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sjl said:
Bing. That's exactly what I was thinking of when I made the suggestion. Some of the things I thought could fit into that category were:
  • open cut coal mines
  • landfills
  • long queues of rush hour traffic
  • litter in drains or rivers
No doubt others will have other ideas.

There's plenty of scope within that particular topic for shots to display photographic skill, and also to point out the problems in today's society. I hoped it would make people think as well. Ok, I'm something of a greenie -- so sue me. :D

Ah....OK! Now I understand the problem here. I'll admit that I am very literal-minded and so I don't always see things the way others do, and if if someone were to post an image of, say, an open-cut coal mine (what exactly is that, anyway?), I'd look at it and say, "huh?" and dismiss it. Ditto for an image of landfills or long queues of rush-hour traffic. Regardless of how artistically and technically perfectly the images might be rendered, I'd have a hard time perceiving them in the context of "insanity of humanity." Sorry, but you're just being a bit too idealistic here and now that you've come forth to offer an explanation of why you offered this topic, it's even more understandable why we haven't seen more entries in this category. What you think of as "insanity of humanity" may not all be what someone else thinks of when they consider that topic.

Actually, what some peope view as "the insanity of humanity" is what others of us take for granted. Sorry, SJL, but it sounds as though you're more interested in attempting to make a political statement than you are in actually considering what works photographically, especially in a very mixed population such as we have here on MR (lifestyles, living situations, equipment and skill sets are very much varied). You want political statements expressed through photography? OK, fine, here's a suggestion. Check out Peter Bendheim. He posts on Nikon Cafe and has done several outstanding photojournalistic documentary-type projects which have appeared online and in print. He is from South Africa and is continually striving to help make life better there and to record the daily injustices which still go on in that country.

Getting closer to home, in my literal viewpoint on life it's harder to find examples of "insanity of humanity" because obviously I have a different outlook on this than SJL, who has come forth as the originator of the topic suggestion in the first place. To me, "insanity of humanity" would be represented by someone running naked through the streets or Michael Jackson dangling his kid over a balcony or someone engaging in a clearly psychotic act of some sort. Images that we've seen so far purporting to address this topic really haven't hit the mark (at least in my view). In one instance the intended focus of the image was difficult to see so I missed the point the photographer was trying to make. Even after things were explained to me I don't really see that as a good example of "insanity of humanity." Unfortunately the image was not rendered well enough technically -- bottom line is that no explanation should have been necessary.

People from MR come from all over the world. I live in a very sophisticated urban/suburban area so that what might be viewed as "insanity" by someone living in a very rural area is all too often commonplace in my part of this world. Ditto for things which are done in this world for various reasons, such as coal mining and landfills. I guess I have a much different definition of "insanity of humanity" than some of you younger, more idealistic people!

Now if I wanted to start a big fight here I could comment on what in my view is "insanity," or at the very least, incongruity: the whole issue of immigration into the US and the concept of "legal" and "illegal" immigrants. Huh? If someone has come into the US illegally, should they or should they not be entitled to benefits provided to those who have come into this country in an approved and aboveboard manner? What exactly IS the definition, then, of "illegal?"
Clix Pix said:
Now if I wanted to start a big fight here I could comment on what in my view is "insanity," or at the very least, incongruity: the whole issue of immigration into the US and the concept of "legal" and "illegal" immigrants. Huh? If someone has come into the US illegally, should they or should they not be entitled to benefits provided to those who have come into this country in an approved and aboveboard manner? What exactly IS the definition, then, of "illegal?"

Clix Pix you are my new hero. Perhaps you could photoshop some illegal immigrants so they are waiting in line at the DMV for their driver's license. Now there's insanity. Or perhaps a picture of american teens waiving a mexican flag in protest? Ok, I'll shut up now... :cool:
neut said:
That's a cool image. :)

Is it just me or is the focus right in front of the subject? May i ask how you setup your subject?

Clix - i like your fence image. The abstracted higlight is cool and the subltle spider webbing is a nice touch. :)

mine...teehee :eek: (now I feel like a big d-bag for saying that...)

Aren't we taking this MR pic assign. a bit too serous? :p

peace | neut

Seriously (haha), too many rules. Most of us are mature enough to just submit at the most 2 or 3 pictures, I mean the point is to see a lot of different peoples' images of the 'assignment', maybe get some ideas and some feedback....just enjoy the pictures and chill guys.
Clix Pix said:
Sorry, SJL, but it sounds as though you're more interested in attempting to make a political statement than you are in actually considering what works photographically, especially in a very mixed population such as we have here on MR (lifestyles, living situations, equipment and skill sets are very much varied). You want political statements expressed through photography?

Well, he didn't say that your photo had to make a political statement. He just said that you need to take a photo of situation, or an act, or......something, that you think is senseless and that involves humanity. You can take a photo of whatever you want, political or not.

I think you're making this too complicated for yourself. I believe most people do get the point. Just post whatever you think represents the insanity of humanity. You don't need to go to an insane asylum to get photos.
And regarding what you thought was "Insanity of Humanity"....

To me, "insanity of humanity" would be represented by someone running naked through the streets or Michael Jackson dangling his kid over a balcony or someone engaging in a clearly psychotic act of some sort. Images that we've seen so far purporting to address this topic really haven't hit the mark (at least in my view). In one instance the intended focus of the image was difficult to see so I missed the point the photographer was trying to make. Even after things were explained to me I don't really see that as a good example of "insanity of humanity."

This is an example of "insanity", but not of "humanity." When you put a name and a face to it (ie: Michael Jackson), you've already taken the "humanity" part out of it.

And no, these assignments aren't fun if there are too many rules and complications, but I really don't understand how either topic could be misinterpreted to such an extent. Just don't post a photo if you don't understand. Just watch what others do.

And I don't even know how illegal immigrants and examples of politically chaged photography was brought up when sjl simply gave some examples, but *yawn*
FritzTheWonderM said:
Clix Pix you are my new hero. Perhaps you could photoshop some illegal immigrants so they are waiting in line at the DMV for their driver's license. Now there's insanity. Or perhaps a picture of american teens waiving a mexican flag in protest? Ok, I'll shut up now... :cool:

Or Bush waiving the Chinese ($) flag?

I thought we we're taking pics here???

OutThere - whoops! :eek: ... nice image! :D

Cool Semetary image ... i'd like to see it rotated a bit (though, could be unecessary). :cool:

peace | neut
Clix Pix said:
Mike Teezie said:
(image snipped)

Cool shot! I like the angle and perspective at which you shot it and the clouds add interest, too. Very nice!

Thanks. Nothing too fancy, just the only thing I've shot within the guidelines that could be called "metal" at all.
Abstract said:
Then from what you're saying, we shouldn't be able to submit more than one shot. "Technical excellence," after all. We should only be able to submit ONE photograph if this were a real monthly contest, and if we're going to rank them at the end of each contest period, that means 1 photo submitted per month, no more. It might also mean that the contest is very slow until the end, since nobody will submit anything in case they get a better idea or better shot later. It really depends on what your aim is.

Many camera clubs allow for multiple entries for a particular topic.

And as such that we are trying for a camera club on the web type of thing iMO, we need to have more basic themes in order to get more interest. And to build the skills of the members.

And with regards to what is submitted, I don't think it has to be "technically excellent, which was one of your criteria. It just has to be creative, which was your other criteria. That doesn't mean it has to be taken at a weird angle that nobody else would have thought of. However, it does mean coming up with something that fits the assignment that nobody thought to take. That's sort of why I took the photo with the shoes hanging from the power lines. You're the one person who kind of missed the point, but it was kind of a funny pic for "Insanity of Humanity."

Depends on what we are trying to accomplish with "assignments" here in the Digital Photo thread. We already have a picture thread for "funny pics" and others here on MR.

Threads here should IMO be about trying to give life to a subject that may have been done many times over, a new outlook. Or maybe in some instances being "documentary" that gives an image some meaning.

Maybe your shot is an example of the W/NW concept that I talked about.

@Clix Pix: You asked about your 2 submissions. If it was solely up to me to decide whether both photos are different enough to count, I'd say "No". They're of the exact same thing, regardless of angle. I think if you're going to take a photo of the same thing, you need to pick which one is best. There are lots of angles and possible ways to photograph that rack, but you can't submit them all, or arguably, you can't even submit 2.

Ok maybe I need to pay more attention to posts in a thread like this. :) Or maybe read the thread about the rules for posting in the "assignments" thread. :)

Again looking at the way camera clubs work, there are generally a set number of images allowed for submission for review by the "judges" and membership. Usually 3 to 5 per a topic.

Submission of the same subject twice with different views is not a bad thing in clubs. It allows the photographer a chance to get comments as to why one image might be better than another. Now if this is going to be a juried type of thing, then your choice on her images are right on.

Also there is the factor of submitting a "straight" image, and one of submitting a "stylized" version.

Again camera clubs have different rules on whether there is to be a strict guideline as to when submitted images are going to be accepted. From the clubs that I know of; "advanced" topics like the "Insanity of Humanity", are generally open to anytime frame. Something like "Metal" might be limited to a specific shooting date.

In the case of specific shooting dates, they will generally give their members at least 30 days notice prior to the start of the theme. This gives members a chance to think and plan their shooting. An exception to this might be "24 Hours In Your Neighborhood (or City)", to be shot during a specific day (or for those of us that work odd days) a specific 7 day span.

Keep in mind I am commenting on a passing view of your post. And I don't think that it is unreasonable to look it that way IMO. Again, maybe I missed it - but this type of thread is sounding like it is being moderated, not by the Mods, but by the likes of those that run some of the HOA's I have dealt with and heard of.

IMO, we should not have any deadlines for monthly topic submissions for the next 12 months. In order to give others to develop their eye, by seeing examples. Exceptions might be made for "Day In the Life" type "assignments" and the such.

I am sorry if it seems that I am ranting. But photography should be about fun and the craft. Too many rules spoils it for the masses.

Here is an example of an image that might fit both the "Insanity" and the "Metal" "assignments". But why at this point in our growth here, should be have two separate threads going? One for those that meet limited deadlines, and others that might have art taken before.

The image attached fits a "documentary" style. Yes, for some the image can stand alone. But greater context is made when one finds out that this window is a home in Reykjavik - and is directly across the street from the US Embassy there.


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Clix Pix said:
Ah....OK! Now I understand the problem here. I'll admit that I am very literal-minded and so I don't always see things the way others do, and if if someone were to post an image of, say, an open-cut coal mine (what exactly is that, anyway?), I'd look at it and say, "huh?" and dismiss it. Ditto for an image of landfills or long queues of rush-hour traffic. Regardless of how artistically and technically perfectly the images might be rendered, I'd have a hard time perceiving them in the context of "insanity of humanity." Sorry, but you're just being a bit too idealistic here and now that you've come forth to offer an explanation of why you offered this topic, it's even more understandable why we haven't seen more entries in this category. What you think of as "insanity of humanity" may not all be what someone else thinks of when they consider that topic.

Actually, what some peope view as "the insanity of humanity" is what others of us take for granted. Sorry, SJL, but it sounds as though you're more interested in attempting to make a political statement than you are in actually considering what works photographically, especially in a very mixed population such as we have here on MR (lifestyles, living situations, equipment and skill sets are very much varied). You want political statements expressed through photography? OK, fine, here's a suggestion. Check out Peter Bendheim. He posts on Nikon Cafe and has done several outstanding photojournalistic documentary-type projects which have appeared online and in print. He is from South Africa and is continually striving to help make life better there and to record the daily injustices which still go on in that country.

Getting closer to home, in my literal viewpoint on life it's harder to find examples of "insanity of humanity" because obviously I have a different outlook on this than SJL, who has come forth as the originator of the topic suggestion in the first place. To me, "insanity of humanity" would be represented by someone running naked through the streets or Michael Jackson dangling his kid over a balcony or someone engaging in a clearly psychotic act of some sort. Images that we've seen so far purporting to address this topic really haven't hit the mark (at least in my view). In one instance the intended focus of the image was difficult to see so I missed the point the photographer was trying to make. Even after things were explained to me I don't really see that as a good example of "insanity of humanity." Unfortunately the image was not rendered well enough technically -- bottom line is that no explanation should have been necessary.

People from MR come from all over the world. I live in a very sophisticated urban/suburban area so that what might be viewed as "insanity" by someone living in a very rural area is all too often commonplace in my part of this world. Ditto for things which are done in this world for various reasons, such as coal mining and landfills. I guess I have a much different definition of "insanity of humanity" than some of you younger, more idealistic people!

Now if I wanted to start a big fight here I could comment on what in my view is "insanity," or at the very least, incongruity: the whole issue of immigration into the US and the concept of "legal" and "illegal" immigrants. Huh? If someone has come into the US illegally, should they or should they not be entitled to benefits provided to those who have come into this country in an approved and aboveboard manner? What exactly IS the definition, then, of "illegal?"

The fact that we come from different corners of the world can make for interesting photos.

That is why I don't think any image should be rejected by those in charge. Unless it is a juried "contest" (then we need to know who the judges are, and how they are selected, and rotated through).

To prevent someone posting 20 images, we do need a total limit to a theme. We also need to post honestly about the images posted. If some one posts an image that is tired and cliched, we should say so.

I haven't commented on any images here so far, because I felt that there was too much of a love felt going on between some. And that others might be offended by not commenting on theirs, while commenting on others.

With your comments about the US immigration issue, this would have fit the topic to a "T" depending on how you observed it. And it seems that most of it might have fit in the limited time frame for images.

The discussion that we need to have if we are to have "assignments" is one of whether the image is to stand alone, or to allow a "brief" explanation of the image, following a "documentary" style.

The most recent post here is an example that can stand alone for me, but does mean more when I put some context to it.
Abstract said:
Normally, I'm not that big on rules (look everyone.....I'm double-posting!!). I actually like things to be loose, but I don't want to see someone submit 2 photos from the same set of photos (eg: more than one from the dump). Pick your BEST shot for the topic.

Maybe we should make a 2 photo limit for the assignment thread, and a 2 photo limit for the "Photos Taken before April 2006, But Happen To Fit The Assignment Topic" thread. However, maybe the rule should also state that the photos cannot be of the same subject, nor can any of them be from the same set of photos. Again, I don't wanna see 5 photos from the same set just because you think they're all good enough. Sorry. :eek:

See I should have read further. :) But I think the rules are being thought to deeply IMO. Here are three more outside of the shooting times, and they are all of the same subject, "Insanity". IMO each has its own meaning, or at least in print sizes that I think would work.

The point being, if I had 5 photos of the same subject featured for a common theme, why should I not be allowed to post them? Or in the least post a sub thread for comments on my other views of the subject?

Since there are no prizes being awarded, why not be a little loser in the "rules"? At least for the time being? It was not long ago that I requested a Digital Photography Forum, and the Mods granted us that. It should not be the few that that then try to dictate what is acceptable or not - unless we all agree.

I for one was hoping to have a venue with the "assignments", that we could learn from each other like in a camera club. If I want a contest (with prizes) there are many of those. If I want to be butchered, there are many of those too.

We have to decide for the near term (as I stated a 12 month period), for members here to gain their eye for more demanding critique and greater rules.

Again, I don't wanna see 5 photos from the same set just because you think they're all good enough. Sorry. :eek:

Did I miss the post as to who was voted as the top what ever to decide on what is right or wrong for posting here. You may have lead the effort, but that is not a right IMO to decide on whether an image stands or not' if it were not voted on by the group as a whole.


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Chip NoVaMac said:
Did I miss the post as to who was voted as the top what ever to decide on what is right or wrong for posting here. You may have lead the effort, but that is not a right IMO to decide on whether an image stands or not' if it were not voted on by the group as a whole.

It was a personal feeling. Personally, I don't want to see 5 photos from the same "shoot." The number "5" is just a number I chose. I should have said 105 if I didn't think my hyperbole was clear, although even 5 is too many of one subject for me. Again, just an opinion. I only said "Sorry" if I offended anyone who posted 3 photos of the same subject. It's not that I didn't like all the photos you all posted, even if you posted more than one, but you might have 30 to 40 photos from the dump, and while I'm sure they're nice, there's a desire for these assignments not to see each photo, no? That's why the 1 photo rule was originally made --- under the intention of having everyone post their best photo rather than all of them if they took a lot.

And I only "lead the effort" in order to have a clear set of rules. Some followed the 1 photo rule, and others didn't. Why not have everyone on the same page? I don't see anyone else trying to make things a little clearer.
Chip NoVaMac said:
The point being, if I had 5 photos of the same subject featured for a common theme, why should I not be allowed to post them?

Then lets not have rules and just scrap them. To tell you the truth, I don't like all those rules anyway, and always thought there were too many for such a simple task --- post photos that follow a theme. However, I do follow the rules that you all thought up since you all put so much thought into them. They all served a logical purpose for whoever thought up each rule, I'm sure.

I just want to know what the purpose of the 1 photo rule was if you don't understand why you can't post them all? You, Applespider, and efoto thought up a large number of these rules, and now they don't even make sense to you. :confused:
Let's take discussion of the rules into the thread that was existing for them and out of here which is meant to be pictures and comments.

To be honest, the 'rules' came up to try to avoid arguments and mainly, as I recall, to stop people reworking photos and being unduly critical.

Now we seem to be constantly rehashing discussions on both voting and rules each assignment. It's not supposed to be serious - if you want that, go to a true photography forum. It was supposed to be a bit of fun for those that for whatever reason don't feel comfortable on photography forums or those who want to share their love of photography with others.

As I summarised in the first post, the rules were basically - shoot in the time limit and be nice in your criticism rather than cruel.
platypus63 said:
I went out exploring the town where my university is located two days ago, and snapped this picture of the abandoned steel factory. It's a big metal part of the factory with all the furnaces. Looks like a pretty sinister place too.


This thing is awesome! :) :cool:
Abstract said:
Oh man, I want to try a lensbaby. I've been curious about them since I heard of about them. Cool perspective. How did you get so far under the bridge?

If you can, I really encourage you to give the lensbaby (or "the baby" to those in the know) a go. Have a look at and click on the "Lensababies friends" link. If you like someones pics, click on their name and you will go to their gallery. My name in is "Rob with Camera".

The perspective is mainly due to the fact that the lensbaby has a focal length of 50mm, so with the 1.6 crop factor of the 20D, it's approx 80mm equivalent in 35mm.

The Bridge has two pathways on the outer edges - the western side for bicycles and the eastern side for pedestrians. It's a nice walk - over 1km. I haven't been over the top though. Tours are available and very popular, but you can't take your own camera so I don't think I'll ever do it.

great picture blong. it really reminds me of one i've seen, i think on an album cover... i love the blue.

also nice shots to mike, outthere... and others, though i forget them all (just reading the thread for the first time in a while!)

as for the drama.. :rolleyes:
Blong said:
Sydney Harbour Bridge at sunset. Canon 20D, lensbaby 2.0, f8.

I love the colours in this! It's neat, too, with the unusual perspective and all the angles and lines. Very nice! I think I'd also like to see this without the use of the Lensbaby, so that all the lines and angles of the bridge were in sharp focus. The Lensbaby is quite an interesting lens and can certainly produce different effects!
Blong said:
Sydney Harbour Bridge at sunset. Canon 20D, lensbaby 2.0, f8.

Those things look fun ... :D

I'm too broke to get a real DSLR; i can afford the body, but not the lenses. :(

I've seen a lot DIY lensbabies recently. Seems to be the new thing eh? :p

peace | neut
neut said:
Those things look fun ... :D

I'm too broke to get a real DSLR; i can afford the body, but not the lenses. :(

I've seen a lot DIY lensbabies recently. Seems to be the new thing eh? :p

peace | neut

The Lensbaby has been available for a while and now they're offering version 2..... It's a specialty item which is great for creating unusual effects, same as the 10.5mm fisheye lens. Not the kind of thing you'd want for EVERY photo, but a fun way to play with different views of subjects.
Clix Pix said:
The Lensbaby has been available for a while and now they're offering version 2..... It's a specialty item which is great for creating unusual effects, same as the 10.5mm fisheye lens. Not the kind of thing you'd want for EVERY photo, but a fun way to play with different views of subjects.

Ahh ... really? The lensbaby 2 is 50mm, same as the original lensbaby. Is there something that I've missed that you are talking about?

Interesting that you mentioned that you would like to see this shot without the Lensbaby - I find that I am virtually exclusively shooting with the LB now - sharpness is not an issue anymore - it's all to do with the mood or visual effect. However, I do still appreciate a sharp shot ...

Can you clarify the bit about the 10.5mm fisheye?


neut said:
Those things look fun ... :D

I'm too broke to get a real DSLR; i can afford the body, but not the lenses. :(

I've seen a lot DIY lensbabies recently. Seems to be the new thing eh? :p

peace | neut

Lots of fun - I have only taken my lensbaby off the camera a handful of times since I bought it in October 05.

Dunno about DIY lensbaby itself, but some lensbaby users like to create their own mods to create different effects.

Generally this involves cutting your own aperture disk to either get a smaller aperture than f8 (which will make the blurring more subtle and make focusing a bit easier), or to make highlights, reflections and bits of the blur create interesting shapes. If an aperture is cut with a shape, specular highlights (dunno if I got that right, but I'm talking about flaring off lights etc) will take the shape of the aperture - so with a "normal" lens, flares off lights will be round. If the shape of the aperture is a star, then you will see star shapes in these flares. These are more pronounced in night shots, in bokeh or if you don't focus.

Other mods have included using a translucent tube at the end of the lens (like a translucent film canister with the end cut off) to diffuse light and create a soft focus like effect. I sometimes like to "stack" or "flip" my wide angle and tele adapters to get extreme effects. There are some who even go to the trouble of machining their own threads onto adapter lenses that don't actually fit the baby just to find a new effect.

It's heaps of fun and I like the manual and tactile nature of this lens.

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