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iPP 9.7 owners positively chose the smaller iPad Pro. If they wanted something bigger, wouldn't they have gone for the 12.9" model in the first place?
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I'm tempted for sure... I absolutely love my 9.7 Pro but the 10.5 looks fantastic! Probably not tempted enough to justify the price, but they really ticked the boxes on things I would like to see in my next iPad.

I haven't seen a side by side of the current 9.7 Pro and the 10.5... is the size difference very noticeable? All the photos I've seen the 10.5 looks more like a miniature 12.9 Pro.
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I ordered mine this morning. 256GB 10.5" with black leather Smart Cover. Planning on selling my 9.7 pro. It's my main home computing device. The ProMotion and 4GB RAM (now confirmed in a few threads) pushed me over the edge. Plus just having a slightly larger screen will be nice since I've been using 9.7 inch iPads for 7 years. It'll be nice to switch it up.
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No. If i wanted something bigger than the 9.7" IPP, I would have purchased the 12.9" long time ago.

The 10.5 is Apple's way of telling us "people enjoyed the 9.7" so much, we'll make ANOTHER sized iPad and slap on the Pro."
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iPP 9.7 owners positively chose the smaller iPad Pro. If they wanted something bigger, wouldn't they have gone for the 12.9" model in the first place?
Personally, I've been waiting for the 2nd gen 12.9 and for apps to mature before diving in. The 512GB capacity bump was a very nice surprise.

There'll probably be some teething pains with the new resolution on the 10.5 so I'll likely keep my 9.7 Pro until the next round of updates. Heck, I think comiXology only got optimized for 12.9 this April. Kinda wavering. I have two iPads that will get replaced (both iPad 4s). One is definitely getting replaced by the 12.9 Pro. The other, I might just replace next year. We'll see.
4GB RAM, Touch ID 2, 512GB storage option, increased screen size, 120Hz refresh rate, fast charging....that would be a YES
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I like the new features on the iPad Pro 10.5 but as the user of an iPad Pro 9.7, I don't see the need to waste $200-$300 upgrading after one year. Next year I would be facing a similar issue I am sure. The only thing of interest to me is the 4GB of RAM and the storage space doubling. Perhaps 120Hz refresh rate is a big improvment but I haven't seen it to comment on it. My current iPad is quite fast and multitasking (as limited as it is on iOS 10) hasn't posed a problem.

iOS 11 will finally bring more usability for my 9.7 Pro. I highly doubt a 1 year old device is going to stutter and hurt under iOS 11. I have a friend with a 9.7 Pro running the developer's beta of iOS 11 and all the multitasking features work without an issue. Affinity Photo which I now love is finally a Pro app for the iPad and the 9.7 has no issues with several layers and adjustments.

Basically there will always be reasons to upgrade every year. I bought my iPad to last several years knowing that one better would be coming up. Its the way the technology game works.
Oooohhhhh a thread for me :D

I am going to take a look at one for sure, I would like the extra storage to 64GB, the bigger screen and HDR. I would really like to know what the RAM in the new model is though?

But current yes I'm interested in the space grey 64GB 10.5" iPad Pro to replace my 9.7" Pro model. I use it every single day, haven't touched my computer really. But I'll take a look at its overall size first.

Also do the new Pros have Touch ID 2?
iPP 9.7 owners positively chose the smaller iPad Pro. If they wanted something bigger, wouldn't they have gone for the 12.9" model in the first place?

No, the price difference is pretty big and the bigger iPad is massively bigger. The 10.5" is only a tiny bit bigger.
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I really can't believe they made the damn thing physically bigger.
Well, somewhat.... They did get a 10.5 inch screen into it. It's a bit taller, but only marginally wider (174.1mm vs. 169.5mm). And it's (of course) a bit thinner, but the same weight. So for most people, I don't think they'd notice much difference except for the price.

As for myself, I'm definitely trading up. I jumped the gun and went to the Apple Store today, thinking they were already out. The employee told me they had no idea when they were getting a shipment in, and didn't even have any on the display tables.

It's interesting that the Mini is still available -- but only in the 128 gb size for $399 -- whereas the regular iPad starts at $329 for 32 gb.
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Well, somewhat.... They did get a 10.5 inch screen into it. It's a bit taller, but only marginally wider (174.1mm vs. 169.5mm). And it's (of course) a bit thinner, but the same weight. So for most people, I don't think they'd notice much difference except for the price.

As for myself, I'm definitely trading up. I jumped the gun and went to the Apple Store today, thinking they were already out. The employee told me they had no idea when they were getting a shipment in, and didn't even have any on the display tables.

It's interesting that the Mini is still available -- but only in the 128 gb size for $399 -- whereas the regular iPad starts at $329 for 32 gb.

From my understanding, it sounds like the displays for the new iPads will be available on Monday in Apple stores. At least, I can say that Regarding the stores in my area.
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Not at all - I can't remember doing anything on my 9.7" Pro that even hinted at a slowdown or desire for "more" of anything..

(oh - and I'm jailbroken so it's super moot as I value that tremendously)
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There'll probably be some teething pains with the new resolution on the 10.5 so I'll likely keep my 9.7 Pro until the next round of updates. Heck, I think comiXology only got optimized for 12.9 this April. Kinda wavering. I have two iPads that will get replaced (both iPad 4s). One is definitely getting replaced by the 12.9 Pro. The other, I might just replace next year. We'll see.
Addendum to this, one of my pet peeves is minor but noticeable lag in animations, transitions, scrolling, etc. Depending on how nice I find ProMotion to be on the 12.9 Pro, I could end up getting the 10.5 Pro, too. :p
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I'm tempted a bit for the bigger screen but not sure it's worth the cost b/c I'm 91% happy with my 9.7" Pro and "need" other things more. So I'll def. be taking a wait and see approach and then if I choose to update will wait until there is a sale. I bought my Pro for $100 off a month after release so thinking we'll see something similar this round. I need a new Mac too plus I'm all in on iPhone 8 so iPad really not top priority on the expendable $ list.
So you're not tempted to upgrade from your 9.7" Pro but you found it lacking in many tasks?

It is not the iPad Pro 9.7 specifically that is lacking, but IOS and iPad for the type of work I do. I really wished I would have taken my MacBook Pro along. Due some issues at work I ended up having to do a lot typing of documents, editing code online and compiling on remote system, etc. A real keyboard and mouse would have been great, not to mention having a development environment on a laptop.
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