Pro has to offer that would significantly improve my workflow which is mainly note taking and web browsing.
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Apple might skip refreshing the ipads next year or might not. Who knows, after all this is a major redesign.

It would be terrible to pick one up at the current price in 2019/2020 then have another redesign the following year, especially at current prices.

Of course they’ll refresh it next year, that’s what Apple do now.
Of course they’ll refresh it next year, that’s what Apple do now.

Not so sure about that. The renewal cycle for iPPs are about 1.5 years so the next one might come out at spring to summer 2020...
I’m trying to argue why I need this one over my 12.9 inch iPad Pro 2017, but it’s really hard this time around.
The screen is the most important thing to me and by what I can see, there aren’t any difference compared to the 2017 so far. I really hope there are so because then I’m not going to buy it.
I'm thinking about throwing my 10.5 kit on Craigslist to see if I can get a reasonably high amount for it. If that does happen, great, I'll upgrade! But it's doubtful and I have no real need to upgrade other than to do it. Zero issues with my current set up and would have no problems waiting another year or two
I took a closer look at it. To replace my current 256GB 10.5" LTE and changed accessories with equivalent 11" would run just under $1700 (includes tax). No way can I see the justification for myself.
This isn’t a random sample, but it makes me wonder if Apple has messed this up — especially the pricing.

It also seems like they have way too many products now. I have no idea what the difference between the MacBook and the MacBook Air is, for example.

And why no update to the iPad Mini 4, which is laughably out of date now.
I’m not sure if I’m sitting out yet but I’m definitely waiting for a sale before I decide if I want to pull the trigger
This and all the next years. Not going to help Apple hit the 2 trillion mark. These prices are disgusting.

Also I was expecting some battery improvements and as long as the 10 hours aren’t increased I see no reason to buy another tablet. Not to mention the fact storage has become cheaper and cheaper over time while Apple charges ridiculous prices for a mere 1 TB.

GTFO, I am not a fool

Paid 829 in August 2017 for 256 GB WiFi and cell, IPP 10.5, and now the same model for the IPP 11 costs 1099. Is this a joke?
I’m upgrading from my 2015 12.9” iPP but not to the newest models. Instead, I’m going to try and snag a 2017 refurb from Apple. I have a perfectly good Smart Keyboard, Pencil, and leather sleeve that would all need replacing. The A10X in that model is still a beast and considering it looks like the newest iPP has the same 4GB of RAM first 1st gen has, not worth the huge premium in price.

It would cost me $1477 to upgrade to the newest model and replace my accessories vs. $809 for a 2017 12.9”. I don’t see the performance being significantly better to justify nearly $700 more.

I’m a big fan of Apple’s products, have been for 12+ years, and can afford the premium prices vs. their competition but their pricing is really getting out of hand.
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I have a 10.5, and 12.9 Verizon LTE iPads that I use for work ( I am a Speech-Language Pathologist. I make the payments monthly on my Verizon monthly bill. I owe around $300 on the 10.5, and around $500 on the 12.9. My bill is already so expensive I am thinking about sitting this year out rather than paying them off just to have an even more expensive bill. I would consider getting the WIFI versions but I have been spoiled with LTE. Both my 10.5 and 12.9 are already lightning fast and despite a lot of lust, I'm really not sure I can justify an upgrade despite the massive update.
I have a 1st gen 12.9 iPad Pro + ASK + Pencil and I'm easily sitting this round out... and probably the next as well. These new models offer nothing of any significance to me to warrant the outlay of cash. This 12.9 Pro is still a beast of a tablet and has even improved a bit with iOS 12. The magnetically attached Pencil 2 is indeed a nice feature, but I've already resolved my Pencil toting issue by using a MoKo Pencil sling.
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The weight difference between the new and old 12.9 is 1.6 oz ( I think).

The new one is smaller, which is great, but I still don't have any urge to upgrade. I'm not even sure I want Face ID on it.

I'm sure it's lovely, but you pay for that loveliness. I will try one at the Apple store. In the past this has been a great motivator for spending. :)
I will be keeping my Rose Gold Pro 10.5, I love still LOVE it to bits even more than the newest iPad!!! <3 On the 10.5, you can do all the gestures already like you can with the newer iPads.

So there was really no need to use the home button except for touch ID ,which on this device it makes sense since you don't want to have to lift up / pickup a 'heavy' iPad every time you want to use it. Plus I love the design and aesthetics of the 10.5- white frame, come in rose gold and I already own the previous pencil which still works very well. I don't think I want to upgrade until they come out with more colors at least.....
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