The Intel crowd is kind of forced to upgrade on Intel's timeline because they need the latests and greatest to compete with each other. If your flagship has last gens chip you are at a disadvantage. Apple doesn't need to pay that game but can introduce new chips as the market and performance increases make it worthwhile.
Not necessarily. Many people would not upgrade because the performance increase is likely to be small and the AS chips are already plenty fast for most people. It's not like phones, when a significant amount of upgrades is driven by status and upgrade prices are a lot cheaper than for a Mac; especially when you consider trade in values or special deals.
True, but the costs of such development would need to be spread over a shorter period, hurting margins.
I'll byte - The sky is not blue, it is clear. Light conditions make it appear blue, red and black.
To the other poster's point, context is important, even when stating a fact.
As for heat, for most users with a properly designed machine, the impact on lifespan is irrelevant since tehy are likely to have EOL'd the machine before heat reduced lifespan occurs.
I'll second that. I have done some work with designers and they often fail to see how their design is impractical in a real world setting. I did some work with designers on a process control system, and they made a beautiful panel full of digital gages, which would be fine at steady state, but when things go wrong all you get is fast blinking numbers that don't give you any useful information, unlike an analog gauge where at least you can tell how big the swing is and what is the average value at a glance.
Don Norman's "The Design of Everyday Things" is a classic on that issue.
Ye, the Touch Bar was a love - hate idea. I liked the concept and ability to customize it so it was useful in various contexts, but I missed real function keys.
A better design, IMHO, would have been to put it above the function keys, perhaps making the F-Keys a bit smaller and leaving a full size esc key since it is probably used more often than the function keys.
Or make the touchpad slightly smaller or the Mac slightly bigger.